דצמ 23, 2017

crosswords puzzle answers 23/12/2017

crosswords puzzle answers 23/12/2017

___ Riddle of the Harry Potter books crossword clue
York successor crossword clue
Without proof crossword clue
Toastmasters' stumbles crossword clue
To this day crossword clue
Times of fitful sleep, maybe crossword clue
They're called up crossword clue
Th.D.'s field crossword clue
Stupefied crossword clue
Spreadsheet command crossword clue
Some football linemen: Abbr crossword clue
Some batteries crossword clue
Slalom maneuver crossword clue
Shade of light brownish-gray crossword clue
Sample group? crossword clue
Said 'I dare you' to, say crossword clue
Rudy Giuliani or Fiorello La Guardia crossword clue
Quick biography crossword clue
Purviews crossword clue
Provincial despots crossword clue
Product once known as 'The Miracle Cream of Baltimore' crossword clue
Prestigious women's college in Atlanta crossword clue
Pre-op procedure crossword clue
Place known to natives as Chomolungma ('goddess mother of the world') crossword clue
Name often said before this clue's number crossword clue
Much of a marmoset's diet crossword clue
Meringue-based dessert named for a ballerina crossword clue
Maneuver on a surfboard crossword clue
Male grooming aid crossword clue
Magazine for entrepreneurs crossword clue
Lip crossword clue
Like the Golden Horde crossword clue
Köln or Nürnberg crossword clue
Kickoff aid crossword clue
Japanese native crossword clue
It flows near the Piazzale Michelangelo crossword clue
Import crossword clue
I crossword clue
Honor for Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan, but not Roger Moore or Daniel Craig crossword clue
Hollywood V.I.P crossword clue
Hip-hop performer who was 2016's Best New Artist Grammy winner crossword clue
Hightail it crossword clue
He wrote 'In wildness is the preservation of the world' crossword clue
Give: Sp crossword clue
Get the job done crossword clue
George Tenet's 'At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the ___' crossword clue
G.I. food packs crossword clue
Flat figures crossword clue
Dumps one's complaints on crossword clue
Drug sought by Roy Cohn in 'Angels in America' crossword clue
Dish that's out of this world? crossword clue
Discuss thickness with a doctor? crossword clue
Dear departed? crossword clue
Daring deed crossword clue
CVS offerings crossword clue
Come to a boil crossword clue
Certain swab sample crossword clue
Certain aisle terminus crossword clue
Bygone can opener crossword clue
Boiled breakfast dish crossword clue
Association crossword clue
Arms race event, for short crossword clue
Alternative to Tide crossword clue
Alphabet trio crossword clue
Accumulated, with 'up' crossword clue
A bunch crossword clue
'Shh, something's coming!' crossword clue
'She's Like the Wind' and others crossword clue
___ Riddle of the Harry Potter books
York successor
Without proof
Toastmasters' stumbles
To this day
Times of fitful sleep, maybe
They're called up
Th.D.'s field
Spreadsheet command
Some football linemen: Abbr
Some batteries
Slalom maneuver
Shade of light brownish-gray
Sample group?
Said 'I dare you' to, say
Rudy Giuliani or Fiorello La Guardia
Quick biography
Provincial despots
Product once known as 'The Miracle Cream of Baltimore'
Prestigious women's college in Atlanta
Pre-op procedure
Place known to natives as Chomolungma ('goddess mother of the world')
Name often said before this clue's number
Much of a marmoset's diet
Meringue-based dessert named for a ballerina
Maneuver on a surfboard
Male grooming aid
Magazine for entrepreneurs
Like the Golden Horde
Köln or Nürnberg
Kickoff aid
Japanese native
It flows near the Piazzale Michelangelo
Honor for Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan, but not Roger Moore or Daniel Craig
Hollywood V.I.P
Hip-hop performer who was 2016's Best New Artist Grammy winner
Hightail it
He wrote 'In wildness is the preservation of the world'
Give: Sp
Get the job done
George Tenet's 'At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the ___'
G.I. food packs
Flat figures
Dumps one's complaints on
Drug sought by Roy Cohn in 'Angels in America'
Dish that's out of this world?
Discuss thickness with a doctor?
Dear departed?
Daring deed
CVS offerings
Come to a boil
Certain swab sample
Certain aisle terminus
Bygone can opener
Boiled breakfast dish
Arms race event, for short
Alternative to Tide
Alphabet trio
Accumulated, with 'up'
A bunch
'Shh, something's coming!'
'She's Like the Wind' and others

Yuletide quaffs crossword clue
Writer crossword clue
Wonder-struck crossword clue
Winter utterance crossword clue
Winter figures, made from the 'bonus' letters in this puzzle's theme answers crossword clue
Will of 'Blue Bloods' crossword clue
Where residents wish each other 'Buon Natale!' crossword clue
Westminster Abbey's Cosmati pavement, e.g crossword clue
Wasikowska of 'Crimson Peak' crossword clue
Vittles crossword clue
Unsurprisingly crossword clue
Two items on a bird lover's Christmas tree? crossword clue
Teeming crossword clue
Supervision of a creche display? crossword clue
Superior sort crossword clue
Subj. of some WikiLeaks leaks crossword clue
Strong heart crossword clue
Stops up crossword clue
Stocking stuffer? crossword clue
Stamped on crossword clue
Single crossword clue
Singer-songwriter Sands crossword clue
Singer at Barack's first inauguration crossword clue
Shooter Shaquille crossword clue
Sermon's finish? crossword clue
Second part of a count crossword clue
Ring result crossword clue
Response to 'Nice day' crossword clue
Renoir contemporary crossword clue
Refi restriction crossword clue
Reba McEntire's '___ Survivor' crossword clue
Pros with bows crossword clue
Privy to crossword clue
Prank crossword clue
Polygraph exciter crossword clue
Places where the acoustics are lousy for Christmas singing? crossword clue
Period spent preparing the presents? crossword clue
Only president born in New Hampshire crossword clue
One with a mortgage, e.g crossword clue
One of five in 'The Winter's Tale' crossword clue
One addressed as 'my lord' crossword clue
Once more crossword clue
On the roof of crossword clue
Norse pole, e.g.? crossword clue
Move like the one-horse open sleigh riders crossword clue
More widespread crossword clue
More gung-ho crossword clue
Monopoly quartet: Abbr crossword clue
Mob bosses crossword clue
Mired-down-reindeer mishap? crossword clue
Merchandise crossword clue
Meet successfully crossword clue
Marker feature crossword clue
Make abundantly clear crossword clue
Like some office Santas crossword clue
Like 12, but not XII crossword clue
Lanford Wilson play 'The ___ Baltimore' crossword clue
Kin of Art Moderne crossword clue
Keys crossword clue
Kaplan University specialty crossword clue
Jump over crossword clue
Joint use of a pasture crossword clue
John, to Lennon crossword clue
Jimi Hendrix followed them at Woodstock crossword clue
Jackie's second spouse crossword clue
Jackie of 'Rush Hour' crossword clue
Is audibly unhappy crossword clue
In ___ (as originally located) crossword clue
In the past crossword clue
Hula hoop spinners crossword clue
Household chore crossword clue
Horace collection crossword clue
Hook helper crossword clue
Hearth stuff crossword clue
Head, humorously crossword clue
Half-baked crossword clue
Haas of 'Inception' crossword clue
Guest accommodation crossword clue
Got out of the sleigh, say crossword clue
Goalie's wear crossword clue
Give ___ (care) crossword clue
Gifts for Dad crossword clue
Fundamental principle crossword clue
Fly off the shelves crossword clue
Fish also know as black grouper crossword clue
Field worker crossword clue
Erstwhile Fox teen series crossword clue
Entered crossword clue
East, in Berlin crossword clue
Dud crossword clue
Deuterium, e.g crossword clue
Decoration for Genghis's door? crossword clue
December, yearwise crossword clue
December 24 and 31 crossword clue
Contents of some pockets crossword clue
Contemptuous expression crossword clue
Constrain crossword clue
Concerned farewell crossword clue
Clatters crossword clue
Cinematic canine crossword clue
Christmas tree decoration crossword clue
Christmas tree branch? crossword clue
Christmas Day, this yr crossword clue
Choir member crossword clue
Chock Full o' Nuts container crossword clue
Chip introduced in 1993 crossword clue
Certain colas crossword clue
Certain cola crossword clue
Cash on hand? crossword clue
Case handler: Abbr crossword clue
Cart pullers crossword clue
Candy pioneer H.B crossword clue
Cab competitor crossword clue
Build-___ Workshop crossword clue
Bovine bellow crossword clue
Body expert crossword clue
Blissful place crossword clue
Blacklisted screenwriter Dalton crossword clue
Base-eight crossword clue
B&B visit crossword clue
Assigner of nine-digit nos crossword clue
Approximating suffix crossword clue
Amazon smart speaker crossword clue
Admits crossword clue
Admin. aide crossword clue
A bireme has two banks of them crossword clue
'___ you cry, I'll be back again some day' ('Frosty' lyric) crossword clue
'___ Mommy kissing Santa Claus…' crossword clue
'___ lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you' crossword clue
'The hopes and fears of all the years are met in ___ tonight' crossword clue
'Stille ___' ('Silent Night') crossword clue
'Nova' subj crossword clue
'Maisie's Merry Christmas' writer Paterson crossword clue
'Le Mythe de Sisyphe' writer crossword clue
'How could you think that of me?' crossword clue
'Happy Motoring!' brand crossword clue
'Elephant and __' (Mo Willems children's book series) crossword clue
'Deck the Halls' snippet crossword clue
'Chandelier' singer crossword clue
'…___ cold winter's night that was so deep' crossword clue
'…but the children know how he came ___ one day' ('Frosty' lyric) crossword clue
'…beginning to look ___ like Christmas…' crossword clue
Yuletide quaffs
Winter utterance
Winter figures, made from the 'bonus' letters in this puzzle's theme answers
Will of 'Blue Bloods'
Where residents wish each other 'Buon Natale!'
Westminster Abbey's Cosmati pavement, e.g
Wasikowska of 'Crimson Peak'
Two items on a bird lover's Christmas tree?
Supervision of a creche display?
Superior sort
Subj. of some WikiLeaks leaks
Strong heart
Stops up
Stocking stuffer?
Stamped on
Singer-songwriter Sands
Singer at Barack's first inauguration
Shooter Shaquille
Sermon's finish?
Second part of a count
Ring result
Response to 'Nice day'
Renoir contemporary
Refi restriction
Reba McEntire's '___ Survivor'
Pros with bows
Privy to
Polygraph exciter
Places where the acoustics are lousy for Christmas singing?
Period spent preparing the presents?
Only president born in New Hampshire
One with a mortgage, e.g
One of five in 'The Winter's Tale'
One addressed as 'my lord'
Once more
On the roof of
Norse pole, e.g.?
Move like the one-horse open sleigh riders
More widespread
More gung-ho
Monopoly quartet: Abbr
Mob bosses
Mired-down-reindeer mishap?
Meet successfully
Marker feature
Make abundantly clear
Like some office Santas
Like 12, but not XII
Lanford Wilson play 'The ___ Baltimore'
Kin of Art Moderne
Kaplan University specialty
Jump over
Joint use of a pasture
John, to Lennon
Jimi Hendrix followed them at Woodstock
Jackie's second spouse
Jackie of 'Rush Hour'
Is audibly unhappy
In ___ (as originally located)
In the past
Hula hoop spinners
Household chore
Horace collection
Hook helper
Hearth stuff
Head, humorously
Haas of 'Inception'
Guest accommodation
Got out of the sleigh, say
Goalie's wear
Give ___ (care)
Gifts for Dad
Fundamental principle
Fly off the shelves
Fish also know as black grouper
Field worker
Erstwhile Fox teen series
East, in Berlin
Deuterium, e.g
Decoration for Genghis's door?
December, yearwise
December 24 and 31
Contents of some pockets
Contemptuous expression
Concerned farewell
Cinematic canine
Christmas tree decoration
Christmas tree branch?
Christmas Day, this yr
Choir member
Chock Full o' Nuts container
Chip introduced in 1993
Certain colas
Certain cola
Cash on hand?
Case handler: Abbr
Cart pullers
Candy pioneer H.B
Cab competitor
Build-___ Workshop
Bovine bellow
Body expert
Blissful place
Blacklisted screenwriter Dalton
B&B visit
Assigner of nine-digit nos
Approximating suffix
Amazon smart speaker
Admin. aide
A bireme has two banks of them
'___ you cry, I'll be back again some day' ('Frosty' lyric)
'___ Mommy kissing Santa Claus…'
'___ lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you'
'The hopes and fears of all the years are met in ___ tonight'
'Stille ___' ('Silent Night')
'Nova' subj
'Maisie's Merry Christmas' writer Paterson
'Le Mythe de Sisyphe' writer
'How could you think that of me?'
'Happy Motoring!' brand
'Elephant and __' (Mo Willems children's book series)
'Deck the Halls' snippet
'Chandelier' singer
'…___ cold winter's night that was so deep'
'…but the children know how he came ___ one day' ('Frosty' lyric)
'…beginning to look ___ like Christmas…'

Young salamanders crossword clue
Weight you pay nothing for crossword clue
Way more desperate crossword clue
Virgil's birthplace crossword clue
Values crossword clue
Use your fingers crossword clue
Type of following crossword clue
Trippy drug crossword clue
Thanksgiving mo. crossword clue
Tennis zero crossword clue
Sweet-talker crossword clue
Supporter crossword clue
Stella McCartney, for one crossword clue
Stays longer than crossword clue
Stat for a reliever crossword clue
Start to 'got a clue' crossword clue
Sink relatives of old crossword clue
Single-issue magazine crossword clue
Silence in the symphony crossword clue
Reports or maintains crossword clue
Prior, old-style crossword clue
Possesses crossword clue
Piglet's friend crossword clue
One doing sight seeing? crossword clue
Not fast crossword clue
Nighttime noise-maker crossword clue
Nice hunk of marble crossword clue
More wealthy crossword clue
Marsh plant crossword clue
Man called the March King crossword clue
Life story, in brief crossword clue
Let up crossword clue
Lesser Antilles native crossword clue
Knight's title crossword clue
In that direction, archaically crossword clue
Idaho product, informally crossword clue
Horrible negotiator crossword clue
Harm crossword clue
Hanging on by a thread? crossword clue
Ham's dad crossword clue
Golf prop crossword clue
Get ragged crossword clue
Gaelic language crossword clue
Fresh breeze permitters crossword clue
Foot segment crossword clue
Flu variety crossword clue
Escalator feature crossword clue
Endangered crossword clue
End of a rugby game crossword clue
En ___ (all together) crossword clue
Easy feat crossword clue
Dry up in the heat crossword clue
Doing nothing crossword clue
Defunct NBA rival crossword clue
Crone crossword clue
Crimson crossword clue
Contented crossword clue
Common beverage crossword clue
Cleveland resident crossword clue
Chop branches crossword clue
Changed direction abruptly crossword clue
Certain evergreens crossword clue
Breakfast potatoes crossword clue
Bikini part crossword clue
Better aligned crossword clue
Beginning stages crossword clue
Attach crossword clue
Arranged or settled crossword clue
Absentee crossword clue
Abet's partner crossword clue
'The ___ of the Deal' crossword clue
'Straight away' crossword clue
'Scat!' relative crossword clue
'I don't believe it!' crossword clue
'Here's a new clue!' crossword clue
'Do ___ others as…' crossword clue
Young salamanders
Weight you pay nothing for
Way more desperate
Virgil's birthplace
Use your fingers
Type of following
Trippy drug
Thanksgiving mo.
Tennis zero
Stella McCartney, for one
Stays longer than
Stat for a reliever
Start to 'got a clue'
Sink relatives of old
Single-issue magazine
Silence in the symphony
Reports or maintains
Prior, old-style
Piglet's friend
One doing sight seeing?
Not fast
Nighttime noise-maker
Nice hunk of marble
More wealthy
Marsh plant
Man called the March King
Life story, in brief
Let up
Lesser Antilles native
Knight's title
In that direction, archaically
Idaho product, informally
Horrible negotiator
Hanging on by a thread?
Ham's dad
Golf prop
Get ragged
Gaelic language
Fresh breeze permitters
Foot segment
Flu variety
Escalator feature
End of a rugby game
En ___ (all together)
Easy feat
Dry up in the heat
Doing nothing
Defunct NBA rival
Common beverage
Cleveland resident
Chop branches
Changed direction abruptly
Certain evergreens
Breakfast potatoes
Bikini part
Better aligned
Beginning stages
Arranged or settled
Abet's partner
'The ___ of the Deal'
'Straight away'
'Scat!' relative
'I don't believe it!'
'Here's a new clue!'
'Do ___ others as…'

___ metabolic rate crossword clue
___ John letter crossword clue
___ Awards (honors for extreme stupidity) crossword clue
Yawning fissure crossword clue
Women's prison official crossword clue
When roosters crow crossword clue
Walk-___ (some clinics) crossword clue
Walk haltingly crossword clue
Uses curlers on crossword clue
Up-front payment crossword clue
TKO caller crossword clue
Title role for Benicio del Toro crossword clue
Takes the bull by the horns crossword clue
Tag figure crossword clue
System with hotspots crossword clue
Swerve off course crossword clue
Surrenderer at Appomattox crossword clue
Suffix in political science crossword clue
State bordering only one other crossword clue
Slice of toast, in diner lingo crossword clue
Sleuth portrayed by Oland and Ustinov crossword clue
Sixth-graders, usually crossword clue
Sire, biblically crossword clue
Silly sort, to a Brit crossword clue
Sex determinant in the human genome crossword clue
Second-stringers' spot crossword clue
Seafood salad morsel crossword clue
Sans mixer, at a bar crossword clue
Result of overexertion, often crossword clue
Reason to display a wooden stork crossword clue
Really steamed crossword clue
Place for a pants patch crossword clue
PC key above End crossword clue
Payment to a franchisor crossword clue
On one's toes crossword clue
Obey a Garmin command crossword clue
New wing, e.g crossword clue
Neighbor of Tobago crossword clue
Movie dog captured by a flying monkey crossword clue
Morsel in a chipmunk's cheek pouch crossword clue
Mob turncoats crossword clue
Mideast sultanate crossword clue
Michelangelo masterpiece crossword clue
Maker of Aspire PCs crossword clue
Lower limit (Abbr.) crossword clue
Lennon's ode to Ono crossword clue
Larry of the Three Stooges crossword clue
Joins an office pool, perhaps crossword clue
Ivana and Marla, to Donald crossword clue
Ira who wrote 'Rosemary's Baby' crossword clue
Intersection at which one must 37-Down crossword clue
Inside dope crossword clue
Insertion with a letter (Abbr.) crossword clue
ICBM part crossword clue
Holey, plastic shoe crossword clue
Girl who fell down a rabbit hole crossword clue
Full of team spirit crossword clue
Far from relaxed crossword clue
Domino's delivery, informally crossword clue
Dollar rentals crossword clue
Could really use crossword clue
Contributor to a blog crossword clue
Compete on 'The Biggest Loser,' say crossword clue
Classic question from a child crossword clue
Cerumen-producing organ crossword clue
Became threadbare crossword clue
Baldwin who lampoons Trump crossword clue
Appliance brand named for an Iowa colony crossword clue
Aer Lingus symbol crossword clue
30 Seconds to Mars vocalist Jared crossword clue
'___ day now . . .' crossword clue
'___ bodkins!' crossword clue
'We're in trouble!' crossword clue
'Voice of Israel' author Abba crossword clue
'I do,' e.g crossword clue
'Bye for now' crossword clue
'Alas' sound crossword clue
'A Woman Reading' painter Camille crossword clue
___ metabolic rate
___ John letter
___ Awards (honors for extreme stupidity)
Yawning fissure
Women's prison official
When roosters crow
Walk-___ (some clinics)
Walk haltingly
Uses curlers on
Up-front payment
TKO caller
Title role for Benicio del Toro
Takes the bull by the horns
Tag figure
System with hotspots
Swerve off course
Surrenderer at Appomattox
Suffix in political science
State bordering only one other
Slice of toast, in diner lingo
Sleuth portrayed by Oland and Ustinov
Sixth-graders, usually
Sire, biblically
Silly sort, to a Brit
Sex determinant in the human genome
Second-stringers' spot
Seafood salad morsel
Sans mixer, at a bar
Result of overexertion, often
Reason to display a wooden stork
Really steamed
Place for a pants patch
PC key above End
Payment to a franchisor
On one's toes
Obey a Garmin command
New wing, e.g
Neighbor of Tobago
Movie dog captured by a flying monkey
Morsel in a chipmunk's cheek pouch
Mob turncoats
Mideast sultanate
Michelangelo masterpiece
Maker of Aspire PCs
Lower limit (Abbr.)
Lennon's ode to Ono
Larry of the Three Stooges
Joins an office pool, perhaps
Ivana and Marla, to Donald
Ira who wrote 'Rosemary's Baby'
Intersection at which one must 37-Down
Inside dope
Insertion with a letter (Abbr.)
ICBM part
Holey, plastic shoe
Girl who fell down a rabbit hole
Full of team spirit
Far from relaxed
Domino's delivery, informally
Dollar rentals
Could really use
Contributor to a blog
Compete on 'The Biggest Loser,' say
Classic question from a child
Cerumen-producing organ
Became threadbare
Baldwin who lampoons Trump
Appliance brand named for an Iowa colony
Aer Lingus symbol
30 Seconds to Mars vocalist Jared
'___ day now . . .'
'___ bodkins!'
'We're in trouble!'
'Voice of Israel' author Abba
'I do,' e.g
'Bye for now'
'Alas' sound
'A Woman Reading' painter Camille

__ beer crossword clue
Zodiac depiction crossword clue
Word from the Japanese for "group leader" crossword clue
Where many take stock crossword clue
Well-groomed crossword clue
Virtuosi crossword clue
Undeclared America-France conflict of 1798-1800 crossword clue
Theban ruler in "Oedipus Rex" crossword clue
Stimulative crossword clue
Some time in crossword clue
Some drone activities crossword clue
Smart Assistant speaker crossword clue
Sharp saw crossword clue
Seasoning in Vietnamese soup crossword clue
Revise for the better crossword clue
Remedy for split ends crossword clue
Radiance, in brand names crossword clue
Prepare for bargaining, perhaps crossword clue
Prelims of a sort crossword clue
Possible fatigue from a wine tasting crossword clue
Penetrate, with "in" crossword clue
Particular periods crossword clue
Opposite of "calm" crossword clue
One working over pressure crossword clue
One of a select group crossword clue
Off-kilter crossword clue
NFC West team crossword clue
Music that inspired the Beach Boys crossword clue
Much of GO Veggie! "Swiss" crossword clue
Mideast region, old-style crossword clue
Metaphorical object of exploitation crossword clue
It's seen in much verbal communication crossword clue
It means "on the ground" crossword clue
Grossly inadequate crossword clue
Great Smoky Mountains wildflower crossword clue
Grains crossword clue
Gets nowhere crossword clue
French novelist admired by Zola crossword clue
French brandy variety crossword clue
Fall that may sting crossword clue
Ends, as objections crossword clue
Earth science measures crossword clue
Don't plan crossword clue
Director appearing in "Mandela in America" crossword clue
Designation of two US senators crossword clue
Deportment crossword clue
Data-sharing acronym crossword clue
Correspond crossword clue
Conquest conspirator in "Wonder Woman" crossword clue
Coming up soon crossword clue
Come to fruition crossword clue
Cleary kid-lit mischief maker crossword clue
Character-creation pastime, for short crossword clue
Certain cub crossword clue
Central Brussels crossword clue
Cable __ crossword clue
Boxer's "Watch it!" crossword clue
Bolger and Lahr, in "The Wizard of Oz" crossword clue
Best Actress Oscar role just before Loretta crossword clue
Ben Franklin founded it crossword clue
Being seen, in a way crossword clue
Bay of Naples city crossword clue
Authorized? crossword clue
Asparagus, essentially crossword clue
Aggregates: Abbr crossword clue
Adoptee, perhaps crossword clue
"We keep meeting" crossword clue
"Presents . . . __ absents": Charles Lamb crossword clue
"Beloved" name crossword clue
"As much as you like" crossword clue
__ beer
Zodiac depiction
Word from the Japanese for "group leader"
Where many take stock
Undeclared America-France conflict of 1798-1800
Theban ruler in "Oedipus Rex"
Some time in
Some drone activities
Smart Assistant speaker
Sharp saw
Seasoning in Vietnamese soup
Revise for the better
Remedy for split ends
Radiance, in brand names
Prepare for bargaining, perhaps
Prelims of a sort
Possible fatigue from a wine tasting
Penetrate, with "in"
Particular periods
Opposite of "calm"
One working over pressure
One of a select group
NFC West team
Music that inspired the Beach Boys
Much of GO Veggie! "Swiss"
Mideast region, old-style
Metaphorical object of exploitation
It's seen in much verbal communication
It means "on the ground"
Grossly inadequate
Great Smoky Mountains wildflower
Gets nowhere
French novelist admired by Zola
French brandy variety
Fall that may sting
Ends, as objections
Earth science measures
Don't plan
Director appearing in "Mandela in America"
Designation of two US senators
Data-sharing acronym
Conquest conspirator in "Wonder Woman"
Coming up soon
Come to fruition
Cleary kid-lit mischief maker
Character-creation pastime, for short
Certain cub
Central Brussels
Cable __
Boxer's "Watch it!"
Bolger and Lahr, in "The Wizard of Oz"
Best Actress Oscar role just before Loretta
Ben Franklin founded it
Being seen, in a way
Bay of Naples city
Asparagus, essentially
Aggregates: Abbr
Adoptee, perhaps
"We keep meeting"
"Presents . . . __ absents": Charles Lamb
"Beloved" name
"As much as you like"

__ Schwarz crossword clue
__ Major crossword clue
With 1-Down, 'Gadzooks!' crossword clue
Where to hear 25-Across crossword clue
Usain Bolt, vis-? -vis virtually everyone crossword clue
Unreliable, in a way crossword clue
Type of lizard found indoors? crossword clue
TV monitor crossword clue
The Pleiades of myth, e.g crossword clue
TAG Heuer competitor crossword clue
Subtle 'Listen up' crossword clue
Stylish jeans feature crossword clue
Small raiding bands crossword clue
Sizing letters crossword clue
Shopping mecca crossword clue
Seeks a better deal crossword clue
See 1-Across crossword clue
School division crossword clue
Sacha Baron Cohen persona crossword clue
Rich beverage crossword clue
Rapper with the albums 'Harlem World' and 'Welcome Back' crossword clue
Piranhas, in Venezuela crossword clue
Part of the family group crossword clue
Oregon city named for a fur merchant crossword clue
One might be convincing crossword clue
Old Monterey Bay fort crossword clue
Natural emollient crossword clue
Mediterranean land crossword clue
Mamet play featuring a rare nickel crossword clue
Lot crossword clue
Logician's 'E' crossword clue
Lipstick marketing word crossword clue
Like much museum art crossword clue
Like grapefruit crossword clue
Law enforcement support org crossword clue
Lago feeders crossword clue
Lacking crossword clue
Knight time crossword clue
Item wielded on 'Chopped' crossword clue
Improv staples crossword clue
Hurdles, for one crossword clue
Hockey legend crossword clue
Gaelic tongue crossword clue
Fuel in tins crossword clue
Fort Benning, e.g crossword clue
Football's 'Boomer' crossword clue
Flowering plant in the legume family crossword clue
Examples of bad driving crossword clue
Equal start? crossword clue
Eco-friendly wheels crossword clue
Data restriction on Twitter usage crossword clue
Critical subject in Roman history crossword clue
Couldn't offer any justification crossword clue
Camera initials crossword clue
Burns poem whose subject is 'ugly, creepin' crossword clue
Bonny one crossword clue
Blood test letters crossword clue
Bishop's purview crossword clue
Back again crossword clue
Aussie college crossword clue
Auction action starter crossword clue
As a group crossword clue
Ancient spiritual groups crossword clue
'Understood' 39-Across crossword clue
'Soldier of Love' Grammy winner crossword clue
'Music for Airports' producer crossword clue
'Livin' La Vida __' crossword clue
'I am __ / More sinn'd against than sinning': King Lear crossword clue
__ Schwarz
__ Major
With 1-Down, 'Gadzooks!'
Where to hear 25-Across
Usain Bolt, vis-? -vis virtually everyone
Unreliable, in a way
Type of lizard found indoors?
TV monitor
The Pleiades of myth, e.g
TAG Heuer competitor
Subtle 'Listen up'
Stylish jeans feature
Small raiding bands
Sizing letters
Shopping mecca
Seeks a better deal
See 1-Across
School division
Sacha Baron Cohen persona
Rich beverage
Rapper with the albums 'Harlem World' and 'Welcome Back'
Piranhas, in Venezuela
Part of the family group
Oregon city named for a fur merchant
One might be convincing
Old Monterey Bay fort
Natural emollient
Mediterranean land
Mamet play featuring a rare nickel
Logician's 'E'
Lipstick marketing word
Like much museum art
Like grapefruit
Law enforcement support org
Lago feeders
Knight time
Item wielded on 'Chopped'
Improv staples
Hurdles, for one
Hockey legend
Gaelic tongue
Fuel in tins
Fort Benning, e.g
Football's 'Boomer'
Flowering plant in the legume family
Examples of bad driving
Equal start?
Eco-friendly wheels
Data restriction on Twitter usage
Critical subject in Roman history
Couldn't offer any justification
Camera initials
Burns poem whose subject is 'ugly, creepin'
Bonny one
Blood test letters
Bishop's purview
Back again
Aussie college
Auction action starter
As a group
Ancient spiritual groups
'Understood' 39-Across
'Soldier of Love' Grammy winner
'Music for Airports' producer
'Livin' La Vida __'
'I am __ / More sinn'd against than sinning': King Lear

כתוב תגובה

7 + = שש עשרה
