crosswords puzzle answers 04/07
crosswords puzzle answers 04/07
___-K crossword clue
___ voce (without dissent) crossword clue
World champion, e.g crossword clue
Word with press or mess crossword clue
Wood in some closets crossword clue
Trite crossword clue
Tremendous piece of work crossword clue
Trade blows crossword clue
Tennis great Ivanisevic crossword clue
Summer refresher crossword clue
Subways crossword clue
Subject of early genetic study crossword clue
Stout, maybe crossword clue
Still-life object crossword clue
Still-life object crossword clue
Spoke like Gollum in 'The Lord of the Rings' crossword clue
Speechless, perhaps crossword clue
Something one might do after an embarrassing loss crossword clue
Something a bug might produce crossword clue
Small, medium or large: Abbr crossword clue
Small protuberance crossword clue
Singer with the 2017 Album of the Year '24K Magic' [planets] crossword clue
Showstopper, literally crossword clue
Shock dispenser crossword clue
Setting for a popular show [dimensions] crossword clue
Scoffing look crossword clue
Renée Fleming performance crossword clue
Remote things? crossword clue
Ran gracefully crossword clue
Plants also known as ladies' fingers crossword clue
Peace sign crossword clue
Pac-12 athlete crossword clue
Out of whack crossword clue
Opposite of paleo- crossword clue
Notwithstanding crossword clue
Netflix transmission crossword clue
Motrin alternative crossword clue
Massachusetts' Cape ___ crossword clue
Male swan crossword clue
Macbeth's Scottish burial isle crossword clue
Like some vin crossword clue
Letter before Peter in a phonetic alphabet crossword clue
Kids' road trip game crossword clue
John or son Julian crossword clue
Interterminal transport crossword clue
Indian state that exports tea crossword clue
Identifications on left-hand pages, traditionally [the Bible] crossword clue
Hillary Clinton's maiden name crossword clue
Hanoi holiday crossword clue
Handle crossword clue
Grade sch. class crossword clue
Govt. debt instrument crossword clue
Goddess who captured Orion, in Greek myth crossword clue
Gobs crossword clue
Food item ordered at a bar crossword clue
Dirty, as tricks crossword clue
Didn't leave after everyone else left crossword clue
Device sold with earbuds crossword clue
Destroy, as an opponent crossword clue
Dense megalopolis that includes Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou [Greek alphabet] crossword clue
Cut, as ties crossword clue
Cousin of an épée crossword clue
County prosecutors, for short crossword clue
Come to fruition crossword clue
Bygone anesthetic crossword clue
Bruce or son Brandon crossword clue
Bring out of the closet? crossword clue
Blue expanse crossword clue
Away from the wind crossword clue
Apropos crossword clue
Annual greeting … or a hint to the ends of 17-, 26-, 39- and 48-Across crossword clue
'___ be surprised' crossword clue
'Stop! You'll be sorry!' crossword clue
'Oh, hogwash!' crossword clue
'Money ___ object' crossword clue
'It's not my first ___' crossword clue
___ voce (without dissent)
World champion, e.g
Word with press or mess
Wood in some closets
Tremendous piece of work
Trade blows
Tennis great Ivanisevic
Summer refresher
Subject of early genetic study
Stout, maybe
Still-life object
Still-life object
Spoke like Gollum in 'The Lord of the Rings'
Speechless, perhaps
Something one might do after an embarrassing loss
Something a bug might produce
Small, medium or large: Abbr
Small protuberance
Singer with the 2017 Album of the Year '24K Magic' [planets]
Showstopper, literally
Shock dispenser
Setting for a popular show [dimensions]
Scoffing look
Renée Fleming performance
Remote things?
Ran gracefully
Plants also known as ladies' fingers
Peace sign
Pac-12 athlete
Out of whack
Opposite of paleo-
Netflix transmission
Motrin alternative
Massachusetts' Cape ___
Male swan
Macbeth's Scottish burial isle
Like some vin
Letter before Peter in a phonetic alphabet
Kids' road trip game
John or son Julian
Interterminal transport
Indian state that exports tea
Identifications on left-hand pages, traditionally [the Bible]
Hillary Clinton's maiden name
Hanoi holiday
Grade sch. class
Govt. debt instrument
Goddess who captured Orion, in Greek myth
Food item ordered at a bar
Dirty, as tricks
Didn't leave after everyone else left
Device sold with earbuds
Destroy, as an opponent
Dense megalopolis that includes Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou [Greek alphabet]
Cut, as ties
Cousin of an épée
County prosecutors, for short
Come to fruition
Bygone anesthetic
Bruce or son Brandon
Bring out of the closet?
Blue expanse
Away from the wind
Annual greeting … or a hint to the ends of 17-, 26-, 39- and 48-Across
'___ be surprised'
'Stop! You'll be sorry!'
'Oh, hogwash!'
'Money ___ object'
'It's not my first ___'
Worker getting steamed? crossword clue
With all the extras crossword clue
Wine room crossword clue
Water navigator crossword clue
Vinegary crossword clue
Venice thoroughfare crossword clue
Uncover, as information crossword clue
Ultimatum close crossword clue
Tried to lose a few crossword clue
To boot crossword clue
Tidal bore crossword clue
Three strikes = out, e.g crossword clue
Things for surgeons crossword clue
Tennis great Agassi crossword clue
Taunting comment crossword clue
Super easy victory crossword clue
Spread rumors crossword clue
Spoken crossword clue
Source of brown fur crossword clue
Some grades crossword clue
Snoring under sheets crossword clue
Sights from the back row? crossword clue
Sea creature's breather crossword clue
Ruling division? crossword clue
Ristorante intoxicator crossword clue
Regularly done thing crossword clue
Rate?%82? of?%82? flow of energy crossword clue
Pretend not to see crossword clue
Paper on the house? crossword clue
Paper connector crossword clue
One of the 'Two Women' crossword clue
Nanny in China crossword clue
Mixture or medley crossword clue
Mercy from a judge crossword clue
Makes forbidden crossword clue
Make corrections to crossword clue
Loaf heels, really crossword clue
Like snow leopards crossword clue
Like sandpaper crossword clue
Like easy riddles crossword clue
Letters of inflation crossword clue
Isolated spot of land crossword clue
Iowa city crossword clue
Horned creature crossword clue
Historic time crossword clue
Hilton rival crossword clue
Highlands language crossword clue
Have no reception? crossword clue
Handy type of bar? crossword clue
Grad crossword clue
Get even crossword clue
Gecko kin crossword clue
Gala participants, briefly crossword clue
From the top crossword clue
French ___ (South American department) crossword clue
Frankenstein's flunky crossword clue
Foot of a poet crossword clue
Firefighter's tool crossword clue
Fancy whoop-de-do crossword clue
El ___ (Spanish hero) crossword clue
Drink size crossword clue
Doorway header crossword clue
Discharged soldier crossword clue
Delmarva Shorebirds, e.g crossword clue
Cruise workers crossword clue
Condescend crossword clue
Campus bigwig crossword clue
Brown or white stuff crossword clue
Bottled water brand crossword clue
Bacteria-ridden crossword clue
Any liner crossword clue
Airport area crossword clue
Acceptable to eat crossword clue
'Great' African crossword clue
'Circle' prefix crossword clue
'Ah, man. Me again?' crossword clue
Worker getting steamed?
With all the extras
Wine room
Water navigator
Venice thoroughfare
Uncover, as information
Ultimatum close
Tried to lose a few
To boot
Tidal bore
Three strikes = out, e.g
Things for surgeons
Tennis great Agassi
Taunting comment
Super easy victory
Spread rumors
Source of brown fur
Some grades
Snoring under sheets
Sights from the back row?
Sea creature's breather
Ruling division?
Ristorante intoxicator
Regularly done thing
Rate?%82? of?%82? flow of energy
Pretend not to see
Paper on the house?
Paper connector
One of the 'Two Women'
Nanny in China
Mixture or medley
Mercy from a judge
Makes forbidden
Make corrections to
Loaf heels, really
Like snow leopards
Like sandpaper
Like easy riddles
Letters of inflation
Isolated spot of land
Iowa city
Horned creature
Historic time
Hilton rival
Highlands language
Have no reception?
Handy type of bar?
Get even
Gecko kin
Gala participants, briefly
From the top
French ___ (South American department)
Frankenstein's flunky
Foot of a poet
Firefighter's tool
Fancy whoop-de-do
El ___ (Spanish hero)
Drink size
Doorway header
Discharged soldier
Delmarva Shorebirds, e.g
Cruise workers
Campus bigwig
Brown or white stuff
Bottled water brand
Any liner
Airport area
Acceptable to eat
'Great' African
'Circle' prefix
'Ah, man. Me again?'
Word after Krazy or Kit crossword clue
Wing measures crossword clue
Wild thing crossword clue
Treat with disdain crossword clue
Tram loads crossword clue
Toon pooch ___ Doggie crossword clue
Tool with a point crossword clue
Took a board game turn crossword clue
Stone for many a Libra crossword clue
Steinbeck migrant crossword clue
Spot on a die crossword clue
Specialty of some 'doctors' crossword clue
Sinks in the middle crossword clue
Shallowest Great Lake crossword clue
Schusser's way up crossword clue
School for toddlers, in brief crossword clue
Sand trap smoother crossword clue
Roughly 30 percent of Africa crossword clue
Response to 'Thanks' crossword clue
Response to 'Thanks' crossword clue
Response to 'Thanks' crossword clue
Response to 'Thanks' crossword clue
Prohibition-era agent crossword clue
Pre-internet messages crossword clue
Prayers' beads crossword clue
Practice for a bout crossword clue
Place to wallow crossword clue
Pathfinder org crossword clue
Outfield-to-home throw crossword clue
Out on a limb, maybe crossword clue
Out of gas, so to speak crossword clue
Org. with top-secret documents crossword clue
Org. with a noted journal crossword clue
Offers a la Shylock crossword clue
Narcotic-yielding leaf crossword clue
MRI image crossword clue
Mireille of 'The Catch' crossword clue
Lunchtime, for many crossword clue
Like an eagle's eyesight crossword clue
Kendrick Lamar's genre crossword clue
In the midst of, poetically crossword clue
In need of an analgesic crossword clue
Hip, in the '60s crossword clue
Highly collectible crossword clue
Harper's Weekly caricaturist crossword clue
Harden, as concrete crossword clue
Hannity of Fox News crossword clue
Google co-founder Larry crossword clue
Ghana's capital crossword clue
Get the better of crossword clue
Gave the evil eye crossword clue
Garden store buy crossword clue
From the top crossword clue
Fish story crossword clue
Feelin' Fresh cosmetics company crossword clue
Eject, as lava crossword clue
Editor's workplace crossword clue
Drum kit part crossword clue
Drop from a list crossword clue
Dog with a Walk of Fame star crossword clue
Divas often have big ones crossword clue
Dirty, cluttered place crossword clue
Digestive catalyst crossword clue
Devotion to a cause crossword clue
Deceptive practices crossword clue
Dances with hand movements crossword clue
Cover with flagstone, say crossword clue
Cop's cruiser, in old slang crossword clue
Competitive event in a pool crossword clue
Chrysler Building's style, briefly crossword clue
Carrier of pre-internet messages crossword clue
A cappella group member crossword clue
'Roots' or 'Spartacus' crossword clue
'Peter Gunn' guitarist Duane crossword clue
'My Way' lyricist Paul crossword clue
'Fanny' novelist Jong crossword clue
'Anti-art' movement crossword clue
"Nuff ___!' crossword clue
Word after Krazy or Kit
Wing measures
Wild thing
Treat with disdain
Tram loads
Toon pooch ___ Doggie
Tool with a point
Took a board game turn
Stone for many a Libra
Steinbeck migrant
Spot on a die
Specialty of some 'doctors'
Sinks in the middle
Shallowest Great Lake
Schusser's way up
School for toddlers, in brief
Sand trap smoother
Roughly 30 percent of Africa
Response to 'Thanks'
Response to 'Thanks'
Response to 'Thanks'
Response to 'Thanks'
Prohibition-era agent
Pre-internet messages
Prayers' beads
Practice for a bout
Place to wallow
Pathfinder org
Outfield-to-home throw
Out on a limb, maybe
Out of gas, so to speak
Org. with top-secret documents
Org. with a noted journal
Offers a la Shylock
Narcotic-yielding leaf
MRI image
Mireille of 'The Catch'
Lunchtime, for many
Like an eagle's eyesight
Kendrick Lamar's genre
In the midst of, poetically
In need of an analgesic
Hip, in the '60s
Highly collectible
Harper's Weekly caricaturist
Harden, as concrete
Hannity of Fox News
Google co-founder Larry
Ghana's capital
Get the better of
Gave the evil eye
Garden store buy
From the top
Fish story
Feelin' Fresh cosmetics company
Eject, as lava
Editor's workplace
Drum kit part
Drop from a list
Dog with a Walk of Fame star
Divas often have big ones
Dirty, cluttered place
Digestive catalyst
Devotion to a cause
Deceptive practices
Dances with hand movements
Cover with flagstone, say
Cop's cruiser, in old slang
Competitive event in a pool
Chrysler Building's style, briefly
Carrier of pre-internet messages
A cappella group member
'Roots' or 'Spartacus'
'Peter Gunn' guitarist Duane
'My Way' lyricist Paul
'Fanny' novelist Jong
'Anti-art' movement
"Nuff ___!'
Word from the German for "substitute" crossword clue
Without harm crossword clue
Up to one's ankles, perhaps crossword clue
Training metaphor crossword clue
They're handmade crossword clue
They're depicted on New Zealand dollars crossword clue
They run more than three hours for seniors crossword clue
They often run about an hour crossword clue
Sort of admission fee crossword clue
Settle in for the night crossword clue
Pack __ crossword clue
Overnight acronym crossword clue
Opinion piece crossword clue
Nipper crossword clue
Medal-worthy crossword clue
Loopy product crossword clue
Liam's industrialist crossword clue
Key of the 007 theme crossword clue
It can sound like a long time ago crossword clue
Heavy metal brackets crossword clue
Half of a good-and-evil pair crossword clue
Film with Chris Rock as a mosquito crossword clue
Fast-spreading fad crossword clue
Extremely extended stretch crossword clue
Extends an appointment for crossword clue
Doesn't have crossword clue
Director coworker crossword clue
Complaining copiously crossword clue
Comparatively intense crossword clue
Bermuda, essentially crossword clue
Apt rhyme for "abide" crossword clue
A number for December crossword clue
"__ Land" (2018 book on particle physics) crossword clue
"Just because" fun crossword clue
Word from the German for "substitute"
Without harm
Up to one's ankles, perhaps
Training metaphor
They're handmade
They're depicted on New Zealand dollars
They run more than three hours for seniors
They often run about an hour
Sort of admission fee
Settle in for the night
Pack __
Overnight acronym
Opinion piece
Loopy product
Liam's industrialist
Key of the 007 theme
It can sound like a long time ago
Heavy metal brackets
Half of a good-and-evil pair
Film with Chris Rock as a mosquito
Fast-spreading fad
Extremely extended stretch
Extends an appointment for
Doesn't have
Director coworker
Complaining copiously
Comparatively intense
Bermuda, essentially
Apt rhyme for "abide"
A number for December
"__ Land" (2018 book on particle physics)
"Just because" fun
__ Major: constellation crossword clue
Wilson of 'Father Figures' crossword clue
Wildly enthusiastic (over) crossword clue
Unlikely to become overwrought crossword clue
Thoughtful crossword clue
They're 'presented' in 20-, 28- and 46-Across crossword clue
Surmounting crossword clue
Summer on the Seine crossword clue
Sugar suffix crossword clue
Sue Grafton's '__ for Lawless' crossword clue
Stillwater sch crossword clue
Sprint, e.g crossword clue
Soup or salad crossword clue
Sci. course crossword clue
Sch. term crossword clue
Sales rep's aid crossword clue
Safety org. with 'Travel Tips' blog posts crossword clue
Run crossword clue
River of central Germany crossword clue
Quit working crossword clue
Quasimodo creator crossword clue
Place for a panel crossword clue
Picket fence piece crossword clue
Part of HMS crossword clue
Paddock sounds crossword clue
Org. providing creature comfort? crossword clue
Muckety-muck crossword clue
Moved like a dust devil crossword clue
Martinique, par exemple crossword clue
Mai tai liqueur crossword clue
LP's 33 1/3 crossword clue
Lose one's cool crossword clue
Like fish in ceviche crossword clue
Like a McJob, typically crossword clue
Leave the firm to work solo crossword clue
Last chance to catch a live show crossword clue
Landing hr. calculation crossword clue
Khaki kin crossword clue
Isr. neighbor crossword clue
Iowa college city crossword clue
In the past crossword clue
How food may be salted crossword clue
Head, in Le Havre crossword clue
Ground corn, e.g crossword clue
GPS lines crossword clue
Fragrant compound crossword clue
Four-page sheet crossword clue
Fitting crossword clue
First-stringers crossword clue
First name in American poetry crossword clue
Error crossword clue
Door holder's words crossword clue
Coast Guard pickup crossword clue
Chicago-to-Chattanooga dir crossword clue
Chemistry lab fluids crossword clue
Bearded critter crossword clue
Baseball legend Mel crossword clue
Author Joyce Carol __ crossword clue
Austen novel crossword clue
Arctic deer crossword clue
Arabic for 'peace' crossword clue
Andalusian city crossword clue
Ancient underground tunnel crossword clue
All-in-one Apple desktop crossword clue
Adoptee from the 38-Across, perhaps crossword clue
Absorb, with 'up' crossword clue
'What a terrifying experience!' crossword clue
'This is serious!' crossword clue
'There is __ in the affairs of men': Brutus crossword clue
'The Tell-Tale Heart' author crossword clue
'Poems are made by fools like me' poem crossword clue
'Love to everyone!' crossword clue
'Gray's Anatomy,' for one crossword clue
'Cats' monogram crossword clue
__ Major: constellation
Wilson of 'Father Figures'
Wildly enthusiastic (over)
Unlikely to become overwrought
They're 'presented' in 20-, 28- and 46-Across
Summer on the Seine
Sugar suffix
Sue Grafton's '__ for Lawless'
Stillwater sch
Sprint, e.g
Soup or salad
Sci. course
Sch. term
Sales rep's aid
Safety org. with 'Travel Tips' blog posts
River of central Germany
Quit working
Quasimodo creator
Place for a panel
Picket fence piece
Part of HMS
Paddock sounds
Org. providing creature comfort?
Moved like a dust devil
Martinique, par exemple
Mai tai liqueur
LP's 33 1/3
Lose one's cool
Like fish in ceviche
Like a McJob, typically
Leave the firm to work solo
Last chance to catch a live show
Landing hr. calculation
Khaki kin
Isr. neighbor
Iowa college city
In the past
How food may be salted
Head, in Le Havre
Ground corn, e.g
GPS lines
Fragrant compound
Four-page sheet
First name in American poetry
Door holder's words
Coast Guard pickup
Chicago-to-Chattanooga dir
Chemistry lab fluids
Bearded critter
Baseball legend Mel
Author Joyce Carol __
Austen novel
Arctic deer
Arabic for 'peace'
Andalusian city
Ancient underground tunnel
All-in-one Apple desktop
Adoptee from the 38-Across, perhaps
Absorb, with 'up'
'What a terrifying experience!'
'This is serious!'
'There is __ in the affairs of men': Brutus
'The Tell-Tale Heart' author
'Poems are made by fools like me' poem
'Love to everyone!'
'Gray's Anatomy,' for one
'Cats' monogram