אוק 13, 2017

crosswords puzzle answers 13/10/2017

crosswords puzzle answers 13/10/2017

___ Lesser, player of Uncle Leo on 'Seinfeld' crossword clue
[Wham!] crossword clue
Worst of times crossword clue
What a laryngitis sufferer may do crossword clue
Wagner's Siegfried, for one crossword clue
Totally lost it crossword clue
Things worth waiting for? crossword clue
They're seen going south in the fall crossword clue
Tease crossword clue
Source of strength crossword clue
Six-Day War leader Dayan crossword clue
Sites associated with the Innocence Project crossword clue
Roberto ___, only Baseball Hall-of-Famer inducted as a Blue Jays player crossword clue
Reversible fabric crossword clue
Remains of a wreck crossword clue
Ready (for) crossword clue
Protests peacefully, in a way crossword clue
Pound a beat crossword clue
Port vessel crossword clue
Pork cuts crossword clue
Places to see Wagner crossword clue
Pete Rose's 1,314, for short crossword clue
Person in a trailer, in two senses crossword clue
Part of a wizard costume crossword clue
Opposite of downs crossword clue
Offer crossword clue
Obsolescent film holder crossword clue
Not standing, in a way crossword clue
Marching ___ (Midwest college band) crossword clue
Major city on the Tigris crossword clue
Lowly navy person crossword clue
Long-running Fox sitcom crossword clue
Like milk you shouldn't cry over crossword clue
Letters leaning to the right? crossword clue
Jacuzzi part crossword clue
Initial challenge for certain screenwriters crossword clue
Ice cream treat crossword clue
Honest-to-goodness crossword clue
Heart: Lat crossword clue
Heads up crossword clue
Grand duke vis-à-vis a czar crossword clue
Good connection crossword clue
French vineyards crossword clue
Flower with five petals crossword clue
Exercise often done while lying down crossword clue
Evening result? crossword clue
Either Bill or Hillary Clinton, once crossword clue
Egyptian charm crossword clue
Double-click sound? crossword clue
Dash part crossword clue
CNN anchor Cabrera crossword clue
Certain investment, for short crossword clue
Castor ___ of old comics crossword clue
Bugs crossword clue
Brand in the frozen food section crossword clue
Bombards with fake offers crossword clue
Blather crossword clue
Bits of information? crossword clue
Big no-no at a T.S.A. checkpoint crossword clue
Big news site for investors crossword clue
Big name in home security systems crossword clue
Awesome crossword clue
Airbnb listing crossword clue
Advocating crossword clue
A screwdriver might be added to it crossword clue
1997 film whose poster shows a woman wearing dog tags crossword clue
18th-century pioneer in graph theory crossword clue
'___ for Ricochet' (2004 best seller) crossword clue
'Sweet dreams' crossword clue
'Such a pity' crossword clue
'Such a pity' crossword clue
'It's just me' crossword clue
___ Lesser, player of Uncle Leo on 'Seinfeld'
Worst of times
What a laryngitis sufferer may do
Wagner's Siegfried, for one
Totally lost it
Things worth waiting for?
They're seen going south in the fall
Source of strength
Six-Day War leader Dayan
Sites associated with the Innocence Project
Roberto ___, only Baseball Hall-of-Famer inducted as a Blue Jays player
Reversible fabric
Remains of a wreck
Ready (for)
Protests peacefully, in a way
Pound a beat
Port vessel
Pork cuts
Places to see Wagner
Pete Rose's 1,314, for short
Person in a trailer, in two senses
Part of a wizard costume
Opposite of downs
Obsolescent film holder
Not standing, in a way
Marching ___ (Midwest college band)
Major city on the Tigris
Lowly navy person
Long-running Fox sitcom
Like milk you shouldn't cry over
Letters leaning to the right?
Jacuzzi part
Initial challenge for certain screenwriters
Ice cream treat
Heart: Lat
Heads up
Grand duke vis-à-vis a czar
Good connection
French vineyards
Flower with five petals
Exercise often done while lying down
Evening result?
Either Bill or Hillary Clinton, once
Egyptian charm
Double-click sound?
Dash part
CNN anchor Cabrera
Certain investment, for short
Castor ___ of old comics
Brand in the frozen food section
Bombards with fake offers
Bits of information?
Big no-no at a T.S.A. checkpoint
Big news site for investors
Big name in home security systems
Airbnb listing
A screwdriver might be added to it
1997 film whose poster shows a woman wearing dog tags
18th-century pioneer in graph theory
'___ for Ricochet' (2004 best seller)
'Sweet dreams'
'Such a pity'
'Such a pity'
'It's just me'

___ Major (southern constellation) crossword clue
Winter road treater crossword clue
What limericks do crossword clue
Very small crossword clue
Units of heat crossword clue
Trigonometry function crossword clue
Trident parts crossword clue
Tokyo, once crossword clue
Title on a hard drive crossword clue
Striking feature crossword clue
State of agitated irritation crossword clue
Stat finale, sometimes crossword clue
Sports venue crossword clue
Speak publicly crossword clue
Some preliminary tests crossword clue
School fund-raising grp crossword clue
Salon apparatus crossword clue
Romanian coin crossword clue
Roma's land crossword clue
Puts on the rack, perhaps crossword clue
Purchase crossword clue
Onset crossword clue
Old theater name crossword clue
Old radio teammate of Andy crossword clue
Not theirs crossword clue
Not that fast of a time unit? crossword clue
Not high crossword clue
National songs crossword clue
Most moist, as morning grass crossword clue
Mexican gentleman crossword clue
Make amends crossword clue
Major airline crossword clue
Made sure crossword clue
Made out crossword clue
Long, drawn-out NBC game show? crossword clue
Like some devilish cults crossword clue
Like a contained enemy crossword clue
Leather strap for punishments crossword clue
Lawyers in action crossword clue
Lawmaking groups crossword clue
Late March and April definitely, and often May crossword clue
Kickoff aid crossword clue
Huge marine mammal crossword clue
Hereditary stuff crossword clue
Heart artery crossword clue
Having knowledge of, as a scheme crossword clue
Greenland air base site crossword clue
Gets older crossword clue
Gatherer of intelligence crossword clue
Freeze, as a window pane crossword clue
Finnish sweatbox crossword clue
Erato, Clio and Thalia, e.g crossword clue
Didn't straphang crossword clue
Dazzling virtuosos (var.) crossword clue
Data storage units crossword clue
Cries copiously crossword clue
Craving crossword clue
Clothing closure crossword clue
Certain football play crossword clue
Certain bill crossword clue
Cause of yawning crossword clue
Brought to life on cels crossword clue
Bro's sib crossword clue
Bluejacket crossword clue
Belgrade citizens crossword clue
Attila, for one crossword clue
Age slowly? crossword clue
After-dinner fresheners crossword clue
Act in a melodramatic manner crossword clue
'___ in victory' (elementary lesson) crossword clue
'Rain Man' disorder crossword clue
'Oh no, stupid me!' crossword clue
'For what ___ worth …' crossword clue
'Fifteen Miles on the ___ Canal' crossword clue
___ Major (southern constellation)
Winter road treater
What limericks do
Very small
Units of heat
Trigonometry function
Trident parts
Tokyo, once
Title on a hard drive
Striking feature
State of agitated irritation
Stat finale, sometimes
Sports venue
Speak publicly
Some preliminary tests
School fund-raising grp
Salon apparatus
Romanian coin
Roma's land
Puts on the rack, perhaps
Old theater name
Old radio teammate of Andy
Not theirs
Not that fast of a time unit?
Not high
National songs
Most moist, as morning grass
Mexican gentleman
Make amends
Major airline
Made sure
Made out
Long, drawn-out NBC game show?
Like some devilish cults
Like a contained enemy
Leather strap for punishments
Lawyers in action
Lawmaking groups
Late March and April definitely, and often May
Kickoff aid
Huge marine mammal
Hereditary stuff
Heart artery
Having knowledge of, as a scheme
Greenland air base site
Gets older
Gatherer of intelligence
Freeze, as a window pane
Finnish sweatbox
Erato, Clio and Thalia, e.g
Didn't straphang
Dazzling virtuosos (var.)
Data storage units
Cries copiously
Clothing closure
Certain football play
Certain bill
Cause of yawning
Brought to life on cels
Bro's sib
Belgrade citizens
Attila, for one
Age slowly?
After-dinner fresheners
Act in a melodramatic manner
'___ in victory' (elementary lesson)
'Rain Man' disorder
'Oh no, stupid me!'
'For what ___ worth …'
'Fifteen Miles on the ___ Canal'

Whaler's product crossword clue
Wax-coated cheese crossword clue
Wall Street activities crossword clue
Tot's 'piggy' crossword clue
The 435 in D.C crossword clue
Spot for a waxing crossword clue
Spinal cord protector crossword clue
Smokehouse fare, for short crossword clue
Shady spot in a garden crossword clue
Scatter, as confetti crossword clue
Sargasso Sea spawner crossword clue
Ruby of 'Do the Right Thing' crossword clue
Reds or Browns crossword clue
Rascally kid crossword clue
Rand who wrote 'Atlas Shrugged' crossword clue
Privy to crossword clue
Prey for an orca crossword clue
Pinocchio's homeland crossword clue
PBS science series crossword clue
Pay to play crossword clue
Partner of cheese, in a comfort food item crossword clue
Pariah dog crossword clue
One of a cube's 12 crossword clue
Nudniks crossword clue
Not on paper, as a contract crossword clue
No longer fizzy crossword clue
Niagara Falls sound crossword clue
Nadir's opposite crossword clue
Moreno with an Oscar, Tony, Emmy and Grammy crossword clue
Miser's sin crossword clue
Midseason MLB honoree crossword clue
Malicious gossip crossword clue
Lesbos, Rhodes and Corfu crossword clue
Is present at crossword clue
Humpty Dumpty-shaped crossword clue
Homes to cons crossword clue
Home to an arboreal animal crossword clue
Haunted house sound crossword clue
Hairdo in 'Hair' crossword clue
Glasgow girl crossword clue
Gain through merit crossword clue
Flying off the shelves crossword clue
Fly off the handle crossword clue
First Biblical casualty crossword clue
Evaluate, as a cohort's work crossword clue
Doily material crossword clue
Dice rolls equally probable as fours crossword clue
Cover with hot fudge, say crossword clue
Cousteau's milieu crossword clue
Consider to be crossword clue
Come about crossword clue
Clobber with rocks crossword clue
Chevy hybrid crossword clue
Cereal sold in bars crossword clue
Cause of ruin crossword clue
Cause of a bad air day crossword clue
Cassini of fashion crossword clue
Casino markers crossword clue
Casino convenience, briefly crossword clue
Caribbean island that's a region of France crossword clue
Breathe like a hot dog crossword clue
Break in friendly relations crossword clue
Boss's 'Pronto!' crossword clue
Bit of color crossword clue
Bit of brainwork crossword clue
Bill killer crossword clue
Bellow in bookstores crossword clue
Bedouin, e.g crossword clue
Ballerina's practice rail crossword clue
Bad time for Caesar crossword clue
Appeasements to the gods crossword clue
Address with a Sharpie, say crossword clue
Accustom, as to hardship crossword clue
'The,' grammatically crossword clue
'Sister Act' garb crossword clue
'Lemony Snicket' villain Count ___ crossword clue
'Cake Boss' fixture crossword clue
'Buyer beware' warning crossword clue
Whaler's product
Wax-coated cheese
Wall Street activities
Tot's 'piggy'
The 435 in D.C
Spot for a waxing
Spinal cord protector
Smokehouse fare, for short
Shady spot in a garden
Scatter, as confetti
Sargasso Sea spawner
Ruby of 'Do the Right Thing'
Reds or Browns
Rascally kid
Rand who wrote 'Atlas Shrugged'
Privy to
Prey for an orca
Pinocchio's homeland
PBS science series
Pay to play
Partner of cheese, in a comfort food item
Pariah dog
One of a cube's 12
Not on paper, as a contract
No longer fizzy
Niagara Falls sound
Nadir's opposite
Moreno with an Oscar, Tony, Emmy and Grammy
Miser's sin
Midseason MLB honoree
Malicious gossip
Lesbos, Rhodes and Corfu
Is present at
Humpty Dumpty-shaped
Homes to cons
Home to an arboreal animal
Haunted house sound
Hairdo in 'Hair'
Glasgow girl
Gain through merit
Flying off the shelves
Fly off the handle
First Biblical casualty
Evaluate, as a cohort's work
Doily material
Dice rolls equally probable as fours
Cover with hot fudge, say
Cousteau's milieu
Consider to be
Come about
Clobber with rocks
Chevy hybrid
Cereal sold in bars
Cause of ruin
Cause of a bad air day
Cassini of fashion
Casino markers
Casino convenience, briefly
Caribbean island that's a region of France
Breathe like a hot dog
Break in friendly relations
Boss's 'Pronto!'
Bit of color
Bit of brainwork
Bill killer
Bellow in bookstores
Bedouin, e.g
Ballerina's practice rail
Bad time for Caesar
Appeasements to the gods
Address with a Sharpie, say
Accustom, as to hardship
'The,' grammatically
'Sister Act' garb
'Lemony Snicket' villain Count ___
'Cake Boss' fixture
'Buyer beware' warning

YMCA class crossword clue
Word associated with nouns crossword clue
Woman's name on an historic B-29 crossword clue
What each of the four longest answers is a term for crossword clue
Water beside Gibraltar crossword clue
Wall installation crossword clue
Towards the tail crossword clue
Top of an org chart crossword clue
Took evasive action crossword clue
Tip for a calligrapher crossword clue
Throws on the floor crossword clue
They may push you to buy crossword clue
Stay behind the leaders crossword clue
Staunch crossword clue
Spherical seed crossword clue
Specifics, informally crossword clue
Slender wind crossword clue
Side track crossword clue
Ring shapes crossword clue
Resource for many a collector crossword clue
Rather like crossword clue
Purpose of a convoy crossword clue
Proof of innocence crossword clue
Pokes at crossword clue
Pinocchio, at story's end crossword clue
Physical sparkle crossword clue
PD rank crossword clue
Optimal crossword clue
Ominous comment crossword clue
Ole Miss rival crossword clue
Novelist Kellerman crossword clue
More than miffed crossword clue
Makes better crossword clue
Make good on crossword clue
Maine thing crossword clue
Luxury hotel amenity crossword clue
Leftover crossword clue
Japanese pizza topping crossword clue
It's a boy crossword clue
It means "in a way" crossword clue
Intrinsically crossword clue
High-pH chemical crossword clue
Hemingway nickname crossword clue
Grasp mentally crossword clue
General associated with chicken crossword clue
Full-stake bet crossword clue
French sponge cake crossword clue
Filled and folded fare crossword clue
Even now crossword clue
Erstwhile orbiter crossword clue
Epic with Achilles crossword clue
Easter Island's claim to fame crossword clue
Doughy ring crossword clue
Decides as a body crossword clue
Cuisine with fried rice crossword clue
Crepe cousin crossword clue
Covered with leaves crossword clue
Clueless query crossword clue
Chinese green, e.g crossword clue
Broadband offering crossword clue
Bridge support of a sort crossword clue
Bit of barking crossword clue
Benefits option crossword clue
Before today crossword clue
Artistic knack crossword clue
Any jazz instrument crossword clue
Adapted (to) crossword clue
Accumulated stake crossword clue
Absorb information crossword clue
About 4.5" in diameter crossword clue
About 3" in diameter crossword clue
About 2.5" in diameter crossword clue
About 1.25" in diameter crossword clue
76 suffix, in sports crossword clue
42 gal. of oil crossword clue
13 Across, e.g crossword clue
"Motor Trend" specialty crossword clue
"Just as I predicted" crossword clue
YMCA class
Word associated with nouns
Woman's name on an historic B-29
What each of the four longest answers is a term for
Water beside Gibraltar
Wall installation
Towards the tail
Top of an org chart
Took evasive action
Tip for a calligrapher
Throws on the floor
They may push you to buy
Stay behind the leaders
Spherical seed
Specifics, informally
Slender wind
Side track
Ring shapes
Resource for many a collector
Rather like
Purpose of a convoy
Proof of innocence
Pokes at
Pinocchio, at story's end
Physical sparkle
PD rank
Ominous comment
Ole Miss rival
Novelist Kellerman
More than miffed
Makes better
Make good on
Maine thing
Luxury hotel amenity
Japanese pizza topping
It's a boy
It means "in a way"
High-pH chemical
Hemingway nickname
Grasp mentally
General associated with chicken
Full-stake bet
French sponge cake
Filled and folded fare
Even now
Erstwhile orbiter
Epic with Achilles
Easter Island's claim to fame
Doughy ring
Decides as a body
Cuisine with fried rice
Crepe cousin
Covered with leaves
Clueless query
Chinese green, e.g
Broadband offering
Bridge support of a sort
Bit of barking
Benefits option
Before today
Artistic knack
Any jazz instrument
Adapted (to)
Accumulated stake
Absorb information
About 4.5" in diameter
About 3" in diameter
About 2.5" in diameter
About 1.25" in diameter
76 suffix, in sports
42 gal. of oil
13 Across, e.g
"Motor Trend" specialty
"Just as I predicted"

Yanks' foes crossword clue
Worries crossword clue
Walk without getting anywhere? crossword clue
TW .. crossword clue
They're often free crossword clue
Tenn. neighbor crossword clue
Spot crossword clue
Spice Girl Halliwell crossword clue
Sir Georg Solti's record 31 crossword clue
Shoes without laces crossword clue
Shoelace site crossword clue
Shipboard resident crossword clue
Shipboard chums crossword clue
Sharp side crossword clue
Second, e.g crossword clue
Sched. question mark crossword clue
Rotating rod crossword clue
Regular guys crossword clue
Refrigerates crossword clue
Reacted to an arduous workout crossword clue
Reach capacity, with 'out' crossword clue
Puts money (on) crossword clue
Prime real estate? crossword clue
President pro __ crossword clue
Prefix for 'sun' crossword clue
Operation designed to hurt crossword clue
One of a biblical ten crossword clue
One 'sitting lonely on the placid bust,' in a classic poem crossword clue
Once called crossword clue
On the lam crossword clue
Old-time teacher crossword clue
Old Fords crossword clue
Not at all reflective crossword clue
Not as likely to mess up crossword clue
Nice with? crossword clue
Nerve cell part crossword clue
Madison Ave. pitchers crossword clue
Like quality beef crossword clue
Kind crossword clue
Key of the finale of Brahms' Symphony No. 1 crossword clue
In-law's wife, possibly crossword clue
Ibiza, por ejemplo crossword clue
Hurting crossword clue
Hard-working colonizers crossword clue
Gymnast's powder crossword clue
Good-sized wedding band crossword clue
Gobs and gobs crossword clue
Finals, e.g crossword clue
Filly's brother crossword clue
Fighter eulogized by Bill Clinton, among others crossword clue
Ewan McGregor, for one crossword clue
Downed a sub, say crossword clue
DCYC .. crossword clue
Dash crossword clue
Cravings crossword clue
Course with relevant tangents crossword clue
Conduct crossword clue
Composer Mendelssohn crossword clue
Cobb salad ingredient crossword clue
CI .. crossword clue
Church numbers crossword clue
CFO, e.g crossword clue
Cart for heavy loads crossword clue
Carpentry, e.g crossword clue
Bring to mind crossword clue
Beams crossword clue
Backs up a videotape crossword clue
Apartment listing abbr crossword clue
AGT .. crossword clue
Actress Mendes crossword clue
'The Grapes of Wrath' figure crossword clue
'Star Wars' warrior crossword clue
'Now it's clear' crossword clue
'Les Misérables' author crossword clue
Yanks' foes
Walk without getting anywhere?
TW ..
They're often free
Tenn. neighbor
Spice Girl Halliwell
Sir Georg Solti's record 31
Shoes without laces
Shoelace site
Shipboard resident
Shipboard chums
Sharp side
Second, e.g
Sched. question mark
Rotating rod
Regular guys
Reacted to an arduous workout
Reach capacity, with 'out'
Puts money (on)
Prime real estate?
President pro __
Prefix for 'sun'
Operation designed to hurt
One of a biblical ten
One 'sitting lonely on the placid bust,' in a classic poem
Once called
On the lam
Old-time teacher
Old Fords
Not at all reflective
Not as likely to mess up
Nice with?
Nerve cell part
Madison Ave. pitchers
Like quality beef
Key of the finale of Brahms' Symphony No. 1
In-law's wife, possibly
Ibiza, por ejemplo
Hard-working colonizers
Gymnast's powder
Good-sized wedding band
Gobs and gobs
Finals, e.g
Filly's brother
Fighter eulogized by Bill Clinton, among others
Ewan McGregor, for one
Downed a sub, say
Course with relevant tangents
Composer Mendelssohn
Cobb salad ingredient
CI ..
Church numbers
CFO, e.g
Cart for heavy loads
Carpentry, e.g
Bring to mind
Backs up a videotape
Apartment listing abbr
AGT ..
Actress Mendes
'The Grapes of Wrath' figure
'Star Wars' warrior
'Now it's clear'
'Les Misérables' author

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