crosswords puzzle answers 11/09/2017
crosswords puzzle answers 11/09/2017
___ of Wight crossword clue
___ McNally (mapmaker) crossword clue
[Alas] crossword clue
Writer Welty crossword clue
With 58-Down, head-in-the-clouds place … or a hint to each answer that has four circles crossword clue
Wild crossword clue
Washington city with a repetitive name crossword clue
Vinyl albums, for short crossword clue
University in northeast Ohio crossword clue
Treat really nicely crossword clue
Titular California district in a Steinbeck novel crossword clue
The drug acid, by another name crossword clue
T. J. ___ (department store chain) crossword clue
Sporting a natural crossword clue
Shoulder garment crossword clue
Setting for much of 'Moana' crossword clue
Served dinner crossword clue
See 53-Down crossword clue
Rest atop crossword clue
Postal delivery crossword clue
Pitchfork-shaped letter crossword clue
Person wearing a trench coat and sunglasses, stereotypically crossword clue
Pb, to chemists crossword clue
Odor crossword clue
October birthstone crossword clue
Not worth discussing crossword clue
Nike rival crossword clue
N.B.A. star Nowitzki crossword clue
Musk of Tesla crossword clue
Mrs. George W. Bush crossword clue
Mistake, cutely crossword clue
Kuala Lumpur's locale crossword clue
Kind of diet regimen based on nonmodern eating habits crossword clue
Issa who stars on HBO's 'Insecure' crossword clue
Intelligent crossword clue
Ice pad? crossword clue
Hideout crossword clue
Hideout crossword clue
Hayseed crossword clue
Hawaiian island crossword clue
Have debts crossword clue
Happy accident crossword clue
Hairstyling substance crossword clue
Group of experts crossword clue
Getting little rainfall crossword clue
Fruit in a fruit basket crossword clue
Fashionable crossword clue
Dominique ___, 1996 Olympic gymnastics gold medalist crossword clue
Divorced crossword clue
Deep bow crossword clue
Dad crossword clue
Counterparts of dots, in Morse code crossword clue
Contents of el océano crossword clue
College teacher, informally crossword clue
Christmas season crossword clue
California-based gas company crossword clue
Business fair crossword clue
Brillo alternative crossword clue
At 50%, to a pessimist crossword clue
At 0% battery crossword clue
Arctic bird crossword clue
Annual Austin festival, for short crossword clue
Animal whose name is a synonym of 'parrot' crossword clue
Actor Alan crossword clue
A pair crossword clue
4.0, in school crossword clue
1980 Winter Olympics host crossword clue
'___ and Circumstance' crossword clue
'When they go ___, we go high' crossword clue
'Not guilty,' e.g crossword clue
'I don't wanna be ___ guy, but …' crossword clue
'Holy cow!' crossword clue
'Fighting' N.C.A.A. team crossword clue
'Calvin and Hobbes' conveyance crossword clue
'!!!!,' in a text crossword clue
___ of Wight
___ McNally (mapmaker)
Writer Welty
With 58-Down, head-in-the-clouds place … or a hint to each answer that has four circles
Washington city with a repetitive name
Vinyl albums, for short
University in northeast Ohio
Treat really nicely
Titular California district in a Steinbeck novel
The drug acid, by another name
T. J. ___ (department store chain)
Sporting a natural
Shoulder garment
Setting for much of 'Moana'
Served dinner
See 53-Down
Rest atop
Postal delivery
Pitchfork-shaped letter
Person wearing a trench coat and sunglasses, stereotypically
Pb, to chemists
October birthstone
Not worth discussing
Nike rival
N.B.A. star Nowitzki
Musk of Tesla
Mrs. George W. Bush
Mistake, cutely
Kuala Lumpur's locale
Kind of diet regimen based on nonmodern eating habits
Issa who stars on HBO's 'Insecure'
Ice pad?
Hawaiian island
Have debts
Happy accident
Hairstyling substance
Group of experts
Getting little rainfall
Fruit in a fruit basket
Dominique ___, 1996 Olympic gymnastics gold medalist
Deep bow
Counterparts of dots, in Morse code
Contents of el océano
College teacher, informally
Christmas season
California-based gas company
Business fair
Brillo alternative
At 50%, to a pessimist
At 0% battery
Arctic bird
Annual Austin festival, for short
Animal whose name is a synonym of 'parrot'
Actor Alan
A pair
4.0, in school
1980 Winter Olympics host
'___ and Circumstance'
'When they go ___, we go high'
'Not guilty,' e.g
'I don't wanna be ___ guy, but …'
'Holy cow!'
'Fighting' N.C.A.A. team
'Calvin and Hobbes' conveyance
Yellow character in the game of Clue crossword clue
Wreck beyond repair crossword clue
What slanderers sling crossword clue
Video game zones crossword clue
Use the '=SUM' function, say crossword clue
Use a springboard, perhaps crossword clue
Topper for Indiana Jones crossword clue
Took heavy steps crossword clue
Thurman of 'Pulp Fiction' crossword clue
There's no place like it, to Dorothy crossword clue
The Komodo dragon is the largest crossword clue
Take the last of crossword clue
Stem-to-stern structures crossword clue
Snakes in many zoos crossword clue
Singer with fans called 'Claymates' crossword clue
Shower buildup crossword clue
Shepherd's dog, often crossword clue
Shallowest of the HOMES quintet crossword clue
Sauna wear crossword clue
Revival shout crossword clue
Resort isle near Venezuela crossword clue
Resident of the Eternal City crossword clue
Reflexology spot crossword clue
Referendum choice crossword clue
Rare 'Jeopardy!' result crossword clue
Pundits' page, for short crossword clue
Promote big-time crossword clue
Prepare for a selfie, say crossword clue
Planetarium topper crossword clue
Pilot's 'We're in trouble!' crossword clue
Pete Seeger's genre crossword clue
Pepper or paper processor crossword clue
Part of ROY G. BIV crossword clue
Paparazzo's subject crossword clue
Pack animal's burden crossword clue
Overseers of crews crossword clue
One 'O' in EVOO crossword clue
Neck-and-neck crossword clue
Miner's strike crossword clue
Military branch founded by Alexander Hamilton crossword clue
Mendes of 'Hitch' crossword clue
Member of a Disney duck trio crossword clue
Martin Luther King or Cicero crossword clue
Many a Beatles single crossword clue
Manuscript slips crossword clue
Make whole again crossword clue
Local representative group crossword clue
Like Victoria's Secret wares crossword clue
Like sexist jokes, for short crossword clue
Leave bewildered crossword clue
Leaders' positions crossword clue
La ___ (fossil-rich area) crossword clue
Knock out of one's socks crossword clue
Ingredient in some shampoos crossword clue
Homecoming crowd, largely crossword clue
Got in on the deal crossword clue
Forms a lather crossword clue
Follow to the letter crossword clue
Easily led astray crossword clue
Drops in on crossword clue
Criticize severely crossword clue
Creature on an Aussie road sign crossword clue
Compass doodle crossword clue
Cheers or Moe's crossword clue
Camden Yards player crossword clue
Calls a halt to crossword clue
Cable TV unsubscriber, and a hint to 17-, 28- and 42-Across crossword clue
Bear cub's home crossword clue
Audited taxpayer's emotion, maybe crossword clue
Attend a state luncheon, e.g crossword clue
Area between hills crossword clue
Aardvark's morsel crossword clue
'Jurassic World' dino crossword clue
'I'll allow it' crossword clue
'Heaven forbid!' crossword clue
'Fernando' foursome crossword clue
'Blue Bloods' network crossword clue
'A ___ pittance!' crossword clue
Yellow character in the game of Clue
Wreck beyond repair
What slanderers sling
Video game zones
Use the '=SUM' function, say
Use a springboard, perhaps
Topper for Indiana Jones
Took heavy steps
Thurman of 'Pulp Fiction'
There's no place like it, to Dorothy
The Komodo dragon is the largest
Take the last of
Stem-to-stern structures
Snakes in many zoos
Singer with fans called 'Claymates'
Shower buildup
Shepherd's dog, often
Shallowest of the HOMES quintet
Sauna wear
Revival shout
Resort isle near Venezuela
Resident of the Eternal City
Reflexology spot
Referendum choice
Rare 'Jeopardy!' result
Pundits' page, for short
Promote big-time
Prepare for a selfie, say
Planetarium topper
Pilot's 'We're in trouble!'
Pete Seeger's genre
Pepper or paper processor
Part of ROY G. BIV
Paparazzo's subject
Pack animal's burden
Overseers of crews
One 'O' in EVOO
Miner's strike
Military branch founded by Alexander Hamilton
Mendes of 'Hitch'
Member of a Disney duck trio
Martin Luther King or Cicero
Many a Beatles single
Manuscript slips
Make whole again
Local representative group
Like Victoria's Secret wares
Like sexist jokes, for short
Leave bewildered
Leaders' positions
La ___ (fossil-rich area)
Knock out of one's socks
Ingredient in some shampoos
Homecoming crowd, largely
Got in on the deal
Forms a lather
Follow to the letter
Easily led astray
Drops in on
Criticize severely
Creature on an Aussie road sign
Compass doodle
Cheers or Moe's
Camden Yards player
Calls a halt to
Cable TV unsubscriber, and a hint to 17-, 28- and 42-Across
Bear cub's home
Audited taxpayer's emotion, maybe
Attend a state luncheon, e.g
Area between hills
Aardvark's morsel
'Jurassic World' dino
'I'll allow it'
'Heaven forbid!'
'Fernando' foursome
'Blue Bloods' network
'A ___ pittance!'
Zaps, in a way crossword clue
Up to the task crossword clue
Unimportant crossword clue
Unexciting crossword clue
Touch down crossword clue
They're outstanding crossword clue
There are 28 in a Monopoly set crossword clue
Take note of crossword clue
Supply with financing crossword clue
Sumptuous crossword clue
Start of a Caesar boast crossword clue
Stable oldster crossword clue
Soil breaker crossword clue
Social environment crossword clue
Sets the price at crossword clue
Send a Dear John letter to, e.g crossword clue
Scarlett Butler's maiden name crossword clue
Quantity of tourists or schoolchildren crossword clue
Popular tablets crossword clue
Pleasant to listen to crossword clue
Philosopher Descartes crossword clue
Otherwise crossword clue
Old flames crossword clue
Nutritional amts crossword clue
No matter which crossword clue
Neighborhood crossword clue
Mount Everest is on its northern border crossword clue
Modernize, as a ship crossword clue
Mideast chieftain crossword clue
Merry crossword clue
Malleable metal crossword clue
Make reparation crossword clue
Lip crossword clue
Like bulls and boars crossword clue
Letters after alephs crossword clue
Jumbo-screen film format crossword clue
Is caught in a downpour, e.g crossword clue
In the family crossword clue
Host at a roast crossword clue
Home of the Crimson Tide, familiarly crossword clue
High point crossword clue
Guiding principles, and the ends of the starred answers crossword clue
Graph line crossword clue
Gooey stuff crossword clue
General Bradley crossword clue
Fix sloppy sentences crossword clue
Fiction's counterpart crossword clue
English town noted for its salts crossword clue
End for luncheon or kitchen crossword clue
Eggs Benedict ingredient crossword clue
Diagonal movers crossword clue
Demonstrates flexibility crossword clue
Day divs crossword clue
Contacted the Coast Guard, in a way crossword clue
Company emblem crossword clue
Colt creation crossword clue
Choir costume crossword clue
Chemist's salt crossword clue
Cheese in a red coat crossword clue
Canonization requirement crossword clue
Bygone anesthetic crossword clue
Broker's advice crossword clue
Brings together crossword clue
Bears crossword clue
Atlantic catch crossword clue
Astute attorney crossword clue
*The devil's workshop, so they say crossword clue
*Medulla oblongata's place crossword clue
*Group of amateur rockers crossword clue
*Cirrus cloud component crossword clue
*Basic emoji crossword clue
'Toodle-oo!' crossword clue
'Give me ___' ('Call me') crossword clue
'Absolutely!' crossword clue
Zaps, in a way
Up to the task
Touch down
They're outstanding
There are 28 in a Monopoly set
Take note of
Supply with financing
Start of a Caesar boast
Stable oldster
Soil breaker
Social environment
Sets the price at
Send a Dear John letter to, e.g
Scarlett Butler's maiden name
Quantity of tourists or schoolchildren
Popular tablets
Pleasant to listen to
Philosopher Descartes
Old flames
Nutritional amts
No matter which
Mount Everest is on its northern border
Modernize, as a ship
Mideast chieftain
Malleable metal
Make reparation
Like bulls and boars
Letters after alephs
Jumbo-screen film format
Is caught in a downpour, e.g
In the family
Host at a roast
Home of the Crimson Tide, familiarly
High point
Guiding principles, and the ends of the starred answers
Graph line
Gooey stuff
General Bradley
Fix sloppy sentences
Fiction's counterpart
English town noted for its salts
End for luncheon or kitchen
Eggs Benedict ingredient
Diagonal movers
Demonstrates flexibility
Day divs
Contacted the Coast Guard, in a way
Company emblem
Colt creation
Choir costume
Chemist's salt
Cheese in a red coat
Canonization requirement
Bygone anesthetic
Broker's advice
Brings together
Atlantic catch
Astute attorney
*The devil's workshop, so they say
*Medulla oblongata's place
*Group of amateur rockers
*Cirrus cloud component
*Basic emoji
'Give me ___' ('Call me')
___ Lanka crossword clue
___ Bator crossword clue
Yoko of music crossword clue
Wriggly fish crossword clue
Worsted fabrics crossword clue
Whispered attention-getter crossword clue
Wheel cover crossword clue
What it doesn't hurt to do crossword clue
War's opposite crossword clue
Utmost boundaries crossword clue
Two lady followers crossword clue
Two lady followers crossword clue
Two lady followers crossword clue
The ___ of Avon (Shakespeare) crossword clue
Talks as if from Dixie crossword clue
Stage objects crossword clue
St. ___ (Caribbean isle) crossword clue
Sigourney Weaver horror sequel crossword clue
Sign on a bathroom door crossword clue
Sideways look crossword clue
Security protection crossword clue
Respectful one crossword clue
Remain firmly attached crossword clue
Region crossword clue
Raises the ante crossword clue
Produces milk crossword clue
Prefix with 'game' crossword clue
Positive response crossword clue
Plane type crossword clue
Pitch for the road crossword clue
Petroleum crossword clue
Peculiar crossword clue
Pea container crossword clue
Pale brown shade crossword clue
Nonstop crossword clue
New York hockey player crossword clue
Negative replies crossword clue
Marina construction crossword clue
Loathsome crossword clue
List-shortening letters crossword clue
Latin American dance crossword clue
Kitten comment crossword clue
Kind of mattress crossword clue
It can move mountains crossword clue
Hank Hill's TV town crossword clue
Gravy sucker-uppers crossword clue
Golfer's peg crossword clue
Gold measurement units crossword clue
Gets closer to retirement crossword clue
Gambler's 'wheel' crossword clue
Formerly named crossword clue
Forlorn crossword clue
File folder projections crossword clue
Employer crossword clue
Eggs, to a scientist crossword clue
Dusty little bit crossword clue
Drexler or Barrow crossword clue
Dollop crossword clue
Decays crossword clue
Concluded a hunger strike crossword clue
Concert equipment crossword clue
Common theater name crossword clue
Cod cousin crossword clue
Choice crossword clue
Change color again crossword clue
Cash, in slang (var.) crossword clue
Cash dispenser crossword clue
Bulgarian currency crossword clue
Builder of tiny hills crossword clue
British WWII fliers crossword clue
Author Bagnold crossword clue
Attachment to 'sacro' crossword clue
Animal's den crossword clue
Airport necessity crossword clue
Above crossword clue
'Three' prefix crossword clue
'Quickly!' crossword clue
'New' as a prefix crossword clue
___ Lanka
___ Bator
Yoko of music
Wriggly fish
Worsted fabrics
Whispered attention-getter
Wheel cover
What it doesn't hurt to do
War's opposite
Utmost boundaries
Two lady followers
Two lady followers
Two lady followers
The ___ of Avon (Shakespeare)
Talks as if from Dixie
Stage objects
St. ___ (Caribbean isle)
Sigourney Weaver horror sequel
Sign on a bathroom door
Sideways look
Security protection
Respectful one
Remain firmly attached
Raises the ante
Produces milk
Prefix with 'game'
Positive response
Plane type
Pitch for the road
Pea container
Pale brown shade
New York hockey player
Negative replies
Marina construction
List-shortening letters
Latin American dance
Kitten comment
Kind of mattress
It can move mountains
Hank Hill's TV town
Gravy sucker-uppers
Golfer's peg
Gold measurement units
Gets closer to retirement
Gambler's 'wheel'
Formerly named
File folder projections
Eggs, to a scientist
Dusty little bit
Drexler or Barrow
Concluded a hunger strike
Concert equipment
Common theater name
Cod cousin
Change color again
Cash, in slang (var.)
Cash dispenser
Bulgarian currency
Builder of tiny hills
British WWII fliers
Author Bagnold
Attachment to 'sacro'
Animal's den
Airport necessity
'Three' prefix
'New' as a prefix
__ colada (cocktail) crossword clue
Well-coordinated crossword clue
Very spicy crossword clue
Turn on one foot crossword clue
Touchdown caller, for short crossword clue
Thick carpet crossword clue
Talk back to crossword clue
Stick out like __ thumb crossword clue
Soprano's note crossword clue
Small fruit pie crossword clue
Sit down with a book crossword clue
Scored 100 percent on crossword clue
Scenic sight crossword clue
Resort with hot springs crossword clue
Removed the center of, as apples crossword clue
Prefix for vision or scope crossword clue
Practice for a 61 Across crossword clue
Plane without a pilot crossword clue
Plaid kilt pattern crossword clue
Person walking in a pond crossword clue
Parakeets and poodles crossword clue
One of the Great Lakes crossword clue
Omelet ingredients crossword clue
Most friendly crossword clue
Midterms and finals crossword clue
Marinara or pesto crossword clue
Made furious crossword clue
Made an attempt crossword clue
Luau dance crossword clue
Lowest pair in a 36 Down crossword clue
Long river ending in Egypt crossword clue
Loch __ monster crossword clue
Licorice-flavored herb crossword clue
Keep in __ (remember) crossword clue
India's continent crossword clue
Hope-chest wood crossword clue
Highway exit crossword clue
Hertz competitor crossword clue
Helper: Abbr crossword clue
Heavy marching-band instrument crossword clue
Guys-only event crossword clue
Grad crossword clue
Go right or left crossword clue
French-style pancake crossword clue
Fortune-teller crossword clue
Foolish person crossword clue
Fence opening crossword clue
Female singing voice crossword clue
Female opera stars crossword clue
Farmland measures crossword clue
Enthusiasm crossword clue
Enrage crossword clue
En __ (as a group) crossword clue
Elm or maple crossword clue
Ebbs crossword clue
Dry as a desert crossword clue
Doe or fawn crossword clue
Dishonest imitation crossword clue
Deal in secondhand goods crossword clue
Cuddly, purring animal crossword clue
Concludes crossword clue
Complete collections crossword clue
Competition with straights and flushes crossword clue
Competition with kings and rooks crossword clue
Colored part of the eye crossword clue
Clothes-dryer fuzz crossword clue
Calculates a total crossword clue
Butler of "Gone With the Wind" crossword clue
Build, as a house crossword clue
Broadway show award crossword clue
Break sharply crossword clue
Boxing competition crossword clue
Border on crossword clue
Blueprint detail, for short crossword clue
Baton-passing track competition crossword clue
Astronauts' agcy crossword clue
"Great minds think __" crossword clue
"Dear __ or Madam . . ." crossword clue
__ colada (cocktail)
Very spicy
Turn on one foot
Touchdown caller, for short
Thick carpet
Talk back to
Stick out like __ thumb
Soprano's note
Small fruit pie
Sit down with a book
Scored 100 percent on
Scenic sight
Resort with hot springs
Removed the center of, as apples
Prefix for vision or scope
Practice for a 61 Across
Plane without a pilot
Plaid kilt pattern
Person walking in a pond
Parakeets and poodles
One of the Great Lakes
Omelet ingredients
Most friendly
Midterms and finals
Marinara or pesto
Made furious
Made an attempt
Luau dance
Lowest pair in a 36 Down
Long river ending in Egypt
Loch __ monster
Licorice-flavored herb
Keep in __ (remember)
India's continent
Hope-chest wood
Highway exit
Hertz competitor
Helper: Abbr
Heavy marching-band instrument
Guys-only event
Go right or left
French-style pancake
Foolish person
Fence opening
Female singing voice
Female opera stars
Farmland measures
En __ (as a group)
Elm or maple
Dry as a desert
Doe or fawn
Dishonest imitation
Deal in secondhand goods
Cuddly, purring animal
Complete collections
Competition with straights and flushes
Competition with kings and rooks
Colored part of the eye
Clothes-dryer fuzz
Calculates a total
Butler of "Gone With the Wind"
Build, as a house
Broadway show award
Break sharply
Boxing competition
Border on
Blueprint detail, for short
Baton-passing track competition
Astronauts' agcy
"Great minds think __"
"Dear __ or Madam . . ."WWII carrier crossword clue
Well-suited crossword clue
Wall St. specialist crossword clue
Type of waste pump crossword clue
Talked nonstop crossword clue
Symphonic gp. inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2017 crossword clue
Stopped slouching crossword clue
Start of a choosing rhyme crossword clue
Spy novelist Deighton crossword clue
Soar without effort crossword clue
Singer dubbed 'King of Country' crossword clue
Singapore's continent crossword clue
Silents star Bara crossword clue
Ship's area for medical assistance crossword clue
Scattered, as seeds crossword clue
Saturated like the ends of 17-, 23-, 39- and 50-Across? crossword clue
Russian range or river crossword clue
Removes errors from crossword clue
Recede, as the tide crossword clue
Postwar supermodel Parker crossword clue
Play a part crossword clue
Pen occupants crossword clue
Painter's stand crossword clue
Nuclear restraint topic crossword clue
Not fooled by crossword clue
Not as prevalent crossword clue
Musician's suffix crossword clue
Music from Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey et al crossword clue
Moog, briefly crossword clue
Mongolian desert crossword clue
Mollusk in a red or white linguine sauce crossword clue
Married crossword clue
Many charity golf tournaments crossword clue
Low-fat crossword clue
Long-running dispute crossword clue
Lawn coating crossword clue
Lats relatives crossword clue
Last Marx brother, alphabetically crossword clue
Kid lit monster crossword clue
Island band The __ Men crossword clue
In an aimless fashion crossword clue
Highly self-satisfied crossword clue
Hershey's toffee bar crossword clue
Head out crossword clue
Greenside golf shot crossword clue
Globe shape: Abbr crossword clue
Garlicky mayo crossword clue
Fiery crime crossword clue
Exhaustion crossword clue
Exercise pieces crossword clue
Evening affair crossword clue
Doctor Zhivago's love crossword clue
Do what's asked crossword clue
Detroit NFLer crossword clue
Dental care brand crossword clue
Consumes enough to nourish mother and unborn child crossword clue
Clarinet cousin crossword clue
Chintzy crossword clue
CBS police series with three spin-offs crossword clue
Cavern critter crossword clue
Candidates' face-off crossword clue
Calypso cousin crossword clue
Buyer's financing crossword clue
Braggart's retort crossword clue
Blood bank supply crossword clue
Bills at bars crossword clue
Bilingual subj crossword clue
Bette's 'Divine' nickname crossword clue
Army installation crossword clue
Arizona native crossword clue
Ancient Aegean land crossword clue
Amount to crossword clue
Almanac tidbit crossword clue
24-hour broadcaster that keeps you up-to-date crossword clue
'Win __, lose … ' crossword clue
'So long, Paulo!' crossword clue
'Just in case' strategy crossword clue
'Fun, Fun, Fun' car in a 1960s song crossword clue
WWII carrier
Wall St. specialist
Type of waste pump
Talked nonstop
Symphonic gp. inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2017
Stopped slouching
Start of a choosing rhyme
Spy novelist Deighton
Soar without effort
Singer dubbed 'King of Country'
Singapore's continent
Silents star Bara
Ship's area for medical assistance
Scattered, as seeds
Saturated like the ends of 17-, 23-, 39- and 50-Across?
Russian range or river
Removes errors from
Recede, as the tide
Postwar supermodel Parker
Play a part
Pen occupants
Painter's stand
Nuclear restraint topic
Not fooled by
Not as prevalent
Musician's suffix
Music from Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey et al
Moog, briefly
Mongolian desert
Mollusk in a red or white linguine sauce
Many charity golf tournaments
Long-running dispute
Lawn coating
Lats relatives
Last Marx brother, alphabetically
Kid lit monster
Island band The __ Men
In an aimless fashion
Highly self-satisfied
Hershey's toffee bar
Head out
Greenside golf shot
Globe shape: Abbr
Garlicky mayo
Fiery crime
Exercise pieces
Evening affair
Doctor Zhivago's love
Do what's asked
Detroit NFLer
Dental care brand
Consumes enough to nourish mother and unborn child
Clarinet cousin
CBS police series with three spin-offs
Cavern critter
Candidates' face-off
Calypso cousin
Buyer's financing
Braggart's retort
Blood bank supply
Bills at bars
Bilingual subj
Bette's 'Divine' nickname
Army installation
Arizona native
Ancient Aegean land
Amount to
Almanac tidbit
24-hour broadcaster that keeps you up-to-date
'Win __, lose … '
'So long, Paulo!'
'Just in case' strategy
'Fun, Fun, Fun' car in a 1960s song