נוב 13, 2018

Daily crossword puzzle solutions 13/11/2018

Daily crossword puzzle solutions 13/11/2018

___ di Pietro, artist better known as Fra Angelico crossword clue
Words repeated by Lady Macbeth in Act V, Scene 1 crossword clue
Word following 'Able was I …' crossword clue
Wise ones crossword clue
Why many people visit Napa? crossword clue
Where Cinderella lost her slipper crossword clue
What ice trays typically do? crossword clue
Western tribe crossword clue
Went after, in a way crossword clue
Weird Al Yankovic's first hit crossword clue
Vapors crossword clue
They may cover a lot of ground crossword clue
Swarming pest crossword clue
Snitched crossword clue
Singer Guthrie crossword clue
Say on a stack of Bibles crossword clue
Sault ___ Marie crossword clue
Rug rat crossword clue
RR stop crossword clue
Rouse crossword clue
Representatives Sessions (R-TX) and Aguilar (D-CA), for instance? crossword clue
Relative of a mink crossword clue
Reckless, as a decision crossword clue
Query after a knock-down-drag-out fight crossword clue
President Herbert's wife and mother, e.g.? crossword clue
Play 'Name That Tune'? crossword clue
Period enjoyed by an introvert crossword clue
Overrule crossword clue
Outlet from the left ventricle crossword clue
Org. based in Fort Meade, Md crossword clue
Nurseries? crossword clue
Nauru's capital crossword clue
Movement that Ms. magazine developed out of crossword clue
Mountain chain about 5,000 miles long … or a hint to 17-, 25-, 31-, 44-, 50- and 61-Across crossword clue
Monument Valley sights crossword clue
Modern prefix with gender crossword clue
Mathematician Daniel after whom a principle is named crossword clue
Like about half the games on a team's schedule crossword clue
Less bright, as colors crossword clue
Lav crossword clue
Key on the left side of a keyboard crossword clue
Its symbol is Sn crossword clue
Irrational fear crossword clue
Inspiring lust crossword clue
In the lead crossword clue
Hole punches crossword clue
Half of due crossword clue
Game company that introduced Breakout crossword clue
French waters crossword clue
French buddies crossword clue
Football stats: Abbr crossword clue
Followers of mis crossword clue
First little pig's building material crossword clue
Fire remnants crossword clue
Fall behind crossword clue
Fairy tale baddies crossword clue
Diving bird crossword clue
De ___ (by law) crossword clue
Company with a mascot named Leo crossword clue
Commercial prefix with Turf crossword clue
Classic Jaguar model crossword clue
Cardiologist's X-ray crossword clue
Bygone court org. — or current court org crossword clue
Bud in baseball's Hall of Fame crossword clue
Biblical queendom crossword clue
Baroque stringed instruments crossword clue
Band with the 1966 #1 hit 'Wild Thing,' with 'the' crossword clue
Alternative to the counter at a diner crossword clue
A thou crossword clue
A pop crossword clue
'___ mañana!' crossword clue
'___ Majesty' (what to call a king) crossword clue
'Oh, absolutely!' crossword clue
'Je t'___' ('I love you': Fr.) crossword clue
'Handy' thing to know, for short? crossword clue
'Gunsmoke' star James crossword clue
'Famous' cookie name crossword clue
'Bali ___' (Rodgers and Hammerstein show tune) crossword clue
___ di Pietro, artist better known as Fra Angelico
Words repeated by Lady Macbeth in Act V, Scene 1
Word following 'Able was I …'
Wise ones
Why many people visit Napa?
Where Cinderella lost her slipper
What ice trays typically do?
Western tribe
Went after, in a way
Weird Al Yankovic's first hit
They may cover a lot of ground
Swarming pest
Singer Guthrie
Say on a stack of Bibles
Sault ___ Marie
Rug rat
RR stop
Representatives Sessions (R-TX) and Aguilar (D-CA), for instance?
Relative of a mink
Reckless, as a decision
Query after a knock-down-drag-out fight
President Herbert's wife and mother, e.g.?
Play 'Name That Tune'?
Period enjoyed by an introvert
Outlet from the left ventricle
Org. based in Fort Meade, Md
Nauru's capital
Movement that Ms. magazine developed out of
Mountain chain about 5,000 miles long … or a hint to 17-, 25-, 31-, 44-, 50- and 61-Across
Monument Valley sights
Modern prefix with gender
Mathematician Daniel after whom a principle is named
Like about half the games on a team's schedule
Less bright, as colors
Key on the left side of a keyboard
Its symbol is Sn
Irrational fear
Inspiring lust
In the lead
Hole punches
Half of due
Game company that introduced Breakout
French waters
French buddies
Football stats: Abbr
Followers of mis
First little pig's building material
Fire remnants
Fall behind
Fairy tale baddies
Diving bird
De ___ (by law)
Company with a mascot named Leo
Commercial prefix with Turf
Classic Jaguar model
Cardiologist's X-ray
Bygone court org. — or current court org
Bud in baseball's Hall of Fame
Biblical queendom
Baroque stringed instruments
Band with the 1966 #1 hit 'Wild Thing,' with 'the'
Alternative to the counter at a diner
A thou
A pop
'___ mañana!'
'___ Majesty' (what to call a king)
'Oh, absolutely!'
'Je t'___' ('I love you': Fr.)
'Handy' thing to know, for short?
'Gunsmoke' star James
'Famous' cookie name
'Bali ___' (Rodgers and Hammerstein show tune)

כתוב תגובה

שבע × = 63
