מרץ 14, 2018

crosswords puzzle answers 14/03/2018

crosswords puzzle answers 14/03/2018

Words to live by crossword clue
Words akin to '-ish' crossword clue
Whisker whacker crossword clue
Take dead aim at crossword clue
Symmetrical images in psychological tests crossword clue
Submachine gun designer ___ Gal crossword clue
Storytelling uncle of fiction crossword clue
Stereotypically 'blind' official, for short crossword clue
Spa amenity that originated in Finland crossword clue
Source of bark for canoes crossword clue
Simpleton, disparagingly crossword clue
Sauce made from ingredients mixed up in 16-, 24-, 37- and 49-Across crossword clue
Rock band fronted by Steven Tyler crossword clue
Result of a successful squeeze bunt, for short crossword clue
Request by someone with a tongue depressor crossword clue
Recipe meas crossword clue
Rakes in the dough crossword clue
Put into play crossword clue
Preyers on antelopes crossword clue
Pres. advisory group crossword clue
Plop down crossword clue
Plays a kazoo crossword clue
Pioneering text adventure game crossword clue
Pertaining to the rhythm of speech crossword clue
Org. with millimeter wave scanners crossword clue
One of Jason's crew crossword clue
Major water line crossword clue
Made a cattle call crossword clue
Locker room emanation crossword clue
Like a cigar bar's atmosphere crossword clue
Like a cardigan crossword clue
Less common of two belly buttons crossword clue
Kutcher who played Steve Jobs in 'Jobs' crossword clue
Keach of TV's 'Man With a Plan' crossword clue
Jennings who wrote 'Brainiac' crossword clue
Jenner of reality TV crossword clue
Indoor stadium surface crossword clue
Indian-born character on 'The Big Bang Theory' crossword clue
In itself crossword clue
Impossible Super Bowl outcome crossword clue
Impervious to hackers crossword clue
Icelandic money crossword clue
Hieroglyphics snakes crossword clue
German state with Wiesbaden crossword clue
Garden hose annoyance crossword clue
Game show regular ___ Bean crossword clue
French possessive crossword clue
First in a line of 23 popes crossword clue
Fanzine favorite crossword clue
Early maker of color TVs crossword clue
E.R.A.-backing grp crossword clue
Dude crossword clue
Cross-dressing role for Streisand crossword clue
Colloquial contraction crossword clue
Choir attire crossword clue
Chain whose mascot is named Bullseye crossword clue
CBS series that starred Gary Sinise crossword clue
C major, for one crossword clue
Brewski crossword clue
Breakfast order often containing cinnamon crossword clue
Be all googly-eyed over crossword clue
AOL or MSN crossword clue
Ancestry.com diagram crossword clue
A cappella genre crossword clue
123-45-6789, on a sample doc crossword clue
'___ we there yet?' crossword clue
'U Can't Touch This' rapper crossword clue
'Su-u-u-ure it is' crossword clue
'My darling,' in France crossword clue
'Mr. ___' (1983 Styx hit) crossword clue
'Kapow!' crossword clue
'Hell if I know' crossword clue
'Friends' character ___ Geller crossword clue
'All right, you win' crossword clue
Words to live by
Words akin to '-ish'
Whisker whacker
Take dead aim at
Symmetrical images in psychological tests
Submachine gun designer ___ Gal
Storytelling uncle of fiction
Stereotypically 'blind' official, for short
Spa amenity that originated in Finland
Source of bark for canoes
Simpleton, disparagingly
Sauce made from ingredients mixed up in 16-, 24-, 37- and 49-Across
Rock band fronted by Steven Tyler
Result of a successful squeeze bunt, for short
Request by someone with a tongue depressor
Recipe meas
Rakes in the dough
Put into play
Preyers on antelopes
Pres. advisory group
Plop down
Plays a kazoo
Pioneering text adventure game
Pertaining to the rhythm of speech
Org. with millimeter wave scanners
One of Jason's crew
Major water line
Made a cattle call
Locker room emanation
Like a cigar bar's atmosphere
Like a cardigan
Less common of two belly buttons
Kutcher who played Steve Jobs in 'Jobs'
Keach of TV's 'Man With a Plan'
Jennings who wrote 'Brainiac'
Jenner of reality TV
Indoor stadium surface
Indian-born character on 'The Big Bang Theory'
In itself
Impossible Super Bowl outcome
Impervious to hackers
Icelandic money
Hieroglyphics snakes
German state with Wiesbaden
Garden hose annoyance
Game show regular ___ Bean
French possessive
First in a line of 23 popes
Fanzine favorite
Early maker of color TVs
E.R.A.-backing grp
Cross-dressing role for Streisand
Colloquial contraction
Choir attire
Chain whose mascot is named Bullseye
CBS series that starred Gary Sinise
C major, for one
Breakfast order often containing cinnamon
Be all googly-eyed over
Ancestry.com diagram
A cappella genre
123-45-6789, on a sample doc
'___ we there yet?'
'U Can't Touch This' rapper
'Su-u-u-ure it is'
'My darling,' in France
'Mr. ___' (1983 Styx hit)
'Hell if I know'
'Friends' character ___ Geller
'All right, you win'

You might browse a lot of them crossword clue
Unnamed degree crossword clue
Universal donor's type, for short crossword clue
Unappealing breakfasts crossword clue
U.K. military decoration crossword clue
Two-tone sandwich crossword clue
Trucker's 'good buddy' crossword clue
Trendily self-referential crossword clue
This miss crossword clue
Take for every penny crossword clue
Syrupy sentiment crossword clue
Sweet murmur crossword clue
Spot for a street performer's tips, often crossword clue
Some young companions crossword clue
Some MIT grads crossword clue
Slightly crossword clue
Sandy sound crossword clue
Salt Lake City athlete crossword clue
Rock opera pioneers, and what's missing from the starred answers crossword clue
Pro giving exams to pupils? crossword clue
Place crossword clue
Person working with a seal crossword clue
Never ever crossword clue
Neither partner crossword clue
N.T. book crossword clue
Movie FX crossword clue
Mary of Peter, Paul and Mary crossword clue
Many a bookstore shopper crossword clue
Like a maillot crossword clue
Leave alone at the altar crossword clue
It's all ears crossword clue
Instrument panel sight crossword clue
Individually crossword clue
Included in the email chain crossword clue
HHH crossword clue
Halloween decoration crossword clue
Friend's pronoun crossword clue
Fall mo crossword clue
European microstate crossword clue
Estimate's end crossword clue
Early Briton crossword clue
Doctor's suggestion crossword clue
Dive with a back somersault crossword clue
Crash investigator crossword clue
Copacabana Beach location crossword clue
Come before crossword clue
Colleague of Trinity and Morpheus crossword clue
Carry on crossword clue
Campaign manager crossword clue
Buttercup family flower crossword clue
Brit. money crossword clue
Break down gradually crossword clue
Bobble the ball crossword clue
Black-and-white alert, for short crossword clue
Big maker of ATMs and bar code scanners crossword clue
Be decisive crossword clue
Back muscle, for short crossword clue
Army animals? crossword clue
Apt to run crossword clue
Annually crossword clue
Aloof sort crossword clue
Alley denizen crossword clue
Afternoon, for many tots crossword clue
Acronym for the four major show biz awards crossword clue
*TV cliffhanger of 1980 crossword clue
*Sentry's query crossword clue
*Motivational bestseller published in 1998 crossword clue
*2000 megahit by Baha Men crossword clue
'Yowzers!' in texts crossword clue
'The Americans' org crossword clue
'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' heroine crossword clue
'Patience ___ virtue' crossword clue
'Later!' crossword clue
'Immediately, dude!' crossword clue
'Early Start' network crossword clue
'Don't worry about it!' crossword clue
You might browse a lot of them
Unnamed degree
Universal donor's type, for short
Unappealing breakfasts
U.K. military decoration
Two-tone sandwich
Trucker's 'good buddy'
Trendily self-referential
This miss
Take for every penny
Syrupy sentiment
Sweet murmur
Spot for a street performer's tips, often
Some young companions
Some MIT grads
Sandy sound
Salt Lake City athlete
Rock opera pioneers, and what's missing from the starred answers
Pro giving exams to pupils?
Person working with a seal
Never ever
Neither partner
N.T. book
Movie FX
Mary of Peter, Paul and Mary
Many a bookstore shopper
Like a maillot
Leave alone at the altar
It's all ears
Instrument panel sight
Included in the email chain
Halloween decoration
Friend's pronoun
Fall mo
European microstate
Estimate's end
Early Briton
Doctor's suggestion
Dive with a back somersault
Crash investigator
Copacabana Beach location
Come before
Colleague of Trinity and Morpheus
Carry on
Campaign manager
Buttercup family flower
Brit. money
Break down gradually
Bobble the ball
Black-and-white alert, for short
Big maker of ATMs and bar code scanners
Be decisive
Back muscle, for short
Army animals?
Apt to run
Aloof sort
Alley denizen
Afternoon, for many tots
Acronym for the four major show biz awards
*TV cliffhanger of 1980
*Sentry's query
*Motivational bestseller published in 1998
*2000 megahit by Baha Men
'Yowzers!' in texts
'The Americans' org
'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' heroine
'Patience ___ virtue'
'Immediately, dude!'
'Early Start' network
'Don't worry about it!'

___ vital (life force) crossword clue
___ Aviv crossword clue
What the sun does daily crossword clue
What police want cleared crossword clue
TV's Baldwin crossword clue
Tips a topper crossword clue
Thing pulled on a human crossword clue
They have many functions crossword clue
The auld sod crossword clue
Term in comparisons crossword clue
Symbol of Christianity crossword clue
Suspicious crossword clue
Summoned via invitation crossword clue
Stockholm resident crossword clue
Starr of comics crossword clue
Sonny Shroyer series crossword clue
Some wrinkly fruits crossword clue
Some ltr. recipients crossword clue
Some bring Toys for Tots crossword clue
Slow-moving craft crossword clue
Release crossword clue
Raring to go crossword clue
Print shop's supply crossword clue
Pace and Strasberg crossword clue
Order from above crossword clue
Opera highlight crossword clue
Novelist Cather crossword clue
Not far away crossword clue
Moses climbed it crossword clue
Marriageable crossword clue
Made bubbles crossword clue
Longest French river crossword clue
Like verified facts crossword clue
Like a litter's runt crossword clue
Like a good comic crossword clue
Legendary movie star Ruby crossword clue
It has a long arm crossword clue
Huff or tizzy crossword clue
Hopping amphibian crossword clue
Grape grower crossword clue
Got ready for a drive crossword clue
Gets a good look crossword clue
Emulate a tiger crossword clue
Dutch painter Jan crossword clue
Drawn-out battle crossword clue
Didn't walk crossword clue
Deserve wages crossword clue
Debate subject crossword clue
Currently broadcasting crossword clue
Crush, as a baseball crossword clue
Critters' mouths crossword clue
Concerning bees crossword clue
Common article crossword clue
Come into effect, legally crossword clue
Cleared, as dishes crossword clue
Cat's bane crossword clue
Bottom on the ground? crossword clue
Blazing funeral heaps crossword clue
Blade part crossword clue
Bit of land in the sea crossword clue
Big name in gas crossword clue
Best Buy squad members crossword clue
Babes and hunks crossword clue
Arm bone crossword clue
Annoying or troubling crossword clue
Andrews of sportscasting crossword clue
Alter, as information crossword clue
Active European volcano crossword clue
'The King and I' setting crossword clue
'Tetris' block shapes crossword clue
'Norma ___' (movie) crossword clue
'High' socials crossword clue
'Aw, mom!' utterance crossword clue
'Adios ___!' crossword clue
'… no one has any idea' crossword clue
'… as bad as it may ___' crossword clue
___ vital (life force)
___ Aviv
What the sun does daily
What police want cleared
TV's Baldwin
Tips a topper
Thing pulled on a human
They have many functions
The auld sod
Term in comparisons
Symbol of Christianity
Summoned via invitation
Stockholm resident
Starr of comics
Sonny Shroyer series
Some wrinkly fruits
Some ltr. recipients
Some bring Toys for Tots
Slow-moving craft
Raring to go
Print shop's supply
Pace and Strasberg
Order from above
Opera highlight
Novelist Cather
Not far away
Moses climbed it
Made bubbles
Longest French river
Like verified facts
Like a litter's runt
Like a good comic
Legendary movie star Ruby
It has a long arm
Huff or tizzy
Hopping amphibian
Grape grower
Got ready for a drive
Gets a good look
Emulate a tiger
Dutch painter Jan
Drawn-out battle
Didn't walk
Deserve wages
Debate subject
Currently broadcasting
Crush, as a baseball
Critters' mouths
Concerning bees
Common article
Come into effect, legally
Cleared, as dishes
Cat's bane
Bottom on the ground?
Blazing funeral heaps
Blade part
Bit of land in the sea
Big name in gas
Best Buy squad members
Babes and hunks
Arm bone
Annoying or troubling
Andrews of sportscasting
Alter, as information
Active European volcano
'The King and I' setting
'Tetris' block shapes
'Norma ___' (movie)
'High' socials
'Aw, mom!' utterance
'Adios ___!'
'… no one has any idea'
'… as bad as it may ___'

Winnie-the-Pooh's creator crossword clue
Whistle-blower's sound crossword clue
Ward off crossword clue
Visitor to an old prof, perhaps crossword clue
Verdict-delivering group crossword clue
Verbal zinger crossword clue
Unable to sit still crossword clue
Throw into the trash crossword clue
Tablet for web surfers crossword clue
Sporty Fords, informally crossword clue
Social finesse crossword clue
Smartphone clock function crossword clue
Smart-alecky crossword clue
Sluggers' stats crossword clue
Shells and buckshot, for short crossword clue
Seal, as a deal crossword clue
Sea's ebb and flow crossword clue
Scarlett's estate crossword clue
Say further crossword clue
Routing word crossword clue
Rogue computer in '2001' crossword clue
River bottom crossword clue
Responses to prolonged applause crossword clue
Ram in the zodiac crossword clue
Prefix with potent or present crossword clue
Places for self-indulgence crossword clue
Place to dock crossword clue
Officer's cruiser crossword clue
Officer in an 11-Down crossword clue
Nebraska city on the Missouri crossword clue
Muscat's sultanate crossword clue
Morse code signal crossword clue
Mercury or Mars crossword clue
Mend one's ways crossword clue
Meadow mother crossword clue
Many psychoanalysts crossword clue
Makes on the job crossword clue
Lose one's winter coat crossword clue
Lizard kept as a pet crossword clue
Livestock shelter crossword clue
Like early movies crossword clue
Lenders' safeguards crossword clue
Introduces impurities to crossword clue
Hotel chain with a sunrise logo crossword clue
Hellish experiences crossword clue
Headed the pack crossword clue
Have in hand crossword clue
Harpsichord relative crossword clue
Hardly wordy crossword clue
Fruitless undertaking crossword clue
Four Corners state natives crossword clue
First president in the White House crossword clue
Feudal bigwig crossword clue
Festive gathering crossword clue
Fenway Park city (Abbr.) crossword clue
Female fowl crossword clue
Fabric stiffener crossword clue
Exposure time, in photography crossword clue
Elms, notably crossword clue
Dresden's river crossword clue
Dog breed that doesn't 6-Across much crossword clue
Ding in a door crossword clue
Darjeeling export crossword clue
Court sport crossword clue
Cookie container crossword clue
Contemptible one crossword clue
Confident assertion crossword clue
Caucus state crossword clue
Busily engaged crossword clue
Bled in the wash crossword clue
Banjoist Scruggs crossword clue
Baldwin who lampoons Trump crossword clue
Added to the payroll crossword clue
Ace's value, at times crossword clue
10-Across screen image crossword clue
'Yippee!' crossword clue
'To ___ his own' crossword clue
'Hmm . . .' crossword clue
Winnie-the-Pooh's creator
Whistle-blower's sound
Ward off
Visitor to an old prof, perhaps
Verdict-delivering group
Verbal zinger
Unable to sit still
Throw into the trash
Tablet for web surfers
Sporty Fords, informally
Social finesse
Smartphone clock function
Sluggers' stats
Shells and buckshot, for short
Seal, as a deal
Sea's ebb and flow
Scarlett's estate
Say further
Routing word
Rogue computer in '2001'
River bottom
Responses to prolonged applause
Ram in the zodiac
Prefix with potent or present
Places for self-indulgence
Place to dock
Officer's cruiser
Officer in an 11-Down
Nebraska city on the Missouri
Muscat's sultanate
Morse code signal
Mercury or Mars
Mend one's ways
Meadow mother
Many psychoanalysts
Makes on the job
Lose one's winter coat
Lizard kept as a pet
Livestock shelter
Like early movies
Lenders' safeguards
Introduces impurities to
Hotel chain with a sunrise logo
Hellish experiences
Headed the pack
Have in hand
Harpsichord relative
Hardly wordy
Fruitless undertaking
Four Corners state natives
First president in the White House
Feudal bigwig
Festive gathering
Fenway Park city (Abbr.)
Female fowl
Fabric stiffener
Exposure time, in photography
Elms, notably
Dresden's river
Dog breed that doesn't 6-Across much
Ding in a door
Darjeeling export
Court sport
Cookie container
Contemptible one
Confident assertion
Caucus state
Busily engaged
Bled in the wash
Banjoist Scruggs
Baldwin who lampoons Trump
Added to the payroll
Ace's value, at times
10-Across screen image
'To ___ his own'
'Hmm . . .'

__ so (nevertheless) crossword clue
Wrath crossword clue
Wipes clean crossword clue
Where most people live crossword clue
Where most Hawaiians live crossword clue
Trial run crossword clue
Threesome crossword clue
Tavern order crossword clue
Taj Mahal city crossword clue
Stood up crossword clue
Stock-exchange firms crossword clue
Stash of treasure crossword clue
Stash away crossword clue
Specialized vocabulary crossword clue
Speak crossword clue
Sorbets between wine tastings, e.g crossword clue
Sneezer's cloth crossword clue
Small batteries crossword clue
Singer Stefani crossword clue
Shower alternative crossword clue
Ship's emergency signal crossword clue
Sharp point on a farm fence crossword clue
Sassy child crossword clue
Rip crossword clue
Religious branch crossword clue
Region: Abbr crossword clue
Region crossword clue
Protrusion crossword clue
Play a tuba or trumpet crossword clue
Passport stamp crossword clue
One and only crossword clue
Not as many crossword clue
Nav. rank crossword clue
Monk's superior crossword clue
Mess up crossword clue
Mail out a second time crossword clue
Mail out crossword clue
Magazine renewal cards crossword clue
Knight's title crossword clue
Insignificant crossword clue
In the know about crossword clue
Houston baseballer crossword clue
Historical period crossword clue
Hay-bundling machine crossword clue
Handbag crossword clue
Hair clasp crossword clue
Golden-__ (senior) crossword clue
Gift-wrapping adhesive crossword clue
Get the news crossword clue
Frequent texter crossword clue
Folklore brute crossword clue
Father of Thor crossword clue
Exercises for abs crossword clue
Estimation phrase crossword clue
Establish crossword clue
Dip for taco chips crossword clue
Dinghy propeller crossword clue
Defeated by a hair crossword clue
Dalmatian markings crossword clue
Crusty dessert crossword clue
Coyote cry crossword clue
Cooking spray brand crossword clue
Competitive squad crossword clue
Clumsy ones crossword clue
Bridle strap crossword clue
Bovine cry crossword clue
Blunt sword crossword clue
Big cabinets for clothing crossword clue
Biblical boat builder crossword clue
Be wild about crossword clue
Atty.'s group crossword clue
Apple-core bit crossword clue
Altar exchanges crossword clue
Accounting department projections crossword clue
Absolute ruler crossword clue
13 Down ingredient crossword clue
"__ was saying . . ." crossword clue
"All kidding __ . . ." crossword clue
__ so (nevertheless)
Wipes clean
Where most people live
Where most Hawaiians live
Trial run
Tavern order
Taj Mahal city
Stood up
Stock-exchange firms
Stash of treasure
Stash away
Specialized vocabulary
Sorbets between wine tastings, e.g
Sneezer's cloth
Small batteries
Singer Stefani
Shower alternative
Ship's emergency signal
Sharp point on a farm fence
Sassy child
Religious branch
Region: Abbr
Play a tuba or trumpet
Passport stamp
One and only
Not as many
Nav. rank
Monk's superior
Mess up
Mail out a second time
Mail out
Magazine renewal cards
Knight's title
In the know about
Houston baseballer
Historical period
Hay-bundling machine
Hair clasp
Golden-__ (senior)
Gift-wrapping adhesive
Get the news
Frequent texter
Folklore brute
Father of Thor
Exercises for abs
Estimation phrase
Dip for taco chips
Dinghy propeller
Defeated by a hair
Dalmatian markings
Crusty dessert
Coyote cry
Cooking spray brand
Competitive squad
Clumsy ones
Bridle strap
Bovine cry
Blunt sword
Big cabinets for clothing
Biblical boat builder
Be wild about
Atty.'s group
Apple-core bit
Altar exchanges
Accounting department projections
Absolute ruler
13 Down ingredient
"__ was saying . . ."
"All kidding __ . . ."

__-fi crossword clue
Worth more to collectors crossword clue
Word of interest? crossword clue
Where K-I-S-S-I-N-G goes on crossword clue
Volcanic __ crossword clue
Very smart crossword clue
Tupperware sound crossword clue
The 'N' of CSNY crossword clue
Text with maps and timelines crossword clue
Temps crossword clue
Stable parent crossword clue
Squeeze (by) crossword clue
Smart people? crossword clue
SHO sister channel crossword clue
Setting for most of 'Charlotte's Web' crossword clue
Scrubby wastelands crossword clue
Rhine wine region crossword clue
Residential get-together crossword clue
Quid __ quo crossword clue
QB's mistakes crossword clue
Pop __ crossword clue
Point in the right direction? crossword clue
Point in the right direction crossword clue
Plotting crossword clue
Overhead trains crossword clue
Org. in Dan Brown's 'Digital Fortress' crossword clue
Omen on February 2nd crossword clue
Nightly TV staple crossword clue
NBC skit show crossword clue
Nasal dividers crossword clue
More sinewy crossword clue
Mongolian tent crossword clue
Mongolia locale crossword clue
Many mos crossword clue
Losing proposition crossword clue
London-born supermodel crossword clue
Liqueur in an espresso martini crossword clue
KGB country crossword clue
Jeans label crossword clue
Input, as accidentally erased data crossword clue
Hold the floor crossword clue
Highbrow filmmaker crossword clue
Gosling of 'Blade Runner 2049' crossword clue
Garlic mayonnaise crossword clue
Game with ringers crossword clue
Fragrant shower gel crossword clue
Formally withdraw crossword clue
Flow back crossword clue
Figures on a sports news crawl crossword clue
Farm area crossword clue
Fabled beast crossword clue
Door-to-door seller's form crossword clue
Do some bargain-hunting crossword clue
Deli option crossword clue
Copycat crossword clue
Cookie with a Peeps variety crossword clue
Congressional auditing org crossword clue
Column in a pugilist's record crossword clue
Cause of star wars? crossword clue
Camp Lejeune gp crossword clue
Burden crossword clue
Brad Paisley venue crossword clue
Billy Blanks' workout system crossword clue
Become frozen crossword clue
Aviation prefix crossword clue
Ask for a hand? crossword clue
Aquarium fish crossword clue
Antarctic waters crossword clue
2016 #1 hit for Rihanna, which can precede both parts of 17-, 25-, 35-, 49- and 59-Across crossword clue
'__ Road': Beatles album crossword clue
'There's an __ for that' crossword clue
'Starsky & Hutch' Ford model crossword clue
'Naughty, naughty!' crossword clue
'Get outta here!' crossword clue
'Get outta here!' crossword clue
'Empire' actress Long crossword clue
Worth more to collectors
Word of interest?
Where K-I-S-S-I-N-G goes on
Volcanic __
Very smart
Tupperware sound
The 'N' of CSNY
Text with maps and timelines
Stable parent
Squeeze (by)
Smart people?
SHO sister channel
Setting for most of 'Charlotte's Web'
Scrubby wastelands
Rhine wine region
Residential get-together
Quid __ quo
QB's mistakes
Pop __
Point in the right direction?
Point in the right direction
Overhead trains
Org. in Dan Brown's 'Digital Fortress'
Omen on February 2nd
Nightly TV staple
NBC skit show
Nasal dividers
More sinewy
Mongolian tent
Mongolia locale
Many mos
Losing proposition
London-born supermodel
Liqueur in an espresso martini
KGB country
Jeans label
Input, as accidentally erased data
Hold the floor
Highbrow filmmaker
Gosling of 'Blade Runner 2049'
Garlic mayonnaise
Game with ringers
Fragrant shower gel
Formally withdraw
Flow back
Figures on a sports news crawl
Farm area
Fabled beast
Door-to-door seller's form
Do some bargain-hunting
Deli option
Cookie with a Peeps variety
Congressional auditing org
Column in a pugilist's record
Cause of star wars?
Camp Lejeune gp
Brad Paisley venue
Billy Blanks' workout system
Become frozen
Aviation prefix
Ask for a hand?
Aquarium fish
Antarctic waters
2016 #1 hit for Rihanna, which can precede both parts of 17-, 25-, 35-, 49- and 59-Across
'__ Road': Beatles album
'There's an __ for that'
'Starsky & Hutch' Ford model
'Naughty, naughty!'
'Get outta here!'
'Get outta here!'
'Empire' actress Long

כתוב תגובה

חמש + = 6
