נוב 15, 2017

crosswords puzzle answers 15/11/2017

crosswords puzzle answers 15/11/2017

___ Harry, vocalist for the band Blondie crossword clue
Words found in the answers to this puzzle's starred clues crossword clue
Words before double or take crossword clue
What like-pole magnets do crossword clue
What follows a cry of 'Char-r-rge!' crossword clue
What curtains may signify crossword clue
What 61-Down teams play on crossword clue
Weaselly sort crossword clue
Verbal digs crossword clue
TKO caller crossword clue
Taxpayers' IDs crossword clue
Targets crossword clue
Synthetic alternative to silk crossword clue
Suffix with sex crossword clue
St. Patrick, for the Irish crossword clue
Spot in la mer crossword clue
Some narrative writing crossword clue
Sine's reciprocal, briefly crossword clue
Sign of spring crossword clue
Sen. Cruz crossword clue
Roll-call call crossword clue
Remove with a sandblaster, say crossword clue
Rascal crossword clue
Place for a sword crossword clue
Perfectly crossword clue
Palindromic farm animal crossword clue
Org. with the Original Six teams crossword clue
Mushroom used in sukiyaki crossword clue
Mineral in bath powder crossword clue
Message on an offstage card crossword clue
Mechanism in a unidirectional wrench crossword clue
Many a rapper's name crossword clue
Man's name that means 'king' crossword clue
Lucy's sitcom pal crossword clue
Like a doctor's penmanship, stereotypically crossword clue
Lennox of Eurythmics crossword clue
Learjet competitor crossword clue
Johnny Appleseed, e.g crossword clue
Is a first-stringer crossword clue
Ike's home state: Abbr crossword clue
Home of the Ewoks crossword clue
Herd unit crossword clue
Harry Potter's Hedwig, e.g crossword clue
Gets ready to play basketball, say, with 'up' crossword clue
German automaker crossword clue
George who played Norm on 'Cheers' crossword clue
Garb crossword clue
Furtive 'Hey, you!' crossword clue
Frida who was portrayed in film by Salma Hayek crossword clue
Fool's gold crossword clue
Follower of the first intermission crossword clue
First X, say crossword clue
First lady after Eleanor crossword clue
Final frame in bowling crossword clue
Familiar voice since 2011 crossword clue
Dos y cuatro crossword clue
Dagwood's bratty neighbor crossword clue
Crush, in a way, with 'on' crossword clue
Conductors set them crossword clue
Character-building youth org crossword clue
Cat once prized for its fur crossword clue
Cardinal ___ crossword clue
Bulletin board item crossword clue
Beat people? crossword clue
Atkins plan, e.g crossword clue
Arrives on time for crossword clue
Amusement crossword clue
Airer of Ken Burns documentaries crossword clue
Add, per a recipe crossword clue
90° from ENE crossword clue
*Part of a London police officer's uniform? crossword clue
*Monthly charge for a London apartment? crossword clue
*French fries on a London card table? crossword clue
*Conveyance in a multilevel London store? crossword clue
*Catalog from a London raincoat designer? crossword clue
'I beg to differ' crossword clue
___ Harry, vocalist for the band Blondie
Words found in the answers to this puzzle's starred clues
Words before double or take
What like-pole magnets do
What follows a cry of 'Char-r-rge!'
What curtains may signify
What 61-Down teams play on
Weaselly sort
Verbal digs
TKO caller
Taxpayers' IDs
Synthetic alternative to silk
Suffix with sex
St. Patrick, for the Irish
Spot in la mer
Some narrative writing
Sine's reciprocal, briefly
Sign of spring
Sen. Cruz
Roll-call call
Remove with a sandblaster, say
Place for a sword
Palindromic farm animal
Org. with the Original Six teams
Mushroom used in sukiyaki
Mineral in bath powder
Message on an offstage card
Mechanism in a unidirectional wrench
Many a rapper's name
Man's name that means 'king'
Lucy's sitcom pal
Like a doctor's penmanship, stereotypically
Lennox of Eurythmics
Learjet competitor
Johnny Appleseed, e.g
Is a first-stringer
Ike's home state: Abbr
Home of the Ewoks
Herd unit
Harry Potter's Hedwig, e.g
Gets ready to play basketball, say, with 'up'
German automaker
George who played Norm on 'Cheers'
Furtive 'Hey, you!'
Frida who was portrayed in film by Salma Hayek
Fool's gold
Follower of the first intermission
First X, say
First lady after Eleanor
Final frame in bowling
Familiar voice since 2011
Dos y cuatro
Dagwood's bratty neighbor
Crush, in a way, with 'on'
Conductors set them
Character-building youth org
Cat once prized for its fur
Cardinal ___
Bulletin board item
Beat people?
Atkins plan, e.g
Arrives on time for
Airer of Ken Burns documentaries
Add, per a recipe
90° from ENE
*Part of a London police officer's uniform?
*Monthly charge for a London apartment?
*French fries on a London card table?
*Conveyance in a multilevel London store?
*Catalog from a London raincoat designer?
'I beg to differ'

Zagreb's nation, on Olympic scoreboards crossword clue
Yoga posture crossword clue
White Rabbit's lament crossword clue
Where you might see some big bucks crossword clue
Wash and chop the veggies, say crossword clue
Walked unsteadily crossword clue
Ultrasound targets crossword clue
Tijuana Brass trumpeter crossword clue
Tailor's concern crossword clue
Storied shrine crossword clue
Stadium surprise crossword clue
Squabble crossword clue
Song of David crossword clue
Slot machine lever crossword clue
Sixth col., often crossword clue
Sign of spring crossword clue
Sierra Nevada lake crossword clue
Seasoned rice dish crossword clue
Roll with life's punches crossword clue
Puerto Rico hrs crossword clue
Potluck staples crossword clue
Post-explanation chorus crossword clue
Pose again crossword clue
Pointing pronoun crossword clue
Pen crossword clue
Patisserie treat crossword clue
Parental threat to a misbehaving child crossword clue
Old platters crossword clue
NYC's first subway line crossword clue
Nation south of the Strait of Hormuz: Abbr crossword clue
Nation north of the Strait of Hormuz crossword clue
Municipal crossword clue
Mottled mount crossword clue
Major headache crossword clue
Luxury hotel name crossword clue
Luncheonette lure crossword clue
Loser to Clinton in 1996 crossword clue
Loan application stamp crossword clue
Lens holder crossword clue
Legal matter crossword clue
Joe Bruin's sch crossword clue
It's a cinch in Sapporo crossword clue
Island chain? crossword clue
Inc. relative crossword clue
Honus Wagner baseball cards, e.g crossword clue
Homeboy's address crossword clue
Hit the books crossword clue
Heliopolis Palace setting crossword clue
He lost to DDE twice crossword clue
Gung-ho crossword clue
Four quarters crossword clue
Flight component crossword clue
Favorable, as an opportunity crossword clue
False front? crossword clue
Elephant org crossword clue
Drill bits? crossword clue
Detail crossword clue
Couple on a bus crossword clue
Contents of magazines crossword clue
Conquistador Hernando crossword clue
Concentrate crossword clue
Cognac-and-Cointreau drink, and what each of this puzzle's border answers is crossword clue
Cloud chamber bit crossword clue
City close to the Tropic of Capricorn crossword clue
Canton of central Switzerland crossword clue
Butler to Morticia and Gomez crossword clue
Bond order crossword clue
Bolts down crossword clue
Blood count, familiarly? crossword clue
Be a whistleblower crossword clue
Aretha's realm crossword clue
Apple core, briefly crossword clue
Appeared in the paper crossword clue
Absolut rival, for short crossword clue
1960s campus org crossword clue
'Zounds!' crossword clue
'Your Movie Sucks' author crossword clue
'Va-va-va-___!' crossword clue
'Then again, I could be wrong' crossword clue
'Happy Birthday' artists, perhaps crossword clue
Zagreb's nation, on Olympic scoreboards
Yoga posture
White Rabbit's lament
Where you might see some big bucks
Wash and chop the veggies, say
Walked unsteadily
Ultrasound targets
Tijuana Brass trumpeter
Tailor's concern
Storied shrine
Stadium surprise
Song of David
Slot machine lever
Sixth col., often
Sign of spring
Sierra Nevada lake
Seasoned rice dish
Roll with life's punches
Puerto Rico hrs
Potluck staples
Post-explanation chorus
Pose again
Pointing pronoun
Patisserie treat
Parental threat to a misbehaving child
Old platters
NYC's first subway line
Nation south of the Strait of Hormuz: Abbr
Nation north of the Strait of Hormuz
Mottled mount
Major headache
Luxury hotel name
Luncheonette lure
Loser to Clinton in 1996
Loan application stamp
Lens holder
Legal matter
Joe Bruin's sch
It's a cinch in Sapporo
Island chain?
Inc. relative
Honus Wagner baseball cards, e.g
Homeboy's address
Hit the books
Heliopolis Palace setting
He lost to DDE twice
Four quarters
Flight component
Favorable, as an opportunity
False front?
Elephant org
Drill bits?
Couple on a bus
Contents of magazines
Conquistador Hernando
Cognac-and-Cointreau drink, and what each of this puzzle's border answers is
Cloud chamber bit
City close to the Tropic of Capricorn
Canton of central Switzerland
Butler to Morticia and Gomez
Bond order
Bolts down
Blood count, familiarly?
Be a whistleblower
Aretha's realm
Apple core, briefly
Appeared in the paper
Absolut rival, for short
1960s campus org
'Your Movie Sucks' author
'Then again, I could be wrong'
'Happy Birthday' artists, perhaps

Wrong direction for the strong? crossword clue
Wrong direction for the not mentioned? crossword clue
Wrong direction for the absolutely correct? crossword clue
Wrong direction for a stranded runner? crossword clue
Written promise to repay crossword clue
Wrap around crossword clue
Words with 'bet' or 'step' crossword clue
Withdraw from battle crossword clue
Wife of a duke crossword clue
Whistle part crossword clue
What a dove symbolizes crossword clue
Web address crossword clue
Water in France crossword clue
Underwater hazards crossword clue
Udder parts crossword clue
TV watchdog crossword clue
Turkish leaders crossword clue
Trucker's vehicle crossword clue
Tablet relative crossword clue
Sty sniffer crossword clue
Some beastly abodes crossword clue
Small child crossword clue
Skier's elevator crossword clue
Rocket type crossword clue
Rational crossword clue
Provide a hint of color crossword clue
Prepare for a selfie crossword clue
Prattles crossword clue
Polish prose crossword clue
Plumbing fitting crossword clue
Passed illegally, as a check crossword clue
Passage crossword clue
One of the Muses crossword clue
Of low character crossword clue
Not against crossword clue
Noriega of Panama crossword clue
More, in Mexico crossword clue
More certain crossword clue
Mil. branch crossword clue
Manning on the gridiron crossword clue
London hrs crossword clue
Little Skywalker crossword clue
Limb crossword clue
Light yellow crossword clue
Leary's drug crossword clue
Kin partners crossword clue
Jordan's capital crossword clue
Jackson Five hit crossword clue
In finer fettle crossword clue
Historical period crossword clue
Highlands natives crossword clue
Greek letter crossword clue
Grand ___ (wine phrase) crossword clue
Get older crossword clue
Get a move on and how crossword clue
Foreboding apprehension crossword clue
For some, it's set low crossword clue
Filbert and hazelnut crossword clue
Exposed to the public crossword clue
Drive forward crossword clue
Desolated, once crossword clue
Decode crossword clue
Cross-referencing word crossword clue
Cheek application crossword clue
Cease-fire agreement crossword clue
Carpenter's groove crossword clue
Burger topping crossword clue
Bro's sib crossword clue
Bro or dude relative crossword clue
Blue jack salmon crossword clue
Bigger-than-life crossword clue
Amulet on a bracelet crossword clue
Almost snowed crossword clue
Absurd comedy crossword clue
About crossword clue
'Who, me?' crossword clue
'Me, Myself & ___' (film) crossword clue
'Farm' or 'home' suffix crossword clue
Wrong direction for the strong?
Wrong direction for the not mentioned?
Wrong direction for the absolutely correct?
Wrong direction for a stranded runner?
Written promise to repay
Wrap around
Words with 'bet' or 'step'
Withdraw from battle
Wife of a duke
Whistle part
What a dove symbolizes
Web address
Water in France
Underwater hazards
Udder parts
TV watchdog
Turkish leaders
Trucker's vehicle
Tablet relative
Sty sniffer
Some beastly abodes
Small child
Skier's elevator
Rocket type
Provide a hint of color
Prepare for a selfie
Polish prose
Plumbing fitting
Passed illegally, as a check
One of the Muses
Of low character
Not against
Noriega of Panama
More, in Mexico
More certain
Mil. branch
Manning on the gridiron
London hrs
Little Skywalker
Light yellow
Leary's drug
Kin partners
Jordan's capital
Jackson Five hit
In finer fettle
Historical period
Highlands natives
Greek letter
Grand ___ (wine phrase)
Get older
Get a move on and how
Foreboding apprehension
For some, it's set low
Filbert and hazelnut
Exposed to the public
Drive forward
Desolated, once
Cross-referencing word
Cheek application
Cease-fire agreement
Carpenter's groove
Burger topping
Bro's sib
Bro or dude relative
Blue jack salmon
Amulet on a bracelet
Almost snowed
Absurd comedy
'Who, me?'
'Me, Myself & ___' (film)
'Farm' or 'home' suffix

Wore a puss crossword clue
Word that may precede the first parts of 17-, 37- and 61-Across and 11- and 28-Down crossword clue
Walkway on pilings, perhaps crossword clue
Verizon or AT&T crossword clue
University in Muncie, Indiana crossword clue
Umbrella part crossword clue
U.S. territory in Kim invectives crossword clue
Two-handed attempt, in basketball crossword clue
Tries to throw, at a rodeo crossword clue
Trick-or-treaters' totes crossword clue
Track and field item once made of bamboo crossword clue
Tourist's rental crossword clue
The Hulk's emotion crossword clue
Tax-season VIPs crossword clue
Stretchy fabric crossword clue
Statement ending in 'or else!' crossword clue
Sign of sorrow crossword clue
Showed signs of aging crossword clue
Setting of Van Gogh's 'starry sky' paintings crossword clue
Recreational path converted from a disused track crossword clue
Place for a picnic crossword clue
Pitchfork toter crossword clue
Part of LGBT crossword clue
Officiated at Citi Field, say crossword clue
Occasion for a Hallmark card, for short crossword clue
Obstinate equine crossword clue
Needing a chill pill crossword clue
NBC show with a 'Weekend Update' crossword clue
More than just amuse crossword clue
Mireille of 'Big Love' crossword clue
Mineral in insulation crossword clue
Milky, light-reflecting gem crossword clue
Marten family member crossword clue
Market value crossword clue
Many a microbrew crossword clue
Makes hopping mad crossword clue
Machu Picchu dweller crossword clue
Look like a wolf? crossword clue
Like an embarrassed grin crossword clue
Letters on the Pinafore crossword clue
Kind of drink or tool crossword clue
Kanye West's genre crossword clue
Jon Arbuckle's pooch crossword clue
Irksome sort crossword clue
Indulges, with 'to' crossword clue
In the know about crossword clue
Have a thing for crossword clue
Gown designer's stock crossword clue
Gothic window feature crossword clue
Goes one better than crossword clue
Getting closer, in a guessing game crossword clue
Frigidaire rival crossword clue
French Toaster Sticks brand crossword clue
Former rival of TWA crossword clue
For the birds? crossword clue
Fling with force crossword clue
Fit to stand trial crossword clue
Exact revenge on crossword clue
Ewers' mates in still lifes crossword clue
Eustachian tube site crossword clue
Dixieland band horn crossword clue
Dessert in a crust crossword clue
Crispy Chinese appetizer crossword clue
Category for many Emmys crossword clue
Cartesian 'therefore' crossword clue
Bowler's statistic crossword clue
Bleacher bum's spot crossword clue
Bench-clearing brawl crossword clue
Base ingredient of tequila crossword clue
Aromatherapy oil source crossword clue
'Yum-o!' crossword clue
'We hold ___ truths . . .' crossword clue
'The Ed Sullivan Show' lineup crossword clue
'Swamp People' critter crossword clue
'St. Vincent' star crossword clue
'Shop ___ you drop' crossword clue
'Pulled' bit of mischief crossword clue
'Add to that . . .' crossword clue
Wore a puss
Word that may precede the first parts of 17-, 37- and 61-Across and 11- and 28-Down
Walkway on pilings, perhaps
Verizon or AT&T
University in Muncie, Indiana
Umbrella part
U.S. territory in Kim invectives
Two-handed attempt, in basketball
Tries to throw, at a rodeo
Trick-or-treaters' totes
Track and field item once made of bamboo
Tourist's rental
The Hulk's emotion
Tax-season VIPs
Stretchy fabric
Statement ending in 'or else!'
Sign of sorrow
Showed signs of aging
Setting of Van Gogh's 'starry sky' paintings
Recreational path converted from a disused track
Place for a picnic
Pitchfork toter
Part of LGBT
Officiated at Citi Field, say
Occasion for a Hallmark card, for short
Obstinate equine
Needing a chill pill
NBC show with a 'Weekend Update'
More than just amuse
Mireille of 'Big Love'
Mineral in insulation
Milky, light-reflecting gem
Marten family member
Market value
Many a microbrew
Makes hopping mad
Machu Picchu dweller
Look like a wolf?
Like an embarrassed grin
Letters on the Pinafore
Kind of drink or tool
Kanye West's genre
Jon Arbuckle's pooch
Irksome sort
Indulges, with 'to'
In the know about
Have a thing for
Gown designer's stock
Gothic window feature
Goes one better than
Getting closer, in a guessing game
Frigidaire rival
French Toaster Sticks brand
Former rival of TWA
For the birds?
Fling with force
Fit to stand trial
Exact revenge on
Ewers' mates in still lifes
Eustachian tube site
Dixieland band horn
Dessert in a crust
Crispy Chinese appetizer
Category for many Emmys
Cartesian 'therefore'
Bowler's statistic
Bleacher bum's spot
Bench-clearing brawl
Base ingredient of tequila
Aromatherapy oil source
'We hold ___ truths . . .'
'The Ed Sullivan Show' lineup
'Swamp People' critter
'St. Vincent' star
'Shop ___ you drop'
'Pulled' bit of mischief
'Add to that . . .'

__ Antoinette (French queen) crossword clue
With 32 Down, color like turquoise crossword clue
Vitamin dose standard: Abbr crossword clue
Vise, for example crossword clue
Ventilate crossword clue
Vast majority crossword clue
Utter what's on your mind crossword clue
Unruly children crossword clue
Twitter messages crossword clue
Train for a bout crossword clue
Tonally accurate crossword clue
Throw a tantrum crossword clue
Thick, as eyebrows crossword clue
Texter's "As I see it" crossword clue
Synthetic fabric crossword clue
Symbol starting a line of music crossword clue
Swap crossword clue
Sundae garnish crossword clue
Successful on one's own crossword clue
Squashed circle crossword clue
Sound hoarse crossword clue
Something to assemble crossword clue
Ship maintenance area crossword clue
Serious play crossword clue
See 18 Across crossword clue
Sandwich cookie filling crossword clue
San Antonio shrine crossword clue
Rip (up) crossword clue
Racing vehicle crossword clue
Pursue crossword clue
Providing good traction crossword clue
Predatory dolphin crossword clue
Police dept. alerts crossword clue
Plane flight assignment crossword clue
Novels' high points crossword clue
Nothing but crossword clue
Norse thunder god crossword clue
No more than crossword clue
Monks' home crossword clue
Metallic rocks crossword clue
Meat in an omelet crossword clue
Mao's realm crossword clue
Make illegal crossword clue
Made, as a tapestry crossword clue
Made two-by-fours crossword clue
Louisiana wetland crossword clue
Look keenly crossword clue
Kitty or canary crossword clue
Jai __ crossword clue
Italian farewell crossword clue
Israeli airline crossword clue
Individually crossword clue
Hunters' org crossword clue
Hang around crossword clue
Get down to business crossword clue
Gen-___ (boomers' kids) crossword clue
Football officials, briefly crossword clue
Floor model crossword clue
Flood blockers crossword clue
Fencing swords crossword clue
Elementary school signal crossword clue
Doorstep covering crossword clue
Depend (on) crossword clue
Courtroom statement crossword clue
Country club instructors crossword clue
Corny crossword clue
Chimp or orangutan crossword clue
Center of a bagel crossword clue
Canine comment crossword clue
Break the silence crossword clue
Bout enders crossword clue
Boats' mooring place crossword clue
Blacken on the grill crossword clue
Be worthy of crossword clue
As compared to crossword clue
Affirmative votes crossword clue
Adolescent crossword clue
"Just tell me when" crossword clue
__ Antoinette (French queen)
With 32 Down, color like turquoise
Vitamin dose standard: Abbr
Vise, for example
Vast majority
Utter what's on your mind
Unruly children
Twitter messages
Train for a bout
Tonally accurate
Throw a tantrum
Thick, as eyebrows
Texter's "As I see it"
Synthetic fabric
Symbol starting a line of music
Sundae garnish
Successful on one's own
Squashed circle
Sound hoarse
Something to assemble
Ship maintenance area
Serious play
See 18 Across
Sandwich cookie filling
San Antonio shrine
Rip (up)
Racing vehicle
Providing good traction
Predatory dolphin
Police dept. alerts
Plane flight assignment
Novels' high points
Nothing but
Norse thunder god
No more than
Monks' home
Metallic rocks
Meat in an omelet
Mao's realm
Make illegal
Made, as a tapestry
Made two-by-fours
Louisiana wetland
Look keenly
Kitty or canary
Jai __
Italian farewell
Israeli airline
Hunters' org
Hang around
Get down to business
Gen-___ (boomers' kids)
Football officials, briefly
Floor model
Flood blockers
Fencing swords
Elementary school signal
Doorstep covering
Depend (on)
Courtroom statement
Country club instructors
Chimp or orangutan
Center of a bagel
Canine comment
Break the silence
Bout enders
Boats' mooring place
Blacken on the grill
Be worthy of
As compared to
Affirmative votes
"Just tell me when"

__ out a win crossword clue
__ Kan pet food crossword clue
Witnessed crossword clue
With 57-Across, what a 37-Across does; also, as the circles show, what each answer containing them does crossword clue
Weightlifting move crossword clue
Warsaw native crossword clue
Tolkien forest shepherd crossword clue
Third-qtr. ender crossword clue
The two crossword clue
The State of the Union, for one crossword clue
The 'A' in James A. Garfield crossword clue
Thames academy crossword clue
Tenant's winter complaint crossword clue
Stun crossword clue
Start of a famous palindrome crossword clue
Start a pot crossword clue
Spells, as of cold weather crossword clue
Source of support crossword clue
Slo-mo reviewer crossword clue
See 18-Across crossword clue
Say yes crossword clue
Say yes crossword clue
Run smoothly crossword clue
Retail outlet crossword clue
Racers in some Wii games crossword clue
Pretend crossword clue
Prepared goodies for the fundraiser crossword clue
Pipe shape crossword clue
Peace, to Pedro crossword clue
Paradise crossword clue
Oriole or Jay crossword clue
Onionlike veggie crossword clue
One drawn to controversy crossword clue
Nice crossword clue
Moist and chilly crossword clue
MapMyWalk starting point crossword clue
Many crossword clue
Longtime coach Parseghian of Notre Dame crossword clue
Like some seals crossword clue
Legal administrator crossword clue
LAX announcement crossword clue
Keogh plan rel crossword clue
Keep moist, in a way crossword clue
Journalist Curry crossword clue
Item that isn't on its regular hook crossword clue
Italian lawn bowling crossword clue
It may follow cries of 'Bravo!' crossword clue
In __: unborn crossword clue
Healthy look crossword clue
Goal line crossings: Abbr crossword clue
German capital crossword clue
Gear components crossword clue
Former transp. regulator crossword clue
Former New York governor George crossword clue
Fireplace shelf crossword clue
Fades to black crossword clue
Expensive crossword clue
Eternal City fountain crossword clue
Emotional mark crossword clue
Difficult curve crossword clue
DDE's overseas command crossword clue
Confident words crossword clue
Composed piece crossword clue
Chestnut horse crossword clue
Casino employee crossword clue
Brink crossword clue
Blotch crossword clue
Bloke crossword clue
Beast of burden crossword clue
B.A. or B.S crossword clue
Assist crossword clue
Alamo competitor crossword clue
Actress Russo crossword clue
'What I __ My Summer Vacation': school essay crossword clue
'Waterloo' band crossword clue
'The A-Team' actor crossword clue
'Rhoda' production co crossword clue
'Friend __?': sentry's query crossword clue
__ out a win
__ Kan pet food
With 57-Across, what a 37-Across does; also, as the circles show, what each answer containing them does
Weightlifting move
Warsaw native
Tolkien forest shepherd
Third-qtr. ender
The two
The State of the Union, for one
The 'A' in James A. Garfield
Thames academy
Tenant's winter complaint
Start of a famous palindrome
Start a pot
Spells, as of cold weather
Source of support
Slo-mo reviewer
See 18-Across
Say yes
Say yes
Run smoothly
Retail outlet
Racers in some Wii games
Prepared goodies for the fundraiser
Pipe shape
Peace, to Pedro
Oriole or Jay
Onionlike veggie
One drawn to controversy
Moist and chilly
MapMyWalk starting point
Longtime coach Parseghian of Notre Dame
Like some seals
Legal administrator
LAX announcement
Keogh plan rel
Keep moist, in a way
Journalist Curry
Item that isn't on its regular hook
Italian lawn bowling
It may follow cries of 'Bravo!'
In __: unborn
Healthy look
Goal line crossings: Abbr
German capital
Gear components
Former transp. regulator
Former New York governor George
Fireplace shelf
Fades to black
Eternal City fountain
Emotional mark
Difficult curve
DDE's overseas command
Confident words
Composed piece
Chestnut horse
Casino employee
Beast of burden
B.A. or B.S
Alamo competitor
Actress Russo
'What I __ My Summer Vacation': school essay
'Waterloo' band
'The A-Team' actor
'Rhoda' production co
'Friend __?': sentry's query

כתוב תגובה

+ אחד = 2
