יונ 16, 2018

crosswords puzzle answers 16/06

crosswords puzzle answers 16/06

Writing on the wall, so to speak crossword clue
What every actor would probably like to do crossword clue
Villain's part, often crossword clue
Vegan no-nos crossword clue
Vacation destinations off the coast of Venezuela crossword clue
Tub-thump crossword clue
Touching, maybe crossword clue
Tore crossword clue
The King, late in his career crossword clue
Teen ___ crossword clue
Successfully wooed crossword clue
Sticky patch crossword clue
Starter for starter? crossword clue
Something carried by a singer crossword clue
Some rolls crossword clue
Sing to a baby, maybe crossword clue
Sediment crossword clue
School in the Big Sky Conference crossword clue
Role on the 1960s 'Star Trek' crossword clue
Rocket stabilizer crossword clue
Red Spanish wine crossword clue
Real lifesavers crossword clue
Polo alternative crossword clue
Path of an overnight star crossword clue
Paleolithic relic crossword clue
Oneirologist's study crossword clue
Must get crossword clue
Ministers (to) crossword clue
Member of the British royal family crossword clue
Major thoroughfare in Rome crossword clue
Luxury Hyundai crossword clue
Like pub patrons crossword clue
Letters before Q crossword clue
John, overseas crossword clue
Japanese lunch option crossword clue
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, e.g crossword clue
Image on the South Carolina flag crossword clue
Hopes, with some effort, that one will crossword clue
Highest score in baccarat crossword clue
Hero of New Orleans crossword clue
Good time to build a castle? crossword clue
Get going crossword clue
Former reality TV show first hosted by Anderson Cooper crossword clue
Flawlessly styled, in modern slang crossword clue
First king to unite all the Frankish tribes crossword clue
Fair game crossword clue
Embiggen crossword clue
Doctors' orders? crossword clue
Court interruption crossword clue
Cool, colloquially crossword clue
Compliment, typically crossword clue
Comment after a burp crossword clue
Comfy shoe features crossword clue
Classic paperback publisher crossword clue
Class crossword clue
Big gulp crossword clue
Be hot crossword clue
Back-to-school purchase crossword clue
Argentine soccer star, informally crossword clue
Apollo played with them crossword clue
Antibiotic ointment crossword clue
Ancient Greek colonnade crossword clue
9-Down selection crossword clue
'___ Funny That Way' (old song standard) crossword clue
'Pulp Fiction' actor Rhames crossword clue
'Jay ___ Garage' (Emmy-winning series) crossword clue
'House of Cards,' e.g crossword clue
'… the Lord ___ away' crossword clue
Writing on the wall, so to speak
What every actor would probably like to do
Villain's part, often
Vegan no-nos
Vacation destinations off the coast of Venezuela
Touching, maybe
The King, late in his career
Teen ___
Successfully wooed
Sticky patch
Starter for starter?
Something carried by a singer
Some rolls
Sing to a baby, maybe
School in the Big Sky Conference
Role on the 1960s 'Star Trek'
Rocket stabilizer
Red Spanish wine
Real lifesavers
Polo alternative
Path of an overnight star
Paleolithic relic
Oneirologist's study
Must get
Ministers (to)
Member of the British royal family
Major thoroughfare in Rome
Luxury Hyundai
Like pub patrons
Letters before Q
John, overseas
Japanese lunch option
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, e.g
Image on the South Carolina flag
Hopes, with some effort, that one will
Highest score in baccarat
Hero of New Orleans
Good time to build a castle?
Get going
Former reality TV show first hosted by Anderson Cooper
Flawlessly styled, in modern slang
First king to unite all the Frankish tribes
Fair game
Doctors' orders?
Court interruption
Cool, colloquially
Compliment, typically
Comment after a burp
Comfy shoe features
Classic paperback publisher
Big gulp
Be hot
Back-to-school purchase
Argentine soccer star, informally
Apollo played with them
Antibiotic ointment
Ancient Greek colonnade
9-Down selection
'___ Funny That Way' (old song standard)
'Pulp Fiction' actor Rhames
'Jay ___ Garage' (Emmy-winning series)
'House of Cards,' e.g
'… the Lord ___ away'

Zealous crossword clue
Yen crossword clue
Worry crossword clue
Winning team in the 'Black Sox Scandal' World Series crossword clue
Was glum crossword clue
Walkout in response to unruly kids? crossword clue
Vivacity crossword clue
Visitor from afar crossword clue
Verb for you crossword clue
Uproars over infringing inventors' rights? crossword clue
Tupperware pieces crossword clue
Trump marriage, e.g crossword clue
Title page crossword clue
Tickle crossword clue
The leisure class crossword clue
Template for making prison release decisions? crossword clue
Taiwanese PCs crossword clue
Sudden outpouring crossword clue
Striper, e.g crossword clue
Spot crossword clue
Spoken crossword clue
Smucker's selections crossword clue
Skim the surface, in a way crossword clue
Skeptic's scoff crossword clue
Seal quartet crossword clue
Scratched (out) crossword clue
Scotch products crossword clue
Sardonic writer Lebowitz crossword clue
Samoan's skirt crossword clue
Sam Cooke specialty crossword clue
Risk everything at the table crossword clue
Revealing crossword clue
Refers to a higher authority crossword clue
Reduce over time crossword clue
Reacts to a punch crossword clue
Push crossword clue
Prominent crossword clue
Primary strategy crossword clue
Prefatory section crossword clue
Pre-euro currency crossword clue
Pompidou Center location crossword clue
Plot division crossword clue
Plays a round crossword clue
Pitching stat crossword clue
Physics calculation crossword clue
Parker product crossword clue
Paper pieces crossword clue
Pamplona pal crossword clue
Pack down crossword clue
Paces for playing crossword clue
On account of crossword clue
Old footwear crossword clue
October birthstone crossword clue
Not hitched crossword clue
Namely crossword clue
Name of a dozen popes crossword clue
Museum named for a sugar magnate crossword clue
Mom-and-pop groups, for short crossword clue
Miss by ___ crossword clue
Minor criticism crossword clue
Milton's 'adversary of God and man' crossword clue
Marine mollusk crossword clue
Maker of the Royale Eight crossword clue
Magnet end crossword clue
Look that could kill crossword clue
Line at a stop sign? crossword clue
Lightbulb component crossword clue
Leave the cabin crossword clue
Leave high and dry crossword clue
Language of Iran crossword clue
Jeans fastener crossword clue
Its second-largest city is Seeb crossword clue
It may end in a cuff crossword clue
It makes the morning papers crossword clue
It incorporates decorative half-timbering crossword clue
Irritated state crossword clue
Irritated state crossword clue
Interstices crossword clue
Incidental excursion crossword clue
Impassioned speeches crossword clue
Hollows crossword clue
HMO participants crossword clue
Hedgehog havens crossword clue
Glossy paints crossword clue
Gaudy wrap crossword clue
Fuzzy surface crossword clue
Furthermore crossword clue
Full of spirits crossword clue
Full of current crossword clue
Franklin stove makeup crossword clue
Forfeit alimony, perhaps crossword clue
Foot fivesome crossword clue
Fools, according to Puck crossword clue
Fool's lack crossword clue
Flooded crossword clue
Fleecy father crossword clue
Flat-topped hat crossword clue
Fall souvenirs crossword clue
Falafel holder crossword clue
Facial scrub target crossword clue
English assignment crossword clue
Edgar, e.g crossword clue
Droop crossword clue
Draw on crossword clue
Drake, e.g crossword clue
Deutsch dots crossword clue
Dance step crossword clue
Dailies, in the movie biz crossword clue
Concluding sections crossword clue
Colt, e.g crossword clue
Cobbler's cousin crossword clue
Clairvoyance initials crossword clue
China's location crossword clue
Chief of the kitchen police? crossword clue
Chevy SUV crossword clue
Canine command crossword clue
Buys before anybody else has a chance to crossword clue
Budget problem crossword clue
Brownish gray crossword clue
Ben & Jerry's carton words crossword clue
Beat crossword clue
Bautista of 'Guardians of the Galaxy' crossword clue
Banking pro crossword clue
Bachelor's last words crossword clue
Archie Manning's youngest son crossword clue
And others, in other words crossword clue
Analysis topic crossword clue
Amiable crossword clue
Aid for sandcastle builders crossword clue
Address bar entry crossword clue
Acquires crossword clue
1962 #1 hit for Tommy Roe crossword clue
'Would you consider giving me liberty instead of death?'? crossword clue
'The Crucible' setting crossword clue
'Out of my capabilities' crossword clue
'None for me' crossword clue
'Life preserver,' in diner lingo crossword clue
'Doggone!' crossword clue
'Chopped' or 'Top Chef'? crossword clue
#1 hit of May 1964 crossword clue
Winning team in the 'Black Sox Scandal' World Series
Was glum
Walkout in response to unruly kids?
Visitor from afar
Verb for you
Uproars over infringing inventors' rights?
Tupperware pieces
Trump marriage, e.g
Title page
The leisure class
Template for making prison release decisions?
Taiwanese PCs
Sudden outpouring
Striper, e.g
Smucker's selections
Skim the surface, in a way
Skeptic's scoff
Seal quartet
Scratched (out)
Scotch products
Sardonic writer Lebowitz
Samoan's skirt
Sam Cooke specialty
Risk everything at the table
Refers to a higher authority
Reduce over time
Reacts to a punch
Primary strategy
Prefatory section
Pre-euro currency
Pompidou Center location
Plot division
Plays a round
Pitching stat
Physics calculation
Parker product
Paper pieces
Pamplona pal
Pack down
Paces for playing
On account of
Old footwear
October birthstone
Not hitched
Name of a dozen popes
Museum named for a sugar magnate
Mom-and-pop groups, for short
Miss by ___
Minor criticism
Milton's 'adversary of God and man'
Marine mollusk
Maker of the Royale Eight
Magnet end
Look that could kill
Line at a stop sign?
Lightbulb component
Leave the cabin
Leave high and dry
Language of Iran
Jeans fastener
Its second-largest city is Seeb
It may end in a cuff
It makes the morning papers
It incorporates decorative half-timbering
Irritated state
Irritated state
Incidental excursion
Impassioned speeches
HMO participants
Hedgehog havens
Glossy paints
Gaudy wrap
Fuzzy surface
Full of spirits
Full of current
Franklin stove makeup
Forfeit alimony, perhaps
Foot fivesome
Fools, according to Puck
Fool's lack
Fleecy father
Flat-topped hat
Fall souvenirs
Falafel holder
Facial scrub target
English assignment
Edgar, e.g
Draw on
Drake, e.g
Deutsch dots
Dance step
Dailies, in the movie biz
Concluding sections
Colt, e.g
Cobbler's cousin
Clairvoyance initials
China's location
Chief of the kitchen police?
Chevy SUV
Canine command
Buys before anybody else has a chance to
Budget problem
Brownish gray
Ben & Jerry's carton words
Bautista of 'Guardians of the Galaxy'
Banking pro
Bachelor's last words
Archie Manning's youngest son
And others, in other words
Analysis topic
Aid for sandcastle builders
Address bar entry
1962 #1 hit for Tommy Roe
'Would you consider giving me liberty instead of death?'?
'The Crucible' setting
'Out of my capabilities'
'None for me'
'Life preserver,' in diner lingo
'Chopped' or 'Top Chef'?
#1 hit of May 1964

___-Pitch softball crossword clue
Yamuna River city crossword clue
Work hard crossword clue
Word of preference crossword clue
With an icy coat crossword clue
What yes-men do crossword clue
What rats do crossword clue
Wear away crossword clue
Was in the paper crossword clue
Valley crossword clue
Unreliable scoundrel crossword clue
Undesirable soft food crossword clue
U-turn from WSW crossword clue
Turn to mush crossword clue
Traffic shifters crossword clue
They drove off a cliff crossword clue
The Apple apple, e.g crossword clue
Strong smell crossword clue
Spring month crossword clue
Spreadsheet revelation crossword clue
Spades player's error crossword clue
Sonnet or ode crossword clue
Snitch crossword clue
Simple construction supplies crossword clue
Run-down area crossword clue
Run while stopped crossword clue
Public assembly meeting crossword clue
Possess crossword clue
Pool prods crossword clue
Pay-you-later kin crossword clue
Not quiet crossword clue
Name in three English rivers crossword clue
Missile housing crossword clue
Many a year ___ crossword clue
Low? No, u-turn crossword clue
Long time periods crossword clue
Like seven parts of Rome crossword clue
Least rainy crossword clue
Jungle growths crossword clue
It can get you there crossword clue
Home with no A/C crossword clue
Grammatical error crossword clue
Get feverish crossword clue
Geographic reference crossword clue
Gate securers crossword clue
Gas used as fuel crossword clue
Gardeners' nemeses crossword clue
Fuel source crossword clue
Fruit 'meat' crossword clue
Exclusive opera seating crossword clue
Examine anew crossword clue
Exam for Brit preteen students crossword clue
Ex-lax? crossword clue
Eclectic assortment crossword clue
Double agent, e.g crossword clue
Do like a bell crossword clue
David Allan of music crossword clue
Courtroom attire crossword clue
Common tree crossword clue
Commit a checking error crossword clue
Clears one's writing? crossword clue
Change text again crossword clue
Calls, in poker crossword clue
Brought to court crossword clue
Beethoven's birthplace crossword clue
Beastly male creature crossword clue
Bad cure for headaches? crossword clue
Auto pioneer Ransom crossword clue
Assist a shoplifter crossword clue
Aquarium problem crossword clue
325,851 gallons crossword clue
'Sciences' go-with crossword clue
'Nim's Island' author Wendy crossword clue
'Good gravy!' kin crossword clue
'Don't go out that door!' crossword clue
'Brady Bunch' member crossword clue
___-Pitch softball
Yamuna River city
Work hard
Word of preference
With an icy coat
What yes-men do
What rats do
Wear away
Was in the paper
Unreliable scoundrel
Undesirable soft food
U-turn from WSW
Turn to mush
Traffic shifters
They drove off a cliff
The Apple apple, e.g
Strong smell
Spring month
Spreadsheet revelation
Spades player's error
Sonnet or ode
Simple construction supplies
Run-down area
Run while stopped
Public assembly meeting
Pool prods
Pay-you-later kin
Not quiet
Name in three English rivers
Missile housing
Many a year ___
Low? No, u-turn
Long time periods
Like seven parts of Rome
Least rainy
Jungle growths
It can get you there
Home with no A/C
Grammatical error
Get feverish
Geographic reference
Gate securers
Gas used as fuel
Gardeners' nemeses
Fuel source
Fruit 'meat'
Exclusive opera seating
Examine anew
Exam for Brit preteen students
Eclectic assortment
Double agent, e.g
Do like a bell
David Allan of music
Courtroom attire
Common tree
Commit a checking error
Clears one's writing?
Change text again
Calls, in poker
Brought to court
Beethoven's birthplace
Beastly male creature
Bad cure for headaches?
Auto pioneer Ransom
Assist a shoplifter
Aquarium problem
325,851 gallons
'Sciences' go-with
'Nim's Island' author Wendy
'Good gravy!' kin
'Don't go out that door!'
'Brady Bunch' member

___ rally (school event) crossword clue
Zoning unit, perhaps crossword clue
What an insignia denotes crossword clue
Vote of opposition crossword clue
VFW part crossword clue
Vehicle on runners crossword clue
Vegetarian's meal? crossword clue
Travel agent? crossword clue
Tosspot? crossword clue
Times to call, in ads crossword clue
The Miners' sch crossword clue
Swear to be true crossword clue
Sparkling wine center crossword clue
Somnambulist's quick jaunt? crossword clue
Shows fear, perhaps crossword clue
Shots in the dark crossword clue
Shire who played Adrian crossword clue
School zone sign crossword clue
Ross or Tasman crossword clue
Reunion group crossword clue
Pool hall triangle crossword clue
Pentathlon part crossword clue
Parks of civil rights crossword clue
Pal on the ranch crossword clue
Optimist's words crossword clue
Nuisance email crossword clue
Not quite all crossword clue
Nick who was wed to Jessica Simpson crossword clue
Mother Teresa, notably crossword clue
Mary-in-mourning sculpture crossword clue
Lunchbox treat crossword clue
Like diehard fans crossword clue
Like an air freshener's aroma, perhaps crossword clue
Leave slack-jawed crossword clue
Kraft's decaf brand crossword clue
Knight or bishop crossword clue
Job for a tailor crossword clue
It's a wrap crossword clue
Irrevocable agreement crossword clue
In pieces crossword clue
Illegal baseball application crossword clue
Igneous rock, originally crossword clue
Guy with horns and a tail crossword clue
Gun seen in 'Argo' crossword clue
Grouchoesque look crossword clue
George or Placid crossword clue
Fuss at the mirror crossword clue
Furrow, as one's brows crossword clue
Flea market units crossword clue
File folder feature crossword clue
Ewok or Klingon crossword clue
Dwarf planet beyond Pluto crossword clue
Drew in crossword clue
Describing in great detail crossword clue
Deli sandwich, briefly crossword clue
Daly of 'Judging Amy' crossword clue
D.C. nine crossword clue
Cloudless sky's hue crossword clue
Clear overlay crossword clue
City east of Syracuse crossword clue
Catches in the act crossword clue
Butter beans, by another name crossword clue
Bumped off crossword clue
Buck of country's Buckaroos crossword clue
Boot camp? crossword clue
Behaves like a brat crossword clue
Annoying, like gnats crossword clue
All squared away crossword clue
Affectedly cultured crossword clue
Ad-skipping device crossword clue
Accessory with a muumuu crossword clue
A 'South Park' kid crossword clue
400-meter loop, perhaps crossword clue
0 deg., at the equator crossword clue
'Yes to that!' crossword clue
'Rope-a-dope' boxer crossword clue
'One more thing . . .' crossword clue
'Aw, nuts!' crossword clue
___ rally (school event)
Zoning unit, perhaps
What an insignia denotes
Vote of opposition
VFW part
Vehicle on runners
Vegetarian's meal?
Travel agent?
Times to call, in ads
The Miners' sch
Swear to be true
Sparkling wine center
Somnambulist's quick jaunt?
Shows fear, perhaps
Shots in the dark
Shire who played Adrian
School zone sign
Ross or Tasman
Reunion group
Pool hall triangle
Pentathlon part
Parks of civil rights
Pal on the ranch
Optimist's words
Nuisance email
Not quite all
Nick who was wed to Jessica Simpson
Mother Teresa, notably
Mary-in-mourning sculpture
Lunchbox treat
Like diehard fans
Like an air freshener's aroma, perhaps
Leave slack-jawed
Kraft's decaf brand
Knight or bishop
Job for a tailor
It's a wrap
Irrevocable agreement
In pieces
Illegal baseball application
Igneous rock, originally
Guy with horns and a tail
Gun seen in 'Argo'
Grouchoesque look
George or Placid
Fuss at the mirror
Furrow, as one's brows
Flea market units
File folder feature
Ewok or Klingon
Dwarf planet beyond Pluto
Drew in
Describing in great detail
Deli sandwich, briefly
Daly of 'Judging Amy'
D.C. nine
Cloudless sky's hue
Clear overlay
City east of Syracuse
Catches in the act
Butter beans, by another name
Bumped off
Buck of country's Buckaroos
Boot camp?
Behaves like a brat
Annoying, like gnats
All squared away
Affectedly cultured
Ad-skipping device
Accessory with a muumuu
A 'South Park' kid
400-meter loop, perhaps
0 deg., at the equator
'Yes to that!'
'Rope-a-dope' boxer
'One more thing . . .'
'Aw, nuts!'

Word from the Hindi for "viceroy" crossword clue
Whom Philbin calls "Pippa" crossword clue
Whom Gershwin dedicated his "I Got Rhythm" Variations to crossword clue
What's under your hat crossword clue
Traditional Buckeyes rival crossword clue
Tips off crossword clue
Those spurning their outfits crossword clue
Ten-time Pro Bowl quarterback ('50s and '60s) crossword clue
Tahini-based confection crossword clue
Swashbuckling sound crossword clue
Stairlike crossword clue
Something you want to turn over crossword clue
Slot-machine bonus crossword clue
Signs not to sing crossword clue
Setting for many mass movements crossword clue
Science of versification crossword clue
Sack with malice crossword clue
Rhythm readout crossword clue
Recently reconstituted protest org crossword clue
Rather small swimmer crossword clue
Pseudo-surfers crossword clue
Popular Super Bowl party centerpiece crossword clue
Pollen pouch crossword clue
Play Asimov called "immortal for that one word" crossword clue
Ostentatious, in Oxford crossword clue
Oral "OMG" crossword clue
One on the winner's side, supposedly crossword clue
Nautically agile crossword clue
Mysterious to most crossword clue
Mosquito look-alike crossword clue
Modernized, maybe crossword clue
Milanese patron of da Vinci crossword clue
Metaphor for management crossword clue
Medal rec'd by Earhart and Lindbergh crossword clue
Malia __ Obama crossword clue
Makes chaotic crossword clue
Make an important delivery crossword clue
Made shorter or leaner crossword clue
Made aware of a hack, maybe crossword clue
Like many movie speakeasies crossword clue
Lenten art project crossword clue
Latter-day case breaker crossword clue
Kitchen sink attachment crossword clue
Keep away crossword clue
Inventory, for short crossword clue
Historic event crossword clue
Guy discomfited by progressive attitudes crossword clue
Gradual, in product names crossword clue
Go easy crossword clue
Giant of French Renaissance literature crossword clue
German Dada artist crossword clue
Four-lettuce entrée crossword clue
Finn, memorably crossword clue
Find rain in Iran, e.g crossword clue
Embroidering expert crossword clue
Duck, say crossword clue
Drift away crossword clue
Distresses crossword clue
Discomfited episodes crossword clue
Dark part of a sunspot crossword clue
Cognac companion crossword clue
Charged or invested crossword clue
Capital near Lake Titicaca crossword clue
Canoe-building tool crossword clue
Bilingual mashup crossword clue
Apt name for a pet Mexican lizard crossword clue
Apply incautiously crossword clue
Antonym of "apathetic" crossword clue
Anteater cousin crossword clue
"Unfading" flower eaten by Aztecs crossword clue
"Mother of the Blues" who sang with Satchmo crossword clue
"Make getting together effortless" site crossword clue
Word from the Hindi for "viceroy"
Whom Philbin calls "Pippa"
Whom Gershwin dedicated his "I Got Rhythm" Variations to
What's under your hat
Traditional Buckeyes rival
Tips off
Those spurning their outfits
Ten-time Pro Bowl quarterback ('50s and '60s)
Tahini-based confection
Swashbuckling sound
Something you want to turn over
Slot-machine bonus
Signs not to sing
Setting for many mass movements
Science of versification
Sack with malice
Rhythm readout
Recently reconstituted protest org
Rather small swimmer
Popular Super Bowl party centerpiece
Pollen pouch
Play Asimov called "immortal for that one word"
Ostentatious, in Oxford
Oral "OMG"
One on the winner's side, supposedly
Nautically agile
Mysterious to most
Mosquito look-alike
Modernized, maybe
Milanese patron of da Vinci
Metaphor for management
Medal rec'd by Earhart and Lindbergh
Malia __ Obama
Makes chaotic
Make an important delivery
Made shorter or leaner
Made aware of a hack, maybe
Like many movie speakeasies
Lenten art project
Latter-day case breaker
Kitchen sink attachment
Keep away
Inventory, for short
Historic event
Guy discomfited by progressive attitudes
Gradual, in product names
Go easy
Giant of French Renaissance literature
German Dada artist
Four-lettuce entrée
Finn, memorably
Find rain in Iran, e.g
Embroidering expert
Duck, say
Drift away
Discomfited episodes
Dark part of a sunspot
Cognac companion
Charged or invested
Capital near Lake Titicaca
Canoe-building tool
Bilingual mashup
Apt name for a pet Mexican lizard
Apply incautiously
Antonym of "apathetic"
Anteater cousin
"Unfading" flower eaten by Aztecs
"Mother of the Blues" who sang with Satchmo
"Make getting together effortless" site

__ way, shape or form crossword clue
__ king crossword clue
Zaragoza's river crossword clue
What an enemy exploits crossword clue
Weight-training equipment crossword clue
Weasel relative crossword clue
Visionary crossword clue
Vietnamese holiday crossword clue
Very significant crossword clue
Traditional November race crossword clue
Talks up crossword clue
Subtitle of #48 in AFI's '100 Years…100 Songs' crossword clue
Souls, e.g crossword clue
Something a customer is happy to send back crossword clue
Social news website crossword clue
Social containers crossword clue
Sharon of Israel crossword clue
Runway gait crossword clue
Role for Heston or Huston crossword clue
Rewards for a big promotion? crossword clue
Remote button crossword clue
Quaint contraction crossword clue
President Aleksandar Vucic, for one crossword clue
Place where it all comes back to you? crossword clue
Peninsula partly defined by the Yalu River crossword clue
One in Berlin crossword clue
Needle holder crossword clue
Name of eight popes crossword clue
Nacho cheese crossword clue
Motel arrival? crossword clue
Map's blue areas crossword clue
Many a Syrian crossword clue
Like some diamonds crossword clue
Letter with a silent letter crossword clue
Leave slack-jawed crossword clue
Law recipient crossword clue
Laker teammate of Magic crossword clue
Jewish meal crossword clue
Jewish authority crossword clue
It has a brief solo in the first movement of Beethoven's Fifth crossword clue
Interpret crossword clue
Handle letters crossword clue
Grammy winner India.__ crossword clue
Gospel writer crossword clue
Give credit to crossword clue
Genesis brother crossword clue
G8 member crossword clue
Flip crossword clue
Fabulous fellow? crossword clue
DOJ division crossword clue
Deli selection crossword clue
Crown crossword clue
Covert call crossword clue
Cousin of hers crossword clue
Cotton cleaner crossword clue
Cosmopolitan essential crossword clue
Classic PC adventure game crossword clue
City with two MLB teams crossword clue
Chords are part of them crossword clue
Cannes Film Festival award crossword clue
Campaign donation orgs crossword clue
British vocalist __ Ora crossword clue
Booted, in old football crossword clue
Blunt, as truth crossword clue
Bird that's hard to eat? crossword clue
1999 Pacino/Crowe film about a whistleblower crossword clue
'__-Tiki' crossword clue
'Thong Song' singer crossword clue
'Quo Vadis' setting crossword clue
'Fuller House' actor crossword clue
'Count me in!' crossword clue
'Aha!' crossword clue
__ way, shape or form
__ king
Zaragoza's river
What an enemy exploits
Weight-training equipment
Weasel relative
Vietnamese holiday
Very significant
Traditional November race
Talks up
Subtitle of #48 in AFI's '100 Years…100 Songs'
Souls, e.g
Something a customer is happy to send back
Social news website
Social containers
Sharon of Israel
Runway gait
Role for Heston or Huston
Rewards for a big promotion?
Remote button
Quaint contraction
President Aleksandar Vucic, for one
Place where it all comes back to you?
Peninsula partly defined by the Yalu River
One in Berlin
Needle holder
Name of eight popes
Nacho cheese
Motel arrival?
Map's blue areas
Many a Syrian
Like some diamonds
Letter with a silent letter
Leave slack-jawed
Law recipient
Laker teammate of Magic
Jewish meal
Jewish authority
It has a brief solo in the first movement of Beethoven's Fifth
Handle letters
Grammy winner India.__
Gospel writer
Give credit to
Genesis brother
G8 member
Fabulous fellow?
DOJ division
Deli selection
Covert call
Cousin of hers
Cotton cleaner
Cosmopolitan essential
Classic PC adventure game
City with two MLB teams
Chords are part of them
Cannes Film Festival award
Campaign donation orgs
British vocalist __ Ora
Booted, in old football
Blunt, as truth
Bird that's hard to eat?
1999 Pacino/Crowe film about a whistleblower
'Thong Song' singer
'Quo Vadis' setting
'Fuller House' actor
'Count me in!'

כתוב תגובה

3 + = אחת עשרה
