crosswords puzzle answers 26/06/2017
crosswords puzzle answers 26/06/2017
___ Wednesday crossword clue
With 25-Down, alchemists' quest in a book released on June 26, 1997 crossword clue
Widespread crossword clue
What the Titanic did, famously crossword clue
Went on dates with crossword clue
Victory crossword clue
Units in stables crossword clue
Turkish pooh-bahs crossword clue
Toy block brand crossword clue
Tennis umpire's call crossword clue
Swear (to) crossword clue
Surgical knife crossword clue
Subject of a long sentence? crossword clue
Star of the film version of the book referenced in 15-Across/25-Down crossword clue
Specialist's vocabulary crossword clue
Soldier who's gone missing crossword clue
Small program crossword clue
Singer Fitzgerald crossword clue
Shakespeare's 'The Winter's ___' crossword clue
Self-centered sort crossword clue
See 15-Across crossword clue
Run out, as a subscription crossword clue
Person in a detached state? crossword clue
Persistently torment crossword clue
Passenger-screening org crossword clue
Palindromic Nabokov title crossword clue
Open's opposite crossword clue
Office head crossword clue
Of similar character crossword clue
Not quite closed crossword clue
Not go straight crossword clue
Nine-digit fig. on a Social Security card crossword clue
Money back crossword clue
Lion in 'The Chronicles of Narnia' crossword clue
Like volleyball that's played jointly by men and women crossword clue
Like the posture of humans crossword clue
Letters on a schedule meaning 'We'll let you know' crossword clue
Letters before gees crossword clue
Lawyers' org crossword clue
Jump crossword clue
Jay once seen nightly crossword clue
Hoity-toity type crossword clue
Hit 2017 Jordan Peele thriller crossword clue
Golf peg crossword clue
Goes 'Ah-choo!' crossword clue
Given benediction, the old-fashioned way crossword clue
Fund, as a chair crossword clue
Father: Fr crossword clue
Explosions crossword clue
Exemplify humanity, say crossword clue
Evidence for determining paternity crossword clue
Evades crossword clue
Enthusiastic crossword clue
Distinctive atmosphere crossword clue
Deadly snakes crossword clue
Crafty person at a wheel? crossword clue
Coup d'___ crossword clue
Contest award crossword clue
Comparative suffix crossword clue
Comparable to a pin, in a phrase crossword clue
Coming from two speakers crossword clue
Column's counterpart crossword clue
Cold fall crossword clue
Cause to be cherished crossword clue
Bill who's a science expert crossword clue
Big stinger crossword clue
Big party crossword clue
Biblical verb ending crossword clue
Be in a sorry state? crossword clue
Alphabet chunk after D-E-F crossword clue
Allegiance crossword clue
Advance, as money crossword clue
Abandoned European capital crossword clue
'___ and the King of Siam' crossword clue
'The Descent of Man' author crossword clue
'Cat on ___ Tin Roof' crossword clue
___ Wednesday
With 25-Down, alchemists' quest in a book released on June 26, 1997
What the Titanic did, famously
Went on dates with
Units in stables
Turkish pooh-bahs
Toy block brand
Tennis umpire's call
Swear (to)
Surgical knife
Subject of a long sentence?
Star of the film version of the book referenced in 15-Across/25-Down
Specialist's vocabulary
Soldier who's gone missing
Small program
Singer Fitzgerald
Shakespeare's 'The Winter's ___'
Self-centered sort
See 15-Across
Run out, as a subscription
Person in a detached state?
Persistently torment
Passenger-screening org
Palindromic Nabokov title
Open's opposite
Office head
Of similar character
Not quite closed
Not go straight
Nine-digit fig. on a Social Security card
Money back
Lion in 'The Chronicles of Narnia'
Like volleyball that's played jointly by men and women
Like the posture of humans
Letters on a schedule meaning 'We'll let you know'
Letters before gees
Lawyers' org
Jay once seen nightly
Hoity-toity type
Hit 2017 Jordan Peele thriller
Golf peg
Goes 'Ah-choo!'
Given benediction, the old-fashioned way
Fund, as a chair
Father: Fr
Exemplify humanity, say
Evidence for determining paternity
Distinctive atmosphere
Deadly snakes
Crafty person at a wheel?
Coup d'___
Contest award
Comparative suffix
Comparable to a pin, in a phrase
Coming from two speakers
Column's counterpart
Cold fall
Cause to be cherished
Bill who's a science expert
Big stinger
Big party
Biblical verb ending
Be in a sorry state?
Alphabet chunk after D-E-F
Advance, as money
Abandoned European capital
'___ and the King of Siam'
'The Descent of Man' author
'Cat on ___ Tin Roof'
Willy with a chocolate factory crossword clue
Wedding exchange crossword clue
Toothpaste type crossword clue
Tissue layers crossword clue
The Concorde, for one crossword clue
Swipe over a checkout laser crossword clue
Suggestion crossword clue
Star of TV's 'Westworld' crossword clue
Spouse's family crossword clue
Songwriter Porter crossword clue
Smorgasbord offering crossword clue
Ship of 1492 crossword clue
Sharpen crossword clue
Rust or lime, for example crossword clue
Really hate crossword clue
Prom chaperones, usually crossword clue
Preordained occasion crossword clue
Popular sunning spot crossword clue
Pop singer Mars crossword clue
Perfect crossword clue
Paver's goo crossword clue
One, for Juan crossword clue
Occupied the throne crossword clue
Nation between Can. and Mex crossword clue
Lively party crossword clue
Like the smell of burning plastic crossword clue
Like most indoor plants crossword clue
Lift up crossword clue
Letter after upsilon crossword clue
Lend a hand crossword clue
Inert gas crossword clue
In addition crossword clue
Imaginary line through the Earth crossword clue
Idyllic spot crossword clue
Hurt crossword clue
Humdingers crossword clue
Hired bully crossword clue
Herring's kin crossword clue
Henry VIII's dynasty crossword clue
Hay units crossword clue
Hay storage site crossword clue
Have unpaid debts crossword clue
Haddock's home crossword clue
Goal of negotiations crossword clue
Flip decision crossword clue
Favoring neither faction in a dispute crossword clue
F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife crossword clue
Crowning points crossword clue
Competed in a bee, in Britain crossword clue
Come to a close crossword clue
Combo's engagement crossword clue
Clearasil target, informally crossword clue
City of northern England crossword clue
Chaney of horror films crossword clue
Cavalry base crossword clue
Cattle call crossword clue
Card worth one or eleven in blackjack crossword clue
Canonized person crossword clue
Cabernet Sauvignon or Malbec, e.g crossword clue
Bunches crossword clue
Boorish crossword clue
Book makeup crossword clue
Blast, so to speak crossword clue
Bartender's mixer crossword clue
Attire crossword clue
Aromatherapy place crossword clue
Archipelago part crossword clue
Appearance crossword clue
Alternative to Dem. and Rep crossword clue
Alleviated crossword clue
7UP, in bygone ads crossword clue
1981 hit for ELO crossword clue
'Slip Slidin' Away' singer crossword clue
'I cannot tell ___' crossword clue
'Gosh!' crossword clue
'Gladiator' star crossword clue
Willy with a chocolate factory
Wedding exchange
Toothpaste type
Tissue layers
The Concorde, for one
Swipe over a checkout laser
Star of TV's 'Westworld'
Spouse's family
Songwriter Porter
Smorgasbord offering
Ship of 1492
Rust or lime, for example
Really hate
Prom chaperones, usually
Preordained occasion
Popular sunning spot
Pop singer Mars
Paver's goo
One, for Juan
Occupied the throne
Nation between Can. and Mex
Lively party
Like the smell of burning plastic
Like most indoor plants
Lift up
Letter after upsilon
Lend a hand
Inert gas
In addition
Imaginary line through the Earth
Idyllic spot
Hired bully
Herring's kin
Henry VIII's dynasty
Hay units
Hay storage site
Have unpaid debts
Haddock's home
Goal of negotiations
Flip decision
Favoring neither faction in a dispute
F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife
Crowning points
Competed in a bee, in Britain
Come to a close
Combo's engagement
Clearasil target, informally
City of northern England
Chaney of horror films
Cavalry base
Cattle call
Card worth one or eleven in blackjack
Canonized person
Cabernet Sauvignon or Malbec, e.g
Book makeup
Blast, so to speak
Bartender's mixer
Aromatherapy place
Archipelago part
Alternative to Dem. and Rep
7UP, in bygone ads
1981 hit for ELO
'Slip Slidin' Away' singer
'I cannot tell ___'
'Gladiator' star
Wrist bone crossword clue
Words before 'trap' or 'high standard' crossword clue
WNW's opposite crossword clue
Window shopper, essentially crossword clue
Uses a pacifier or straw crossword clue
Town in Indiana or Louisiana crossword clue
To-his own link crossword clue
Thriving, healthwise crossword clue
Things in janitors' closets crossword clue
Swear words by Boy Scouts? crossword clue
Sundry assortment crossword clue
Sports venues crossword clue
Spherical hairdo crossword clue
Southwest plain crossword clue
Some deer crossword clue
Small mountain pool crossword clue
Shoed digits crossword clue
Send out, as matter crossword clue
Sat through again, as a film crossword clue
Sacred wading bird of the Nile crossword clue
Run leisurely crossword clue
Rose's sticker crossword clue
Ricin suppliers crossword clue
Repeat word-for-word crossword clue
Ram of astrology crossword clue
Queue crossword clue
Prepare to pray crossword clue
Place for the setting sun crossword clue
Place for Anna and the King crossword clue
Pictures on skin, informally crossword clue
Period around Dec. 25 crossword clue
Part of a pig's foot crossword clue
Paint thinner crossword clue
Out-and-out crossword clue
One who goes for the gold? crossword clue
One way to cook eggs crossword clue
One side of a debate crossword clue
One of many in a movie crossword clue
One of 18 on a golf course crossword clue
One continually taking shots? crossword clue
Old TV's '___-Team' crossword clue
Nocturnal fliers crossword clue
Neutral middle vowel crossword clue
Moth attractor crossword clue
Little map on a big map crossword clue
Like a cloudless night crossword clue
Lg. and sm. kin crossword clue
Kind of clef, voice or sax crossword clue
It's more, proverbially crossword clue
It's better than better (with 'the') crossword clue
Informal store-inventory units crossword clue
Husk relative crossword clue
Historic fur trader crossword clue
Hasty crossword clue
Guitar part crossword clue
Getting things going crossword clue
Friend's opposite crossword clue
Freetown currency crossword clue
Financial penalty crossword clue
Far from thrilling crossword clue
Eyelid inflammation crossword clue
Excessively sentimental crossword clue
Emcee's opener crossword clue
Do away with crossword clue
Disorderly or untidy crossword clue
Dam crossword clue
Crosby and Stills' mate crossword clue
Cream of the crop crossword clue
Command to a dog crossword clue
Coiled toy crossword clue
Clinches, as a sure victory crossword clue
By mouth crossword clue
Burned residue crossword clue
Brown shade crossword clue
British mother crossword clue
'___ and restrictions may apply' crossword clue
'Land' of a film musical crossword clue
'Hey' relative crossword clue
Wrist bone
Words before 'trap' or 'high standard'
WNW's opposite
Window shopper, essentially
Uses a pacifier or straw
Town in Indiana or Louisiana
To-his own link
Thriving, healthwise
Things in janitors' closets
Swear words by Boy Scouts?
Sundry assortment
Sports venues
Spherical hairdo
Southwest plain
Some deer
Small mountain pool
Shoed digits
Send out, as matter
Sat through again, as a film
Sacred wading bird of the Nile
Run leisurely
Rose's sticker
Ricin suppliers
Repeat word-for-word
Ram of astrology
Prepare to pray
Place for the setting sun
Place for Anna and the King
Pictures on skin, informally
Period around Dec. 25
Part of a pig's foot
Paint thinner
One who goes for the gold?
One way to cook eggs
One side of a debate
One of many in a movie
One of 18 on a golf course
One continually taking shots?
Old TV's '___-Team'
Nocturnal fliers
Neutral middle vowel
Moth attractor
Little map on a big map
Like a cloudless night
Lg. and sm. kin
Kind of clef, voice or sax
It's more, proverbially
It's better than better (with 'the')
Informal store-inventory units
Husk relative
Historic fur trader
Guitar part
Getting things going
Friend's opposite
Freetown currency
Financial penalty
Far from thrilling
Eyelid inflammation
Excessively sentimental
Emcee's opener
Do away with
Disorderly or untidy
Crosby and Stills' mate
Cream of the crop
Command to a dog
Coiled toy
Clinches, as a sure victory
By mouth
Burned residue
Brown shade
British mother
'___ and restrictions may apply'
'Land' of a film musical
'Hey' relative
Word that can follow the first parts of 20- and 58-Across and 11- and 29-Down crossword clue
Word before talk or rally crossword clue
Winter hrs. in Denver crossword clue
Whole bunch crossword clue
Where stevedores toil crossword clue
Wavy lines, in comics crossword clue
Was worthy of crossword clue
Was chauffeured crossword clue
Typically buggy software version crossword clue
Tyke's taboo crossword clue
Two-legged source of red meat crossword clue
Tribal healer crossword clue
Transactions at Belmont crossword clue
They're slipped into slippers crossword clue
Symbol of immunity on 'Survivor' crossword clue
Swear to be true crossword clue
Straps on Santa's sleigh crossword clue
Showy annual flower crossword clue
Ruby of 'A Raisin in the Sun' crossword clue
River of Dresden crossword clue
Resistance units crossword clue
Repairs, as a Wimbledon court crossword clue
Ready for a tenant crossword clue
Put one's John Hancock on crossword clue
Prefix with wife or way crossword clue
Places to graze crossword clue
Place to drain pasta crossword clue
Pandered to crossword clue
One-inch putt, say crossword clue
One-eyed Norse deity crossword clue
One subject to arrest crossword clue
Occur before, historically crossword clue
Novelist-publisher go-between crossword clue
Mudville player count crossword clue
Move like a mudslide crossword clue
Makes modifications to crossword clue
Like two of a dog's legs crossword clue
Like some lengthy TV episodes crossword clue
Like a 43-Across game crossword clue
Lena of 'Hollywood Homicide' crossword clue
Launch an insurrection crossword clue
Laine with Grammys in three categories crossword clue
Klum of 'Project Runway' crossword clue
JPEG or MP3 crossword clue
Jobs of Silicon Valley crossword clue
Home to some cypresses crossword clue
Heretic factions, perhaps crossword clue
Have down pat crossword clue
Genesis of an invention crossword clue
Funnel-shaped crossword clue
Foldable abode crossword clue
Fitbit unit crossword clue
First chip in the pot crossword clue
Easily crumbled cheese crossword clue
Double-handled bag, typically crossword clue
Dog-days complaint crossword clue
Dinghy propeller crossword clue
Develop a liking for crossword clue
Cup-filling limit crossword clue
Clears after expenses crossword clue
Classic arcade name crossword clue
Choose to forfeit crossword clue
Channel for armchair athletes crossword clue
Carson City's locale (Abbr.) crossword clue
Brooks with a dual role in 'Spaceballs' crossword clue
Brief squabble crossword clue
Boys after baptisms, often crossword clue
Big name in golf and tennis wear crossword clue
Ben & Jerry's quantity crossword clue
Bathwater temperature tester crossword clue
Await a decision crossword clue
Artful deception crossword clue
Any score, at the top of the 10th inning crossword clue
Alternatives to moonroofs crossword clue
'I wanna have it!' crossword clue
'Halt, matey!' crossword clue
'Animal House' getups crossword clue
'1812 Overture' sound crossword clue
Word that can follow the first parts of 20- and 58-Across and 11- and 29-Down
Word before talk or rally
Winter hrs. in Denver
Whole bunch
Where stevedores toil
Wavy lines, in comics
Was worthy of
Was chauffeured
Typically buggy software version
Tyke's taboo
Two-legged source of red meat
Tribal healer
Transactions at Belmont
They're slipped into slippers
Symbol of immunity on 'Survivor'
Swear to be true
Straps on Santa's sleigh
Showy annual flower
Ruby of 'A Raisin in the Sun'
River of Dresden
Resistance units
Repairs, as a Wimbledon court
Ready for a tenant
Put one's John Hancock on
Prefix with wife or way
Places to graze
Place to drain pasta
Pandered to
One-inch putt, say
One-eyed Norse deity
One subject to arrest
Occur before, historically
Novelist-publisher go-between
Mudville player count
Move like a mudslide
Makes modifications to
Like two of a dog's legs
Like some lengthy TV episodes
Like a 43-Across game
Lena of 'Hollywood Homicide'
Launch an insurrection
Laine with Grammys in three categories
Klum of 'Project Runway'
Jobs of Silicon Valley
Home to some cypresses
Heretic factions, perhaps
Have down pat
Genesis of an invention
Foldable abode
Fitbit unit
First chip in the pot
Easily crumbled cheese
Double-handled bag, typically
Dog-days complaint
Dinghy propeller
Develop a liking for
Cup-filling limit
Clears after expenses
Classic arcade name
Choose to forfeit
Channel for armchair athletes
Carson City's locale (Abbr.)
Brooks with a dual role in 'Spaceballs'
Brief squabble
Boys after baptisms, often
Big name in golf and tennis wear
Ben & Jerry's quantity
Bathwater temperature tester
Await a decision
Artful deception
Any score, at the top of the 10th inning
Alternatives to moonroofs
'I wanna have it!'
'Halt, matey!'
'Animal House' getups
'1812 Overture' sound
Writer's alias crossword clue
Wood-shaping tool crossword clue
Western rifle brand crossword clue
Vatican-related crossword clue
Used to be crossword clue
Use scissors crossword clue
Urban district crossword clue
Unable to sit still crossword clue
Turn __ (become) crossword clue
Traffic tie-ups crossword clue
Thick soup crossword clue
Tall story crossword clue
Tack on crossword clue
Sunrise direction crossword clue
Sultan's group of wives crossword clue
States without proof crossword clue
State leader: Abbr crossword clue
Squirrel snack crossword clue
Spill the beans crossword clue
Sound from a 32 Across crossword clue
Soap __ (daytime drama) crossword clue
Soaks in the tub crossword clue
Shakespeare's river crossword clue
Rocks found in mines crossword clue
River sediment crossword clue
Public persona crossword clue
Prepare for the cold, as a car crossword clue
Prayer ender crossword clue
Playwright George Bernard __ crossword clue
Pin the blame on crossword clue
Pilot a plane crossword clue
Perfume bottle crossword clue
Pat of "Wheel of Fortune" crossword clue
Openings for coins crossword clue
Nevada city crossword clue
Motive crossword clue
More frosty crossword clue
More elegant crossword clue
Moral wrong crossword clue
Moistens crossword clue
Military no-show: Abbr crossword clue
Memorable times crossword clue
Memo heading crossword clue
Make amends crossword clue
Make a knot in crossword clue
Luxury boat crossword clue
Italian salami city crossword clue
Is entitled to crossword clue
Insurance seller crossword clue
In the center of crossword clue
Humble home crossword clue
Hole-punching tools crossword clue
Highest poker cards crossword clue
Guys like Wyatt Earp crossword clue
Grocery workers crossword clue
Glass sheet in a wall crossword clue
Ginger cookies crossword clue
Frozen precipitation crossword clue
Female hog crossword clue
Female deer crossword clue
Exceedingly crossword clue
Cruise stop crossword clue
Corrosive chemical crossword clue
Convertible sofa crossword clue
Comment from a canary crossword clue
Chauffeur-driven vehicle crossword clue
Catch fire crossword clue
Buy a pig in __ crossword clue
British chap crossword clue
Black-and-white cookies crossword clue
Big name in motor homes crossword clue
Add decorations to crossword clue
6-pt. football plays crossword clue
"__ voyage!" crossword clue
"That's life" crossword clue
"Mona __" crossword clue
"It wasn't me!" crossword clue
"Be serious!" crossword clue
Writer's alias
Wood-shaping tool
Western rifle brand
Used to be
Use scissors
Urban district
Unable to sit still
Turn __ (become)
Traffic tie-ups
Thick soup
Tall story
Tack on
Sunrise direction
Sultan's group of wives
States without proof
State leader: Abbr
Squirrel snack
Spill the beans
Sound from a 32 Across
Soap __ (daytime drama)
Soaks in the tub
Shakespeare's river
Rocks found in mines
River sediment
Public persona
Prepare for the cold, as a car
Prayer ender
Playwright George Bernard __
Pin the blame on
Pilot a plane
Perfume bottle
Pat of "Wheel of Fortune"
Openings for coins
Nevada city
More frosty
More elegant
Moral wrong
Military no-show: Abbr
Memorable times
Memo heading
Make amends
Make a knot in
Luxury boat
Italian salami city
Is entitled to
Insurance seller
In the center of
Humble home
Hole-punching tools
Highest poker cards
Guys like Wyatt Earp
Grocery workers
Glass sheet in a wall
Ginger cookies
Frozen precipitation
Female hog
Female deer
Cruise stop
Corrosive chemical
Convertible sofa
Comment from a canary
Chauffeur-driven vehicle
Catch fire
Buy a pig in __
British chap
Black-and-white cookies
Big name in motor homes
Add decorations to
6-pt. football plays
"__ voyage!"
"That's life"
"Mona __"
"It wasn't me!"
"Be serious!"
Writer Zora __ Hurston crossword clue
Work on a script crossword clue
Will-signing needs crossword clue
Volcanic debris crossword clue
Vagabond crossword clue
USAF truant crossword clue
Twilled fabric crossword clue
Tranquilizes crossword clue
Tetley products crossword clue
Take notice of crossword clue
So last week crossword clue
Singing sensation Boyle crossword clue
Sent a dupe letter to crossword clue
Seed-to-be crossword clue
Riveter painted by Rockwell crossword clue
Right-angle shape crossword clue
Reporter's question crossword clue
Perot of politics crossword clue
PDQ, in the ICU crossword clue
Parcel (out) crossword clue
Oozy stuff crossword clue
One dressing to be noticed crossword clue
On-the-sly romantic meetings crossword clue
Oklahoma tribe crossword clue
New Balance competitor crossword clue
Muddy barnyard abode crossword clue
Moccasin or loafer crossword clue
Lustful deity crossword clue
Lowest dresser compartment crossword clue
Looker that's usually blue or brown crossword clue
Like much of Maine's coastline crossword clue
Law enforcement shocker crossword clue
Job with an oil change crossword clue
Japanese soup noodle crossword clue
Innocent sorts crossword clue
In accordance with crossword clue
Hard-to-resist impulse crossword clue
Gushed crossword clue
Grazing area crossword clue
Good news on Wall Street crossword clue
Go through entirely crossword clue
Furry 'Star Wars' creature crossword clue
Floor plan division crossword clue
Flexed crossword clue
Finn's friend crossword clue
Fiction's opposite crossword clue
Fashion's Chanel crossword clue
Falls back crossword clue
Empty hallway sound crossword clue
Electrical unit crossword clue
Driver's protest crossword clue
Dr. Watson outburst crossword clue
Court assistant crossword clue
Cosmetics giant crossword clue
Confection not as sweet as the 'milk' variety crossword clue
Clock setting for MI and MO crossword clue
Chekov's 'Star Trek' rank: Abbr crossword clue
Ceremonial act crossword clue
Cellphone revitalizers crossword clue
Cars for stars crossword clue
Canadian gas sign crossword clue
Campus mil. group crossword clue
California's Big __ crossword clue
Cake mix giant crossword clue
Bush Labor secretary Elaine crossword clue
Budgetary excesses crossword clue
Book name crossword clue
Barbecue coatings crossword clue
Bank acct. IDs crossword clue
Aware of, as a scheme crossword clue
App symbol crossword clue
Alien crew in sci-fi films crossword clue
Affectionate touches with one's lashes crossword clue
Actress Farrow crossword clue
Actor Stephen crossword clue
'Yum!' crossword clue
'You made that up!' crossword clue
'Ring around the collar' detergent crossword clue
Writer Zora __ Hurston
Work on a script
Will-signing needs
Volcanic debris
USAF truant
Twilled fabric
Tetley products
Take notice of
So last week
Singing sensation Boyle
Sent a dupe letter to
Riveter painted by Rockwell
Right-angle shape
Reporter's question
Perot of politics
PDQ, in the ICU
Parcel (out)
Oozy stuff
One dressing to be noticed
On-the-sly romantic meetings
Oklahoma tribe
New Balance competitor
Muddy barnyard abode
Moccasin or loafer
Lustful deity
Lowest dresser compartment
Looker that's usually blue or brown
Like much of Maine's coastline
Law enforcement shocker
Job with an oil change
Japanese soup noodle
Innocent sorts
In accordance with
Hard-to-resist impulse
Grazing area
Good news on Wall Street
Go through entirely
Furry 'Star Wars' creature
Floor plan division
Finn's friend
Fiction's opposite
Fashion's Chanel
Falls back
Empty hallway sound
Electrical unit
Driver's protest
Dr. Watson outburst
Court assistant
Cosmetics giant
Confection not as sweet as the 'milk' variety
Clock setting for MI and MO
Chekov's 'Star Trek' rank: Abbr
Ceremonial act
Cellphone revitalizers
Cars for stars
Canadian gas sign
Campus mil. group
California's Big __
Cake mix giant
Bush Labor secretary Elaine
Budgetary excesses
Book name
Barbecue coatings
Bank acct. IDs
Aware of, as a scheme
App symbol
Alien crew in sci-fi films
Affectionate touches with one's lashes
Actress Farrow
Actor Stephen
'You made that up!'
'Ring around the collar' detergent