crosswors puzzle answers 29/08/2016
crosswors puzzle answers 29/08/2016
5. Watch chains
7. Use a straw
10. Tower of London?
11. Tons
15. Star in Lyra
17. Sneaky sort
21. Remarked
22. Quick quaff
23. Quash
26. Plugging away
29. Outback critters
31. Not outside
32. Neighbor of Fiji
34. Massage target
36. Longish skirt
39. King of France
40. Kid's game
42. Itty-bitty
44. Have
45. Gut-punch grunt
47. Fundamental
48. Filament element
50. Enormous
52. Coral formation
55. Chuck
56. Chit
58. Busts
59. Bugs Bunny query
60. Bridges
62. Blue birds
63. Blather
65. Basic belief
66. Barbershop sound
67. Audi competitor
70. 18-wheeler
71. '____ Doubtfire'
74. 'I smell ___!'
76. 'Fargo' assent
77. 'Excuse me'
78. 'Charlotte's Web' initials – See more at:—Aug-29-2016#sthash.lQXal4Ti.dpuf
1. Young boy
4. Very pale
5. Veal or beef
8. Type of beer
10. Strong longing
11. Sports complex
14. Settle a bill
15. Scratch up
16. Sandwich bread
20. Purse handle
21. Puppy's foot
23. Plumbing tubes
24. Pigeon sound
29. Opera solo
32. Nuisance
34. Narrow road
35. Mystical glow
36. Minor quarrel
37. Makes mistakes
38. Location
40. Keep annoying
41. Jury member
45. Horse-hoof sound
46. Horse with spots
47. Hocked at a shop
48. Hiking trail
49. Harvest season
50. Gusty
52. Go bad
57. Empty space
58. Compete in a bee
60. Coconut tree
61. Cast member
63. Became angry
64. Bare minimum
65. Assign to a job
66. Appear to be
68. Amaze
69. Also
70. Allows
72. Actor Neeson
74. "That's funny!"
75. "Now it's clear"
77. "Huh?"
78. "Golly!"
– See more at:—Aug-29-2016#sthash.1m4FEcL8.dpuf
12. Sprout up
16. Slander relative
17. Shed tool
18. River rodent
23. Pasture female
27. Negative link
29. Liver spread
34. Keats work
40. Hinny's kin
41. Hebrew letters
42. Hardly outgoing
44. Gifted one?
45. German 'Mrs.'
47. Forest fledgling
49. Flowery gift
50. Fit to be tied?
51. Farm measure
54. EMT's skill
55. Drunkard
57. Deception
58. Correct
59. Composes
65. Bribe, in slang
67. Beautiful arcs
69. Awkward bloke
73. Almond-shaped
74. A Muse
75. A Gandhi
77. 'Plaines' leader
78. 'Long ___ and far away …' – See more at:—Aug-29-2016#sthash.qIcuOp8A.dpuf
1. ___ Spumante
2. Yonder ewe
10. Tie the knot
14. Silly prank
15. Seeks answers
18. Quite curious
21. Psychedelic drug
23. Opposed to
27. Mottled horse
28. Morning crowers
30. Marsh plant
31. Make ecstatic
33. Luxury resorts
36. Like some pools
39. Key next to Q
41. Inept fool
44. Gets on in years
46. Frightful
50. Draws on
52. Different
53. Different
54. Diamond square
56. Cough's cousin
59. Comb creation
61. Canary chow
62. Can't do without
65. Big book
67. Ascend
68. After expenses
69. 35mm choices
71. …with a torch
72. …with a sword
73. …with a stick
74. …with a scalpel
75. …with a gun
76. '___ your loss'
78. 'Veep' carrier – See more at:—Aug-29-2016—Who-Is-That-Masked-Man?#sthash.ytXDwVZG.dpuf
16. Rainy
18. Protein in bread
20. Political period
25. Note after fa
26. Not feel well
27. Nonglossy finish
30. Mideast robe
31. Luau necklace
32. Lower leg bone
35. Lab eggs
36. Killed
37. Kick out
39. Inhibit
41. Hue
44. Group of gnats
45. Greek 'r'
47. Gold ___ flour
48. Go on snugly
55. Energy Star org
56. Eggs over ___
58. Dish of greens
59. Crocodile's home
60. Crew implements
61. Cosmic clouds
68. British coins
69. Boy Scouts squad
70. Boy Scouts award
71. Ballet leap
73. Apple computers
77. 'Gross!'